To make this possible you must write inside your page:
Place inside your <HEAD></HEAD> HTML tag:
<HEAD> <script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.2.0.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Image.js"></script> </HEAD>
<script> euEnv.imageBasePath="js/"; var dock = new euDock(); //added from previous (simple fading images) tutorial dock.setAnimation(euMOUSE,0.3); //added from previous (simple) tutorial dock.setScreenAlign(euLEFT,0); dock.setBar({ top :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-u.png"}}, vertical :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-c-v.gif"}}, bottom :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-d.png"}}, left :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-l.png"}}, horizontal:{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-c-o.gif"}}, right :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-r.png"}} }); dock.setIconsOffset(1); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); </script>
MMMMM... It's a better idea to explain these functions:
<script> /* * This is useful for Internet Explorer PNG compatibility * "js/" is the euDock javascript basePath */ euEnv.imageBasePath="js/"; //In variable (dock) now there is an euDock object var dock = new euDock(); /* * (euDock object).setAnimation(type,venusHillWidth) * * align euDock to the screen borders * type : (euMOUSE,euICON) * : euMOUSE : the animation is relative to the mouse position * : euICON : the animation is relative to the mouse Over Icon position * * venusHillWidth : the distance of icons (animated) from the mouse pointer * : if -type- is: * : euMOUSE : the value must be between (0 and 1) * : (1 = all icons are animated) * : (0.5) (default) the hill is about 50% of the bar * : (0) only mouse over icon is zoomed * : euICON : the value must be numeric (0,1,2,3,4,5,...) * : is the number of icons zoomed near mouseOverIcon */ dock.setAnimation(euMOUSE,0.3); /* * (euDock object).setScreenAlign(align,offset) * * align euDock to the screen borders * align : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT) * offset : the distance between screen border and euDock */ dock.setScreenAlign(euLEFT,0); /* * To define (unnecessary) the background Dock Bar: * * (euDock object).setBar({ * top :[-(object definition for top background bar icon)-], * vertical :[-(object definition for center vertical background bar icon)-], * bottom :[-(object definition for right bottom bar icon)-], * left :[-(object definition for left background bar icon)-], * horizontal:[-(object definition for center horizontal background bar icon)-], * right :[-(object definition for right background bar icon)-] * * (In this case -left- -horizontal- -right- parameters are not useful * but you can use them without problems or if you want a mobile bar) * * euImage is the euImage Object inside the "euDock.Image.js" script * the common constructor is: * * {euImage:{image:[-(image name)-]}} */ dock.setBar({ top :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-u.png"}}, vertical :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-c-v.gif"}}, bottom :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-d.png"}}, left :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-l.png"}}, horizontal:{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-c-o.gif"}}, right :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-r.png"}} }); /* * (unnecessary) * * (euDock object).setIconsOffset(offset); * * offset:the distance between base align bar and the base align icons * default is 0 */ dock.setIconsOffset(1); /* * (unnecessary)(if you want to see nothing of course) * * (euDock object).addIcon(arrayOfObjects,iconParameters); * * arrayOfObjects : in this case there is an euImage array of 1 element * iconParameters : "link" is the url where you want to go */ dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/cube.png"}}), {link:""}); /* * Repeat the last command if you want more icons */ </script>