Examples Delphi

Use the following piece of code for this.
Note: You may trigger the menu open event and enable/ disable the
copy/ paste menu items depending on the type of control that is active.

procedure CopyButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
if ActiveControl is TMemo then TMemo(ActiveControl).CopyToClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TDBMemo then TDBMemo(ActiveControl).CopyToClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TEdit then TEdit(ActiveControl).CopyToClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TDBedit then TDBedit(ActiveControl).CopyToClipboard;

procedure PasteButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
if ActiveControl is TMemo then TMemo(ActiveControl).PasteFromClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TDBMemo then TDBMemo(ActiveControl).PasteFromClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TEdit then TEdit(ActiveControl).PasteFromClipboard;
if ActiveControl is TDBedit then TDBedit(ActiveControl).PasteFromClipboard;