LAN Web TCP Delphi

Title: How to check an Internet connection
Question: Often in an App that works with Internet you need to know is user connected to Internet or not? I think below is most flexible sotution
To make sure in this point you need to import InetIsOffline function from URL.DLL:
function InetIsOffline(Flag: Integer): Boolean; stdcall; external 'URL.DLL';
and then simply call this function in place you want to check connection status:
if InetIsOffline(0) then
ShowMessage('This computer is not connected to Internet!')
ShowMessage(You are connected to Internet!');
This function return TRUE if the local system isn't connected to Internet, or FALSE if it's connected or no attempt has been yet made to connect.
Variable Flag is ignored, so always use zero.
This DLL is usual installed on most computers. It is always installed on Win98 or comes with Internet Explorer 4 or later, Office 97 etc.
Read more on MSDN. Original: