xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="600" height="500">
import mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange;
//The following text must be on a single line.
public var htmlData:String="This paragraph contains bold, italic, underlined, and bold italic underlined text.
a red t.
This a teal bold 12-pt. Verdana font with alignment set to right.
public function changeSelectionText():void {
//Get a TextRange with the selected text and find its length.
var sel:TextRange = rte1.selection;
var selLength:int = sel.endIndex - sel.beginIndex;
//Do the following only if the user made a selection.
if (selLength) {
//Display the selection size and font color, size, and family.
t1.text="Number of characters selected: " + String(selLength);
t1.text+="\n\nOriginal Font Family: " + sel.fontFamily;
t1.text+="\nOriginal Font Size: " + sel.fontSize;
t1.text+="\nOriginal Font Color: " + sel.color;
//Change font color, size, and family and replace selected text.
sel.text="This is replacement text. "
//Show the new font color, size, and family.
t1.text+="\n\nNew text length: " + String(sel.endIndex - sel.beginIndex);
t1.text+="\nNew Font Family: " + sel.fontFamily;
t1.text+="\nNew Font Size: " + sel.fontSize;
t1.text+="\nNew Font Color: " + sel.color;
height="100%" mouseUp="changeSelectionText()" />
width="300" height="180" />