[DOM Tooltip] Example 3: Styled Tooltips (nicetitles style)
Example 3: Styled Tooltips
The third example demonstrates how easily DOM Tooltips can duplicate the styles of other tooltips found around the web. The first link uses the default overlib style and appears without a delay. The second link adds an auto-generated caption to the tooltip and only trails the mouse on the 'x' axis. Getting a bit more fancy, the third link uses the more stylish nicetitles style, using a calculated position and XHTML in the content rather than just plain text.*
i.e. http://blog.codefront.net
', 'styleClass', 'niceTitle', 'x', this.offsetLeft + 5, 'y', this.offsetTop + 5);">nicetitles style
* The nicetitle style is taking advantage of the transparency and curved border style provided in some of the newer browsers, such as Mozilla, to add to the sleak look. These settings will not be visible in all browsers.
domTT.zip( 45 k)