Title: How to Drop Multiple Instances of a Component on a Delphi Form
When designing your application interface, you generally add several components from the Component/Tool Palette on a form and set their properties.
To add a component to an open form, double-click it, then set its properties and code its event handlers.
More than one Button, please!
In complex designs, where you need to place several instances of the same component on a form, you might want to speed the process of adding component:
Locate the component on the component / tool palette,
Hold down the Shift key and click on the component,
Let go the Shift key,
Repeatedly click on the form to place instances of the component. With each click you "drop" a new instance,
Click the arrow button on the tool palette when you are finished.
Note: if you just dropped 10 TLabel's - you can select all of them by holding the Shift key while clicking on every label. When all are selected, change the Font property for all the selected labels by simply editing the Font property using the Object Inspector.