Title: DateTimePicker Format
Question: How can I format the date in a datetimepicker ?
ever wonder why the DateTimePicker in the VB has a date format,
while in Delphi, it does not !! NO PROBLEM..
Place a Datetimepicker component in your form , and use the unit "Commctrl".
Then Try this code:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
DFormat : String;
DFormat := 'dd-MM-yyyy'; // BE CAREFULL: the "MM" should be capital letters
DateTimePicker1.Perform ( DTM_SETFORMAT , DWORD(NIL) , DWORD(DFormat) );
// Try these formats:
DFormat := 'dd-MMM-yyyy';
DFormat := 'dd-MMMM-yyyy';
DFormat := 'dd-MMMM-yyyy';
DFormat := 'HH:mm';
DFormat := 'hh:mm tt';
DFormat := 'dd-MMM-yyyy';
DFormat := 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm';
// NOTE: This code was tested on deplhi 4, Windows NT workstation 4