Array JavaScript Tutorial

Arrays stores multiple data based on a numbered position into one storage structure.
The index starts at 0 and goes up.
JavaScript supports having arrays within arrays, called multidimensional arrays.
One-Dimensional array
To create an instance of an array, you use the new operator along with the Array object.
There are four ways to declare an array.
First, an empty array can be created by leaving the constructor parameters empty:

var x = new Array();
The second way to create an array is to fill in the constructor parameters with the array elements.
An array can contain elements of various types:

var x = new Array("A","BB","CCC",1,5,8);
The third way to create an array is to fill in the constructor parameter with the size of the array.
This initializes the array to hold the number of elements specified, but does not specify the actual elements.

var x = new Array(6);
The fourth way to create an array is to use the array square brackets to fill in the array elements directly.

var x = ["A","BB","CCC",1,5,8];