Title: How do I quickly find data in a dbGrid?
If you are using tables and a RDBMS like interbase there is a work around.
Imagine you need to edit a table and need fast search capability. This example assumes that you have Local Interbase installed.
Drop a TDatabase, a table, dbGrid, datasource, a label and an editbox on a form
Set the databaseName to dbxx and Aliasname to IBLOCAL
Set the table properties:
DatabaseName = dbxx
Name = Customer
IndexFieldNames = cust_no;country (sepeperate the field names by ;)
Connect the datasource to the table, and the dbgrid to the datasource
call the editbox edtSearch and the label lblsearch
The events that needed are: OnTitleClick for the dbgrid, formcreate and onchange for the editbox
This way clicking on the title and using the editbox, the cursor will jump to the nearest match in the grid.
the code is listed below
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
lblSearch.Caption := 'search on CustNo';
procedure TForm1.DBGrid1TitleClick(Column: TColumn);
table1.IndexFieldNames := column.FieldName;
lblsearch.Caption := ' search on ' + column.Title.Caption;
procedure TForm1.edtSearchChange(Sender: TObject);
if (edtSearch.Text '') then
try table1.FindNearest([edtSearch.text]);
on EDatabaseError do;
on EConvertError do;
This works very well with interbase on all fields and I think with other RDBMS (sql-server etc.) For desktop databases (access, paradox) it will only work if indexes are placed on the table.
Clicking on a non-indexed field will give an error message that there is no index for the field.
Queries unfortunately don't have the IndexFieldName property