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C# Tutorial
GUI Windows Forms 378 codes
C# Tutorial
GUI Windows Forms
1 A File Explore Clone
2 A form-based Windows Skeleton
3 A NET-compatible event
4 A simple Browser
5 About DialogBox
6 Add a Button
7 Add a Main Menu
8 Add action event handler to MenuItem
9 Add action handler to button
10 Add Button action to ToolBar Button
11 Add CheckBox to a Form
12 Add ContextMenu to ListBox
13 Add ContextMenu to TextBox
14 Add control to Form dynamically
15 Add Icon to StatusBar
16 Add Image in an ImageList to a Button
17 Add Image in an ImageList to a Label
18 Add Image in an ImageList to a LinkLabel
19 Add Image to PictureBox
20 Add Image to ToolBar Button
21 Add Items to ComboBox
22 Add Items to ListBox
23 Add image to Label
24 Add Menu to Form
25 Add MenuStrip and ToolStripMenuItem to Form
26 Add Submenu
27 Add TabPage to TabControl
28 Add text in the TextBox to the ListBox
29 Add ToolTip to ToolBar Button
30 All Cursor constant values
31 All DockStyles illustration
32 All form events
33 Ambient Properties
34 Anchor and dock
35 AnchorStyles Bottom AnchorStyles Right
36 Arrange Child form
37 Auto Scale Button
38 AutoComplete ComboBox
39 AutoSize PictureBox
40 Basic Printing
41 Bind ArrayList to ListBox
42 Bind Client Size to Label
43 Binding to DataGrid
44 Browser with Url entry box
45 Build Form without by hand
46 Build Menu for a RichTextBox editor
47 Button Background Color
48 Button click handler
49 Button Flat Style
50 Button Image
51 Button mouse event
52 Button PerformClick Method
53 Button Style
54 Button Text Alignment
55 Cal Show method to display a form
56 Calculate Button size based on its Text
57 Calculation with DataGridView
58 Call form constructor to create a Form object
59 Call Show method to display a MessageBox
60 Call ShowDialog on Form object
61 Cancel (eat) event
62 Cancel Form Closing event
63 Center Form to the screen
64 CenterImage PictureBox
65 Change Form ClientSize
66 Change Form Cursor
67 Change Form size in menu action
68 Change key event (key code) during in the event handler
69 Change Label font by CheckBoxes
70 Change PictureBox Cursor
71 CheckedChanged event for CheckBox
72 CheckedListBox
73 Clipboard Formats Available
74 Clipboard Set Data Object
75 Clipboard Viewer
76 Color Radio Buttons
77 Color Tracker
78 ColorDialog AllFullOpen = false
79 ColorDialog FullOpen = true
80 ColorDialog With Custom Color
81 ColorUpDown
82 ComboBox focus leave event
83 ComboBox selection changed event
84 ComboBox text changed
85 Context Menu Demo
86 Context Menu Using Add
87 Control
88 Control Anchoring
89 Control Parent and Child relation
90 Control Size and Location
91 Control Size and Location - Dynamic
92 Control Tag Property
93 Copy selected CheckedItems to another CheckedListBox
94 Count lines in the TextBox and read text in TextBox line by line
95 Create a custom dialog with radio button group
96 Create a font from font name and size
97 Create a font from FontFamily
98 Create a ListViewItem and add it to ListView
99 Create a Menu without using the IDE
100 Create a Resx resource file
101 Create an ImageList and use it for ToolBar
102 Create an in-memory bitmap and draw and Display the bitmap in the picture box
103 Create control
104 Create User Control based on Control class
105 Create your own component by subclassing System ComponentModel Component
106 Cursor Swap
107 Custom Header Cells
108 Customer Entry Application with TabControl
109 Cut, Copy PasteText Box with Toolbar
110 Data Binding
111 Data Binding DataGrid
112 Data binding to a programatically created dataset
113 Data binding to a programatically created dataset to a DataGrid
114 Data Entry With Binding
115 DataReader Binding
116 DataTime BoldedDates
117 Date and Time in StatusBar
118 DateTimePicker
119 DateTimePicker custom format
120 DateTimePicker Event and selected value
121 Define Apply Button action method in dialog class
122 Define your own dialog box
123 Designed Toolbar
124 Device Independent Button
