Examples Delphi

>I need to set the application system modal, so the system is
>still secure while allowing anyone to access the program.
Ok, in light of this, here's a couple of suggestions:
a) Create a form that consumes the screen (presumably 640x480) without any
icons (maximize, minimize, system).
b) In the FormDeactivate handler for the form, call the setFocus method as
follows - this will disable Ctrl-Esc:
c) In the FormActivate, you must assign the Deactivate method to the
application as follows:
Application.onDeactivate := FormDeactivate;
d) Create a popup menu with one item. The properties for the item must
include Visible ->False. Create a function for the single item and have it do
something trivial (x := 1) to prevent the code from being stripped by Delphi.
e) Assign the Popup menu to the form using the Popupmenu property.
f) Create a shortcut for the popup menu in the FormActivate method as follows:
NullItem1.shortcut := ShortCut(VK_Tab, [ssAlt]);
(Note: NullItem1 should be replaced by the menu item you created).
Steps d, e, and f disable Alt-Tab.