The Document object represents a Web page that is displayed in a browser window, frame, or layer.
An instance is created with each document that is loaded by the browser.
Properties, Methods, and Event Handlers Associated with the Document Object are listed in the following table.
alinkColorColor of activated link
allArray of all HTML tags in the document
anchorsArray of Anchor objects
appletsArray of Applet objects
bgcolorBackground color of document
classesStyle sheet classes array
cookieCookie associated with document
domainDomain of document
embedsArray of embedded objects
fgcolorColor of text in document
formsArray of Form objects
idsStyle sheet IDs array
imagesArray of Image objects
lastModifiedDate when document was last modified
layersArray of Layer objects
linkColorColor of links
linksArray of Link objects
pluginsArray of embedded objects
referrerURL of document to which the current document was linked
tagsStyle sheet tag array
titleTitle of document
URLURL of current document
vlinkColorColor of visited links
captureEvents()Captures events to be handled by document
close()Closes output stream to document
getSelection()Returns the selected text
open()Opens output stream to document
releaseEvents()Releases events captured by document
routeEvent()Routes captured events to other objects
write()Appends text to document
writeln()Appends text and a newline character to document
onClickHandler for click events
onDblClickHandler for double-click events
onKeyDownHandler for KeyDown events
onKeyPressHandler for KeyPress events
onKeyUpHandler for KeyUp events
onLoadHandler that is used when Document has finished loading
onMouseDownHandler for MouseDown events
onMouseUpHandler for MouseUp events
onUnLoadHandler that is used when Document unloaded from window