VCL Delphi

Title: Find (other) controls on a certain page of a TNotebook
Question: How can I find other/all controls on a certain page of a TNotebook?
Here is how: two different ways
-- one to find all controls on a page of a TNotebook
-- one to find other controls the a certain on a page of a TNotebook
procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
var b: byte;
function GetListOfControlsOnAGivenPageOfATNotebook(NoteBook: TNotebook; memo: TMemo; Page: byte): byte;
var w: byte;
for w := 0 to TPage(Notebook1.Controls[Page]).ControlCount - 1 do
with Notebook do
memo.Lines.Add ( TPage(Notebook1.Controls[Page]).Controls[w].Name );
result := TPage(Notebook1.Controls[Page]).ControlCount;
//function GetListOfControlsOnAGivenPageOfATNotebook(NoteBook: TNotebook; memo: TMemo; Page: byte): byte;
Memo_FoundItems.lines.Add('Number of controls on Page 0 of Notebook Notebook1: ' +
inttostr( GetListOfControlsOnAGivenPageOfATNotebook(Notebook1,Memo_FoundItems,0) ) );
//here: which other controls than Checkbox1 are on the part. page of Notebook1
for b := 0 to (sender as TCheckbox).Parent.ControlCount - 1 do
if (sender as TCheckbox).Parent.Controls[b].Name (sender as TCheckBox).Name
then Memo_FoundItems.Lines.Add ( (sender as TCheckbox).Parent.Controls[b].Name );