ADO Database Delphi

I have a Table, assume paradox but the issue is the same with all
tables, and one of the fields is a DATE field. I get to the date
field by using TDataSet.FieldByName ("MyDateField").AsString
I read the string into a AnsiString and then create the TDateTime
with the AnsiString (TDateTime dt (AnsiString)). then I decode
the TDateTime to change the year to something in the 2000 and
then set it back to the dataset using
The field is then not set to the 2000 year but back to the 1900
year. What the heck is the problem. Is TDateTime not year
2000 compliant?
No, TDateTime is absolutely year 2000 complient. The problem
is that you are setting the field as a string and something is being
lost in the process. What you need to do is read in the
TDateTime as a TDateTime by using a TDateField or a
TDateTimeField. Instead of this:
AnsiString as = DataSet->FieldByName ("FieldName")->AsString;
TDateTime dt (as, TDateTime::Date);
short int y, m, d;
dt.DecodeDate (&y, &d, &y);
y = 2001;
TDateTime dt2 (y, m, d);
DateSet->Edit ();
DataSet->FieldByName ("FieldName")->AsString = dt2.DateString();
Do this:
TDateField *df = (TDateField*)DataSet->FieldByName ("FieldName");
TDateTime dt = df->AsDateTime;
short int y, m, d;
dt.DecodeDate (&y, &d, &y);
y = 2001;
TDateTime dt2 (y, m, d);
DateSet->Edit ();
df->AsDateTime = dt2;
It will now work fine.