Forms Delphi

Title: change the date format?
Folgende Variablen sind in Delphi vordefiniert:
- DateSeparator
- ShortDateFormat
- LongDateFormat;
- ShortMonthNames;
- LongMonthNames;
- ShortDayNames;
- LongDayNames;
The following variables are predefined in delphi:
- DateSeparator
- ShortDateFormat
- LongDateFormat;
- ShortMonthNames;
- LongMonthNames;
- ShortDayNames;
- LongDayNames;
// Change date format
// Datumsformat wechseln
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
DateSeparator := '.';
ShortDateFormat := '';
LongDateFormat := 'dddd, dd.mmmm.yyyy';
// Get day and month names
// Tagesnamen und Monatsnamen auslesen
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
{shows the short and long month name of month number 11}
ShowMessage(ShortMonthNames[11] + ' - ' + LongMonthNames[11]);
{shows the short and long day name of day number 6}
ShowMessage(ShortDayNames[5] + ' - ' + LongDayNames[5]);