125 Dialog Apply Event Illustration
126 Dialog with two buttons
127 Directory TreeView
128 Display Color Dialog and get the selection
129 Display MessageBox in Button event
130 Display PrintDialog
131 Dock to four directions and fill
132 Dock Top and Bottom
133 DomainUpDown
134 DomainUpDown selected value changed event
135 Double Buffering
136 Drag and Drop Image
137 Drag and Drop TextBox
138 Drag Drop Sample
139 Editor based on RichTextBox
140 Empty Form
141 ErrorProvider
142 Essential elements of a Windows Forms application
143 Event and event handler
144 Events
145 Events add and remove with synchronized block
146 Events and form controls
147 Exit application
148 Extends Binder to create your own binder
149 Extends Button
150 Extends ISupportInitialize
151 Extends UserControl to create your own control
152 File Drop Target
153 Fill Columns
154 Fill data from Database to ListView
155 Fills a ListBox with data from Database
156 Find item in a ComboBox
157 Fire event in property setter
158 First Window Application
159 FloatLayoutPanel Demo
160 Font Constructor
161 Font Dialog
162 Font list form
163 Font Properties
164 FontDialog
165 FontDialog Apply event
166 Form Bounds Setting
167 Form Dispose
168 Form Key event
169 Form life time event
170 Form message filter
171 Form mouse move event
172 Form Mouse Up event
173 Form Opacity setting
174 Form popup menu
175 Form size changed event handler
176 Form StartPosition
177 Form with Maximize Box
178 Form with StatusBar
179 Form without MinimizeBox and MaximizedBox
180 FormPaint Event
181 Generic event for a Label
182 Generic events
183 Get controls on a form and verify its type
184 Get ErrorMessage from ErrorProvider
185 Get event source from event arguments
186 Get Items in a ComboBox
187 Get input value from TextBox and display it vis a messagebox
188 Get result from a MessageBox
189 Get start and end selection on a MonthCalendar
190 Get value from DomainUpDomain
191 Get value from NumericUpDown
192 Handle button messages
193 Hierarchical Tree View for displaying database table
194 Ignored Parameters Anonymous Methods for Button click, kepressed and mouse clicked action
195 Inference And Contravariance for Button Click, KeyPress, and MouseClick
196 Inherit Form With Constructor
197 Inherited Form
198 Internationalization Form
199 Irregular form
200 Is a form Mdi Container
201 Key event
202 KeyEvent
203 Label Text Change
204 Labels Generic event
205 LinkLabels
206 List all Font Families
207 ListBox Events
208 ListBox Items Add
209 ListBox Items Add a Range
210 ListBox Selection Mode
211 ListView Drives
212 ListView for File and Folder
213 ListView item activation event
214 ListView Sorter
215 LoadFile SaveFile
216 Make a resx writer and specify the file to write to
217 Master detail view
218 MDI children form background
219 Menu RightToLeft
220 Mouse Button Left clicked
221 Mouse Enter Hover Leave
222 Mouse event handlers
223 Mouse Event information
224 Mouse Properties
225 Move a Form in code
226 Multi Page Print
227 Multiline TextBox
228 Multithreading in Windows Forms
229 Mutex and UI
230 New MenuItem()
231 Normal PictureBox
232 NotifyIcon Sample
233 NumericUpDown
234 NumericUpDown validated event
235 NumericUpDown validating event
236 NumericUpDown Value changed event handler
237 Online Book Browser
238 OpenFileDialog
239 OpenFileDialog Event
240 Option Menu and RadioOption menu
241 Output the PrinterSettings information
242 Override Paint method for Form
243 Override the DefaultSize property to gain better performance
244 Owner Drawn MenuItem
245 OwnerDraw ComboBox
246 Paint event
247 Paint Invalidate Demonstration
248 Paint one forms with two paint event handler
249 Paint two forms with one paint event handler
250 Password field
251 Password fields match
252 Print a paragraph
253 Print BMP image
254 Print PageSettings Metrics
255 Print Preview Dialog for printing text file
256 Print With Margins
257 PrintDocument
258 Programmatic Grid
259 ProgressBar PerformStep
260 Prompt PrintDialog
