Once you have created a Matcher, you will use its methods to do various pattern matching operations.
Matcher defines the following methods:
boolean matches( )
determines whether the character sequence matches the pattern. It returns true if the sequence and the pattern match, and false otherwise.
boolean find( )
To determine if a subsequence of the input sequence matches the pattern. It returns true if there is a matching subsequence and false otherwise. This method can be called repeatedly to find all matching subsequences.
String group( )
returns a string containing the last matching sequence by calling group( ).
int start( )
returns the index within the input sequence of the current match
int end( )
return the index past the end of the current match.
String replaceAll(String newStr)
replace all occurrences of a matching sequence with another sequence. The updated input sequence is returned as a string.
In general, a regular expression is comprised of normal characters, character classes, wildcard characters, and quantifiers.