In Java, there are six categories of operators.
Unary operators
Arithmetic operators
Relational and conditional operators
Shift and logical operators
Assignment operators
Other operators
Precedence Operator Description Association
1 ++,-- Postincrement, Postdecrement R -> L
2 ++,-- Preincrement, Predecrement R -> L
+,- Unary plus, unary minus R -> L
~ Bitwise compliment R -> L
! Boolean NOT R -> L
3 new Create object R -> L
(type) Type cast R -> L
4 *,/,% Multiplication, division, remainder L -> R
5 +,- Addition, subtraction L -> R
+ String concatenation L -> R
6 <<, >>, >>> Left shift, right shift, unsigned right shift L -> R
7 <, <=, >, >= L -> R
instanceof Type comparison L -> R
8 ==, != Value equality and inequality L -> R
==, != Reference equality and inequality L -> R
9 & Boolean AND L -> R
& Bitwise AND L -> R
10 ^ Boolean XOR L -> R
^ Bitwise XOR L -> R
11 | Boolean OR L -> R
| Bitwise OR L -> R
12 && Conditional AND L -> R
13 || Conditional OR L -> R
14 ?: Conditional Ternary Operator L -> R
15 =,+=,-=, Assignment Operators R -> L
*=,/ =,%=,
&=,^=, |=,
<<=, >> =,