Examples Delphi

Title: Removing blocks of text
Question: Never needed to remove blocks of text delimited by words or placeholders from a text? Or comments, included in brakets, from a string? Here is a usefull function that does that.
Just use this function to remove text between round brackets, or specify a different start/end placeholder to remove what you nees.
Function RemoveBlocks( Value : String; BeginWidth : String = '('; EndWith : String = ')' ) : String;
BeginPoint : Integer;
EndPoint : Integer;
BeginPoint := Pos( BeginWith, Value );
EndPoint := Pos( EndWith, Value );
While ( ( BeginPoint 0 ) And ( EndPoint BeginPoint ) ) Do Begin
Delete( Value, BeginPoint, ( EndPoint - BeginPoint + 1 ) );
BeginPoint := Pos( BeginWith, Value );
EndPoint := Pos( EndWith, Value );
Result := Value;
For example, you can remove all paragraphs in a HTML source just using this:
MyHTML := RemoveBlocks( MyHTML, '', '' );
You can also improve the function by adding a "case-insensitive" function with something like this:
Function RemoveBlocks( Value : String; BeginWidth : String = '('; EndWith : String = ')' ) : String;
BeginPoint : Integer;
EndPoint : Integer;
BeginWith := LowerCase( BeginWith );
EndWith := LowerCase( EndWith );
BeginPoint := Pos( BeginWith, LowerCase( Value ) );
EndPoint := Pos( EndWith, LowerCase( Value ) );
While ( ( BeginPoint 0 ) And ( EndPoint BeginPoint ) ) Do Begin
Delete( Value, BeginPoint, ( EndPoint - BeginPoint + 1 ) );
BeginPoint := Pos( BeginWith, LowerCase( Value ) );
EndPoint := Pos( EndWith, LowerCase( Value ) );
Result := Value;