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C# Book
Language Basics 229 codes
C# Book
Language Basics
1 0001 Your first C# program
2 0002 First program line by line
3 0003 Program structure
4 0004 Identifiers
5 0005 Keywords
6 0006 Adding @ in front of a keyword
7 0007 Comments
8 0008 Single line comments
9 0009 Multiple line comments
10 0010 XML documentation comments
11 0011 Types and variables
12 0012 Variable
13 0013 Data type conversion
14 0014 Value type vs reference type
15 0015 Reference type
16 0016 null reference value
17 0017 Predefined data types
18 0018 Numeric types
19 0019 Integer type literal
20 0020 Hexidecimal literal
21 0021 Real number literal
22 0022 Exponential literal
23 0023 Integer type literal vs real number literal
24 0024 Literal suffix
25 0025 Default literal
26 0026 Type conversion for predefined types
27 0027 Max value and Min value
28 0028 double vs decimal
29 0029 bool type
30 0030 char type
31 0031 char escape sequence
32 0032 string type
33 0033 Compare two string values
34 0034 Escape sequence for strings
35 0035 Verbatim string literal
36 0036 string concatenation
37 0037 Determine the order
38 0038 What is an Array
39 0039 Single-Dimensional Arrays
40 0040 Arrays as Objects
41 0041 for loop and array
42 0042 Using foreach with Arrays
43 0043 Array initialization
44 0044 Default array initializing
45 0045 Multidimensional array
46 0046 Jagged array
47 0047 Initialize multidimensional array
48 0048 Simplified Array Initialization Expressions
49 0049 var array type
50 0050 Implicitly-typed Arrays in Object Initializers
51 0051 Index out of range exception
52 0052 Arrays as Arguments
53 0053 Passing Multidimensional Arrays As Arguments
54 0054 Passing Arrays Using ref and out
55 0055 Operators in C#
56 0056 Arithmetic operators
57 0057 Increment operator and decrement operator
58 0058 Division on integers
59 0059 Divide by zero exception
60 0060 Integral type overflow
61 0061 Check runtime overflow
62 0062 Turn on the overflow checking by compiling
63 0063 unchecked operator
64 0064 Integral type promotion
65 0065 Infinit real numners
66 0066 Check Not-a-Number
67 0067 Bitwise operators in C#
68 0068 Conditional operators in C#
69 0069 Conditional shortcut
70 0070 Ternary operator
71 0071 default keyword
72 0072 Default value for struct
73 0073 Flow control statements
74 0074 if statement
75 0075 else branch
76 0076 Nested if statement
77 0077 if statement without braces
78 0078 switch statement
79 0079 Group case statements together
80 0080 while loop
81 0081 do...while loop
82 0082 for loop
83 0083 foreach loop
84 0084 break statement
85 0085 continue statement
86 0086 return statement
87 0087 goto statement
88 0088 Classes and Structs
89 0089 Class creation
90 0090 Class and Struct Accessibility
91 0091 Class and Struct Member Accessibility
92 0092 Nested types
93 0093 Members
94 0094 Class field
95 0095 Multiple fields declaration
96 0096 Read only field
97 0097 Field initialization and default value
98 0098 Default value for each type
99 0099 const value
100 0100 Methods
101 0101 A demo method
102 0102 Assign value to local variable
103 0103 Method overloading
104 0104 ref and out modifiers and method overloading
105 0105 Main functions
106 0106 Constructor
107 0107 Overloading constructors
108 0108 this() and constructor
109 0109 Implicit parameterless constructor
110 0110 Object initialization
111 0111 Constructors with named parameters
112 0112 Optional parameters and constructors
113 0113 static constructor
114 0114 Parameters
115 0115 Modifiers for parameters
116 0116 ref modifier
117 0117 out parameter modifier
118 0118 Variable length parameter
119 0119 Optional parameters
120 0120 Named parameters
121 0121 Properties
122 0122 read only property
123 0123 Automatic property
124 0124 Accessibilities of get and set
125 0125 Indexer
126 0126 Your own indexer
127 0127 Multidimensional indexer
128 0128 this keyword
129 0129 Partial type
130 0130 Partial method
131 0131 Finalizer
132 0132 Inheritance
133 0133 class hierarchy and casting
134 0134 Down cast
135 0135 base keyword
136 0136 Overloading and Resolution
137 0137 Polymorphism
138 0138 virtual members
139 0139 Shadow inherited members
140 0140 new and virtual
141 0141 Seal a member
142 0142 Operator overloading
143 0143 Conversion Operator
144 0144 Abstract class
145 0145 Static Class
146 0146 Static Members
147 0147 as operator
148 0148 is operator
149 0149 object class
150 0150 ToString method
151 0151 Class object instance
152 0152 Struct Instances vs. Class Instances
153 0153 Object Identity vs. Value Equality
154 0154 Boxing and unboxing
155 0155 Anonymous type
156 0156 var type variable is static typed
157 0157 dynamic type
158 0158 ExpandoObject Dynamic Type
159 0159 dynamic type conversion
160 0160 GetType and typeof operator
161 0161 Creating a struct
162 0162 Access modifier
163 0163 interface
164 0164 interface is extendable
165 0165 Explicit interface implementation
166 0166 virtual interface implementation
167 0167 interface and struct boxing
168 0168 enum type
169 0169 enum backend numeric type
170 0170 enum backend value
171 0171 enum type conversion
172 0172 Build up enum
173 0173 Flag enum
174 0174 Is enum value defined
175 0175 Generic type
176 0176 Generic methods
177 0177 Generic type and ref, out
178 0178 Type parameters
179 0179 Default generic value
180 0180 Generic type parameter constraints
181 0181 Subclassing generic type
182 0182 delegate creation
183 0183 delegate type parameters
184 0184 Multicast delegate
185 0185 instance delegate method reference
186 0186 delegate with generic type
187 0187 Func and Action
188 0188 delegate variables
189 0189 Polymorphic parameters for delegate
190 0190 delegate return type
191 0191 Event and delegate
192 0192 C# standard event pattern
193 0193 lambda Expressions
194 0194 Func, Action and lambda
195 0195 Using outter variable
196 0196 lambda and iteration variables
197 0197 try...catch...finally
198 0198 catch statement
199 0199 finally statement
200 0200 using statement
201 0201 Throw exception
202 0202 Rethrow exception
203 0203 System.Exception
204 0204 Frequent used exception types
205 0205 What is namespace
206 0206 namespace hierarchy
207 0207 Full qualified type name
208 0208 using statement and namespace
209 0209 namespace scope
210 0210 Partial qualified name
211 0211 Hidden types
212 0212 Alias namespace
213 0213 global namespace
214 0214 nullable type
215 0215 nullable type conversion
216 0216 Operators for nullable type
217 0217 doubleQuestionMark operator
218 0218 Properties and anonymous type
219 0219 Extension method
220 0220 Preprosessor directives
221 0221 Conditional compilation
222 0222 Conditional attributes
223 0223 unsafe code
224 0224 Xml Documentation
225 0225 Standard Xml documentation tags
226 0226 Debug and Trace Classes
227 0227 TraceListener
228 0228 Fail() method
229 0229 Assert