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File Directory Stream 209 codes
C# Tutorial
File Directory Stream
1 A FileReader
2 Accessing file Access Rules
3 Add a buffering layer to FileStream
4 Add file access rule
5 All Directories traverses all sub-directories under the root
6 Async File Stream
7 Async FileStream demo
8 Asynchronous IO
9 Asynchronous IO with AsyncCallback
10 Asynchronous IO, some blocking on the main thread
11 Binary Custom Serialization
12 Binary File Reading through FileStream
13 Binary Writer Reader
14 BinaryReader
15 Buffered IO with BufferedStream
16 C#s IO Is Built Upon Streams
17 Calculate Directory Size
18 Change file attribute
19 Changing current directory to c
20 Commonly Used Output Methods Defined by BinaryWriter
21 Compare hash bytes of two files
22 Compress and uncompress with GZipStream
23 Copy a file
24 Copy Directory
25 Copying A File by using FileInfo
26 Create a file and get its creation time, full name and Attributes
27 Create a file called test txt in the current directory
28 Create a temp file and delete it
29 Create Directory in your Isolated Storage File
30 Create directory structure
31 Create FileStream from FileInfo for reading
32 Create FileStream from FileInfo for writing
33 Create FileStream from FileInfo with file mode, file access and file sharing
34 Create object inside the using statement
35 Create StreamReader from a URL
36 Create StreamReader through FileStream
37 Create StreamWriter from FileInfo
38 Create StringReader from String
39 Create StringWriter from StringBuilder
40 Create text file using File CreateText
41 Create the FileInfo class from the file selected in the OpenFileDialog
42 Creates a file with read-write access that allows others to read
43 Creating a new file with specific access rule
44 Creating Files
45 Creating Subdirectory and Manipulating File
46 Custom Serialization
47 Customized Serialization
48 Declarative Permission demo
49 Decrypting a file
50 Delete Directory
51 Deleting Files
52 Demanding permissions
53 Demonstrate MemoryStream
54 Demonstrate random access file
55 Demonstrate StringReader and StringWriter
56 Directory Attributes
57 Directory Exists
58 DirectoryInfo
59 Display a text file
60 Display Dir information recursivly
61 Dispose a StreamWriter by using using
62 DriveInfo
63 DriveInfo App
64 Encrypting a file
65 Exploring Files And Sub directories
66 File
67 File Exists
68 File ReadAllLines
69 File Sorter
70 File Watch
71 File WriteAllLines
72 FileAttributes enumeration
73 FileAttributes ReadOnly
74 FileStream is opened for FileAccess ReadWrite (default) and FileShare None (default)
75 FileStream is opened for FileAccess ReadWrite FileShare Read and has had its entire contents truncated (due to FileM
76 FileStream is opened for FileAccess Write FileShare None (default) and is positioned at the end (because of FileMode
77 FileSystemWatcher Demo
78 FileVersionInfo
79 Get all cs file from current directory, display its creation time, length, name
80 Get all logical drives
81 Get Current Directory
82 Get DirectoryInfo from FileInfo
83 Get File creation time and extension name
84 Get FileInfo
85 Get IsolatedStorageFile for current user
86 Get included files in your Isolated Storage File
87 Get interal StringBuilder from a StringWriter
88 Get Random File Name
89 Get relative path
90 Get the files from the root directory
91 Implementing Binary Read Write To File
92 Implementing System Runtime Serialization ISerializable
93 Is a stream seekable
94 Key Members of the System IO Namespace
95 List all drives
96 List directory under a directory
97 List files under a directory
98 MemoryStream
99 Modify directory structure
100 Move file pointer to beginning of file
101 Move internal position for a BinaryWriter
102 Moving a file
103 My Directory Watcher
104 Nested using statement
105 New StreamWriter(fs, Encoding UTF8)
106 Open a file using StreamWriter
107 Open a file with exception handling
108 Open an existing file
109 Open an existing file and return a FileStream
110 Open up isolated storage based on identity of user + assembly evidence
111 Permission sets
112 Read and write with IsolatedStorageFileStream
