Information Functions MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial

CELL("address", Reference) returns reference of the first cell in reference, as text.
CELL("col", Reference) returns column number of the cell in reference.
CELL("color", Reference) returns 1 if the cell is formatted in color for negative values; otherwise returns 0 (zero).
CELL("contents"Value of the upper-left cell in reference; not a formula.
CELL("coord", Reference) returns absolute reference of the cell range of the first cell in reference, as text.
CELL("filename", Reference) returns filename (including full path) of the file that contains reference, as text.
CELL("format", Reference) returns text value corresponding to the number format of the cell.
CELL("parentheses", Reference) returns 1 if the cell is formatted with parentheses for positive or all values; otherwise returns 0.
CELL("prefix", Reference) returns text value corresponding to the "label prefix" of the cell.
CELL("protect", Reference) returns 0 if the cell is not locked, and 1 if the cell is locked.
CELL("row", Reference) returns row number of the cell in reference.
CELL("type", Reference) returns text value corresponding to the type of data in the cell.
CELL("width", Reference) returns column width of the cell rounded off to an integer.
Reference is the cell that you want information about. If omitted, information specified in info_type is returned for the last cell that was changed.
Reference from Excel help documentation