using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
public class SamplesNameValueCollection {
public static void Main() {
NameValueCollection myCol = new NameValueCollection();
myCol.Add( "A", "a" );
myCol.Add( "B", "b" );
myCol.Add( "C", "c" );
PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );
PrintKeysAndValues2( myCol );
Console.WriteLine( "Index 1 contains the value {0}.", myCol[1] );
Console.WriteLine( "Key \"A\" has the value {0}.", myCol["A"] );
String[] myStrArr = new String[myCol.Count];
myCol.CopyTo( myStrArr, 0 );
foreach ( String s in myStrArr )
Console.WriteLine( " {0}", s );
myCol.Remove( "A" );
PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );
PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );
public static void PrintKeysAndValues( NameValueCollection myCol ) {
foreach ( String s in myCol.AllKeys )
Console.WriteLine( " {0,-10} {1}", s, myCol[s] );
public static void PrintKeysAndValues2( NameValueCollection myCol ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++ )
Console.WriteLine( " [{0}] {1,-10} {2}", i, myCol.GetKey(i), myCol.Get(i) );