My application needs to update a few checkboxes and other controls but no events shall be fired by these changes. How can I prevent those OnClick() and other events?
Before you update the control(s), you need to ..
assign NIL to the event handler property for each control
then update the control
reassign the correct event handler - as shown in the code below.
If several controls share one event handler, it would be more elegant to have a boolean flag which you temporarily set to false and the event handler(s) would check this flag before they do anything.
procedure SetCheckBox(chk: TCheckBox; b: boolean);
NE: TNotifyEvent;
begin { SetCheckBox }
with chk do
NE := OnClick;
OnClick := nil;
Checked := b;
OnClick := NE
end; { with chk }
end; { SetCheckBox }