Examples Delphi

The Borland Object Pascal Reference Guide is
a good place to start...
for good tips n tricks on Delphi OOP programming
check out the tips and tricks at
(Brendan Delumpa's Delphi corner)
see also CreateDIYObject.txt (in this directory)
There is a book I recently purchased and found to be a very good book:
The Tao of Objects
It's not specific to Delphi but does include Pascal source code in most of
his examples.
It's a very good book that will help you learn the ins and outs of class
a new book, "Object Pascal with Delphi" by Warren Rachele is now
available. Even though I'd been coding in OP for a number of years now,
this book contained useful information for me. And as one who learns via
self-study, I found this book to be excellent!