Developing SourceCoder, I ran into a situation where QuickReports previews showed up with buttons that did not have glyphs (bitmaps).
Solution (work around):
I had the QuickReports Professional installed on a network drive m:\quickrep\..
and additionally a copy on my local drive c:\delphi3\quickrep\..
The directory structure and the files below that were identical.
In my Delphi IDE I had installed the packages from c:\delphi3\quickrep\..
When I compiled from the IDE it would use this directory.
Everything worked fine that way.
In my compile batch which I use for releasing a new version, it picked the code from the network drive.
This caused the linker somehow to not integrate the resource file "quickrpt.res".
This resource file contains the button glyphs which are loaded at runtime in QrPrev.pas.
I replaced the package in the IDE with the one from drive M: and magically
the command line compiler/ linker does it properly.
No idea how that really works..