Files Delphi

Title: Search for a File in a Tree
Question: In article (ID 2358) by Adam Lanzafame he explains how to search for a file in a tree by using imagehlp.dll. This worked for most files, but seems to fail when searching for a file that lives in the windows directory (in W2000 anyway). Try searching for actmovie.exe, which resides in .\WinNt\system32. I get nothing returned. The function call is useful though, so I decided to implement it using native Delphi code.
The function SearchTree takes parms
AStartDir : string (where to start search eg. 'C:\')
AFileToFind : string (file name to find)
The function returns full path/filename if found and '' if not.
// ==================================================
// Recursive Search for a file starting in AStartDir
// Result is FULL Path/Filename if found
// else NULLSTR is returned.
// ==================================================
function SearchTree(const AStartDir,AFileToFind : string) : string;
var sResult : string;
// Recursive Dir Search
procedure _SearchDir(const ADirPath : string);
var rDirInfo : TSearchRec;
sDirPath : string;
sDirPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ADirPath);
if FindFirst(sDirPath + '*.*',faAnyFile,rDirInfo) = 0 then begin
// First find is a match ?
if SameText(rDirInfo.Name,AFileToFind) then
sResult := sDirPath + rDirInfo.Name;
// Traverse Starting Path
while (sResult = GENERAL_NULLSTR) and (FindNext(rDirInfo) = 0) do begin
if SameText(rDirInfo.Name,AFileToFind) then
sResult := sDirPath + rDirInfo.Name
// Recurse Directorty ?
if (rDirInfo.Name '.') and (rDirInfo.Name '..') and
((rDirInfo.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) then
_SearchDir(sDirPath + rDirInfo.Name);
// SearchTree
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
sResult := '';
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
Result := sResult;