<script type="text/javascript">
// Create an OS3Grid instance
var g = new OS3Grid ();
// Grid Headers are the grid column names
g.set_headers ( 'nick', 'Name', 'Surname', 'E-Mail Address' );
// If contents is bigger than container, Grid will automatically show scrollbars
g.set_scrollbars ( true );
// The grid will have a solid border (these are CSS attributes)
g.set_border ( 1, "solid", "#cccccc" );
// Now, we add some rows to the grid
g.add_row ( 'fsoft', 'Fabio', 'Rotondo', 'fsoft (@) sourceforge (dot) net' );
g.add_row ( 'john', 'John', 'Bustone', 'jbust (@) somewhere (dot) net' );
g.add_row ( 'mkey', 'Mark', 'Key', 'mkey (@) okay (dot) net' );
g.add_row ( 'jdoe', 'John', 'Doe', 'redbull (@) batman (dot) net' );
// Show the grid replacing the original HTML object with the "grid" ID.
g.render ( 'grid' );