The ObjectOutputStream class extends the OutputStream class and implements the ObjectOutput interface. It is responsible for writing objects to a stream.
A constructor of this class is
ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream outStream) throws IOException
outStream is the output stream to which serialized objects will be written.
void close( )
Closes the invoking stream.
void flush( )
Flushes the output buffers.
void write(byte buffer[ ])
Writes an array of bytes to the invoking stream.
void write(byte buffer[ ], int offset, int numBytes)
Writes a subrange of numBytes bytes from the array buffer, beginning at buffer[offset].
void write(int b)
Writes a single byte to the invoking stream. The byte written is the low-order byte of b.
void writeBoolean(boolean b)
Writes a boolean to the invoking stream.
void writeByte(int b)
Writes a byte to the invoking stream. The byte written is the low-order byte of b.
void writeBytes(String str)
Writes the bytes representing str to the invoking stream.
void writeChar(int c)
Writes a char to the invoking stream.
void writeChars(String str)
Writes the characters in str to the invoking stream.
void writeDouble(double d)
Writes a double to the invoking stream.
void writeFloat(float f )
Writes a float to the invoking stream.
void writeInt(int i)
Writes an int to the invoking stream.
void writeLong(long l)
Writes a long to the invoking stream.
final void writeObject(Object obj)
Writes obj to the invoking stream.
void writeShort(int i)
Writes a short to the invoking stream.
Revised from Open JDK source code
import java.util.Date;
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("t.tmp");
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
oos.writeObject(new Date());