113 Read csv file and create object from it
114 Read data in FileStream into MemoryStream
115 Read decimal, string and char from a file using FileStream and StreamReader
116 Read decimal, strings and char from a binary file using the BinaryReader
117 Read every other value using FileSeek
118 Read file stream as an array of bytes
119 Read file stream on a per byte basis
120 Read from IsolatedStorage
121 Read one character at a time
122 Read text file line by line
123 Read text in From IsoStorage
124 Reading and Writing Files
125 Reading from a stream buffer at a time
126 Reading from a stream one byte at a time
127 Reading from a stream, casting to chars
128 Reading Writing To Text File
129 ReadWrite text file using the StringWriter
130 Recursely Explore Directories
131 Recursive Directory use
132 Refusing permissions
133 Requesting a permission set
134 Requesting minimum permissions
135 Requesting optional permissions
136 Reset internal position for a FileStream
137 Reset the file pointer to the start
138 Save file to Isolated Storage File
139 Save string, decimal and char using FileStream and StreamWriter
140 Save the MemoryStream as a file
141 Serializable annotation
142 Serialization of an object list in binary form
143 Serialize a list of objects
144 Serialize object to binary form
145 Serialize objects
146 Set File access rule
147 Show basic directory info
148 Show info on image types
149 Simple IO with the File Type
150 Specify NonSerialized fields
151 Stream Read with StreamReader
152 Stream seeking
153 Stream Write with StreamWriter
154 StreamReader
155 StreamWriterReader App
156 StringReaderWriter App
157 Text File Reading with FileStream
158 TextWriter defines Write() and WriteLine() that output all of the built-in types
159 The Byte Stream Classes and The Character Stream Wrapper Classes
160 The FileMode and FileAccess
161 The Input Methods Defined by TextReader
162 The Stream Classes
163 The TextReader and TextWriter classes are implemented by several character-based stream classes
164 Traverse all files under the root
165 Use BinaryFormatter to Serialize an object to file
166 Use BinaryFormatter to serialize user defined class
167 Use BinaryReader to read file in binary format
168 Use BinaryWriter to save data in binary format
169 Use BufferedStream
170 Use DirectoryInfo to create sub directory
171 Use file filer on a directory
172 Use FileStream inside a using statement
173 Use FileStream to read a file by byte array
174 Use FileStream to read a file byte by byte
175 Use FileStream to read a file selected from OpenFileDialog
176 Use FileStream to write a file by byte array
177 Use FileStream to writeread a file byte by byte
178 Use FileStream with StreamWriter to provide a greater degree of control in how you open the file
179 Use FileSystemWatcher to detect file changes
180 Use MemoryStream to reverse a file
181 Use object inside using statement
182 Use StreamReader to read a line from a text file
183 Use the GetFiles method to return file names from a user-specified location
184 Use while loop to read a text file
185 Using Directory type
186 Using File CreateText to create a text file and return StreamWriter
187 Using Statement
188 Using statement and FileStream
189 Using statement and StreamWriter
190 Using statement to deal with multiple resources
191 Using streamreader to decode streams
192 Using streamreader to read entire lines at a time
193 Using streamreader to read the entire stream at once
194 Using StreamWriter
195 Watching for filesystem updates synchronous
196 Write and read back binary data
197 Write and read text file using StreamWriter
198 Write byte array with FileStream
199 Write data to file through FileStream per byte
200 Write data to file through FileStream via an array
201 Write decimal, strings and char to a file using the BinaryWriter
202 Write text file line by line
203 Write text out To IsoStorage
204 Write to a file
205 Writeread bytes using FileStream
206 WriteRead int, float, char array and bool to a binary file using BinaryWriter
207 Writing data
208 Writing to a writer
209 Writing To Isolated Storage