The following table lists the numeric types in C#:
C# type System type Size Range
sbyte System.SByte 8 bits -27 to 27-1
short System.Int16 16 bits -215 to 215-1
int System.Int32 32 bits -231 to 231-1
long System.Int64 64 bits -263 to 263-1
byte System.Byte 8 bits 0 to 28-1
ushort System.UInt16 16 bits 0 to 216-1
uint System.UInt32 32 bits 0 to 232-1
ulong System.UInt64 64 bits 0 to 264-1
float System.Single 32 bits +/- (~10-45 to 1038)
double System.Double 64 bits +/-(~10-324 to10308)
decimal System.Decimal 128 bits +/- (~10-28 to 1028)