261 Put MonthCalendar On a Form
262 Put RadioButton to panel group
263 RadioButton Click Event
264 RadioButton Image
265 React to form resize event
266 Read resource from a resource file
267 Relocate button after pressing button
268 Remove selected item from DomainUpDown
269 Render onto the button
270 Repaint control in Timer event
271 Replace an Image with another Image in an ImageList
272 Resize redraw form
273 Resource Generator
274 ResumeLayout and SuspendLayout
275 ResXResourceWriter and ResXResourceReader
276 RichTextBox
277 RichTextBox based Text Editor
278 SaveFileDialog
279 Screen capture
280 Scroll Form
281 ScrollBar LargeSmall Range
282 ScrollBar Value changed event handler
283 Set Caption(title) of the form
284 Set default color
285 Set DialogResult in your own dialog class
286 Set DialogResult OKDialogResult Cancel to OKCancel button
287 Set form background color
288 Set form caption
289 Set form forground color
290 Set Form Height
291 Set Form size
292 Set Form Visible properties
293 Set Form Width
294 Set FormBorderStyle
295 Set Label text in a button click event
296 Set Label text in menu action
297 Set MdiParent
298 Set the input mask to that of a secret PIN
299 Set the input mask to that of a short date
300 Set the input mask to that of a short time
301 Set the input mask to that of a UK postcode
302 Set the input mask to that of a US ZIP code
303 Set the input mask to that of currency
304 Set the label font to a font selected from a FontDialog
305 Set the TopIndex property of the ListBox to ensure the most recently added items are visible
306 Show Font Dialog Help
307 Show method with button and icon settings
308 Show method with message and window title
309 Show PrintPreview Dialog before print out a document
310 Simpel Web Browser with forward, backward button
311 Simple Clipboard
312 Simple DataGridView
313 Simple Editor
314 Simple Open file dialog
315 Simple Splitter
316 Simple Status Bar with Panel
317 Simple Treeview
318 Simplest MessageBox
319 Status Bar and Auto-Scroll
320 StretchImage PictureBox
321 Subclass DomainUpDown
322 Subclass Form
323 Subclass Form to create a window
324 Subclass PrintDocument
325 Table CreateRow Delete
326 TableLayoutPanel Demo
327 Text as the title
328 TextAlign and UpDownAlign
329 TextBox
330 TextBox cancel event
331 TextBox key pressed event
332 TextBox Keyevent hander
333 TextBox Modified and TextChanged
334 TextBox selection
335 TextBox validation
336 The clock control
337 The difference between Form Show and Application Run()
338 The Hello, WindowsForms Application
339 The print preview application
340 The print process application
341 ToolBar Button Action
342 ToolBar Button border style
343 ToolBar Button Style
344 ToolBar Linked With Menu
345 Toolbar Styles
346 Toolbar with ComboBox
347 TrackBar
348 TrackBar on value changed event handler
349 TractBar LargeSmall range
350 Tree node foreground and background color, tooltips
351 TreeView
352 TreeView selection event
353 UI event
354 Use a ToolStripMenuItem
355 Use ActiveX control
356 Use an anonymous method as an event handler
357 Use Application Run to load window application
358 Use delegate to add an event handler to a Button
359 Use delegate to handle events
360 Use Form DialogResult
361 Use GraphicsUnit to create font
362 Use HelpProvider to Load CHM file
363 Use Inherited form in a separate Main class
364 Use Net event system
365 Use NotifyIcon class to display an icon for an application in the notification area
366 Use RadioButton to control ListBox selection mode
367 Use Regular Expression to Check the input for a TextBox
368 Use ScrollBar to control Picture
369 Use the built-in EventHandler delegate
370 Use Timer to update NotifyIcon
371 Use Timer to update User interface
372 Use TreeView Nodes AddRange to add nodes
373 Use TreeView to display Directories
374 Using a BindingSource to bind a list to a DataGridView control
375 Using Event Accessors
376 Validate text box value
377 Validation callback
378 Virtual Data