This example shows you how to create a page and add it to a TTabbedNotebook at runtime and how to add controls to it. The code originates from Graham Mainwaring.
procedure AddPage;
btnNew : TButton;
NewPage: TTabPage;
wNumber: Word;
begin { AddPage }
// Create the new TTabPage object
NewPage := TTabPage.Create(Application);
// The page must be a child of the notebook
// Add text to the notebook's Pages property. This will cause
// the new page to be added as the last tab on the notebook
wNumber := TabbedNotebook1.Pages.Add('New Page');
TabbedNotebook1.PagesObjects[wNumber] := NewPage;
// The page needs controls on it; here's how to add one
btnNew := TButton.Create(Self);
with btnNew do
Top := 10;
Height := 30;
Width := 100;
Caption := 'OK'
end; { with btnNew }
end; { AddPage }