You can very simply play WAV files using the sndPlaySound
function in the MMSYSTEM.DLL library. The tricky bit is in
passing the filename to the function, which requires a
null-terminated string. The little routine below converts
the filename to an array of characters, which sndPlaySound
is happy with.
Freeware, have fun!
Add 'MMSystem' to Uses.
Add 'procedure PlaySound(WavFileName: String);' to declarations.
Add the code below to Implementation.
procedure MyForm.PlaySound(WavFileName: String);
s: Array[0..79] of char;
{Convert filename to a null-terminated string}
StrPCopy(s, WavFileName);
{Play the sound asynchronously}
sndPlaySound(s, 0); {see mmsystem.hlp for other values}