<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
Simple Page
A localizable version of the above page.
<%@ Page Language="C#" UICulture="auto" %>
Localizable Page
Associate a resource file with the page.
All the resource files that you want to associate with a page must be added to a special folder named App_LocalResources.
You create the App_LocalResources folder in the same folder as the page that you want to localize.
You associate a resource file in the App_LocalResources folder with a particular page by using the following file naming convention:
page_name.[culture name].resx
For example, all the following resource files are associated with the LocalizablePage.aspx page:
The first resource file is the default resource file.
Finally, the third resource file name includes the neutral culture name es (Spanish).
If a user's preferred language is Spanish, but not Puerto Rican Spanish, then the contents of this resource file are loaded.
File: App_LocalResources\LocalizablePage.aspx.es.resx
Name Value
ClickHere ccc
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