Title: D6+ADO+MS.SS = D6+ADO+Oracle ????
Question: This a question and not a solution. But read further.....
My best selling app. runs like a fox (yes, the brown one) as Delphi 6 + ADO + MS Sql Server application. But next week I will have to install it with an Oracle back-end.
My first Oracle installation.
Who can give me some advice me what I have to do to migrate from MS Sql Server to Oracle?
I suppose adapting the udl file is not sufficient.
I heared something about table ownership and Oracle, but I hope it is not true that you have to hardcode the owner if you want to use Oracle.
I know that a part of the D3K Community will jump on me ('this is no .... etc.) but nothing is written about this on D3K and the comments and advices could be as useful then a 'normal' article.
Tx & Regards
Hans Pieters