Examples Delphi

Tlzrw1 : compression component with LZH and LZRW1/KH compression
Version 1.01.00 : Danny Heijl (Danny.Heijl@cevi.be)
The LZH and LZRW1/KH routines are from the SWAG.
They are basically unchanged, I only added exceptions
and some cosmetic changes to the code, and added 32 bit support.
Version 1.01.01 :
May 97 :
1. Corrected a bug in the LZRW1/KH compression discovererd by
Domionque Willems (Domus@compuserve.com).
2. Added a Delphi help File, and a HTML description file
Version 2.00.00 :
25 May 1997 (stefan.westner@stud.uni-bamberg.de)
Code for using a Stream instead of a File added by Stefan Westner.
30 May 1997 (danny.heijl@cevi.be)
I removed the Seeks to the beginning of the stream (except in auto guess)
and the Clear call, so that you can use TFilestream with more freedom,
or THandleStream.
I also changed all string literals to const's so you can translate them more easily.
(Should be made into resourcestrings for D3).
18 July 1997 (danny.heijl@cevi.be)
Added a "Threshold" property that specifies the compression ratio for the Advise function
(and for compression with "auto" compression-mode).
file name : tlzrw1.zip
replaces : tlzrw1.zip
file version : 2.00
file description: freeware file compression/decompression component with source
target : Delphi 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
author name : Danny Heijl (Danny.Heijl@cevi.be)
author URL : http://www.cevi.be/pp/danny/dhe.htm
file status : freeware
full source : included
category : compression component
Installation instructions :
1. copy compon\*.* to your component directory
16 bit : install tlzrw116.pas in your component library
32 bit : install tlzrw132.pas in your component library
3. rebuild the component library.
From this moment on you can excercize the test application compressp.dpr.
Or you can play with "tlzrw1" yourself.
Tlzrw1 presents itself as a panel that shows compression/decompression
progress if you set it's Visible proprty to True.
Properties :
compressmode : good (LZH, slow), fast (LZRW1/KH) or auto (takes a sample and chooses).
Methods :
advise : returns good or fast compressmode for inputfile