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Algorithm Math 447 codes
Algorithm Math
1 [] Asal sayıları bulma
2 [] Bir listeyi alfabetik olarak sıralama
3 [] Sayı dönüşümleri
4 100 basamaklı sayıları toplamak
5 16lık tabanda [hex] olan bit metnin onluk tabanda bir sayıya dönüştürülmesi
6 256bit keys for strong encryption
7 36 basamağa kadar bir sayının okunuşu döndüren 20 satırlık bir fonksiyon
8 A Fast Formatter for Integers with slow machines
9 A little Bit
10 A new technology for adding compression and encryption capabilities to your applications
11 A Simple example of Artificial Intelligence using Delphi Array
12 A Simple Way to Delete an Element from a Dynamic Array
13 A very simple XOR encrypting routine (for beginners)
14 Abbreviating Array Properties
15 Access a certain part of a GUID
16 Arrange a list alphabetically
17 Array as a Function Return Type and Method Parameter in Delphi
18 Array of const and TVarRec
19 ASCII Greek 437 converter
20 Ayın songününü bulma
21 Bank account number validation
22 Base36 conversion
23 Base64 (MIME) Encode and Decode (updated May 2003)
24 BaseToInt() and IntToBase() routines simplified
25 Bezier yaklaşım eğrileri
26 Binair search
27 Binary to decimal cevrimi
28 Binom açılımı [pascal üçgeni]
29 Bir kişinin yaşını hesaplamak
30 Bravion Strong Encryption Algorithm
31 Bresenhams daire algoritması
32 Bubble Sort
33 Bubble sorting arrays
34 Bubble Sorting in DelphiPascal
35 Building a Fractal Generator
36 Built in XPVista Random Number Generator
37 Calculate a fibonacci number
38 Calculate a fibonacci number
39 Calculate a simple checksum
40 Calculate easter day for a specified year
41 Calculate Easter Day for a specified year
42 Calculate find the points on a line
43 Calculate gcd using euklid algorithm
44 Calculate gcd using Euklid algorithm
45 Calculate java hashcode
46 Calculate Java hashCode
47 Calculate minute between 2 time
48 Calculate simple arithmetical expressions
49 Calculate simple arithmetical expressions
50 Calculate Size of a Directoy and Sub Directories
51 Calculate the age of a person
52 Calculate the age of a person
53 Calculate the execution time of code
54 Calculate the factorial of a given number
55 Calculate the factorial of a given number
56 Calculate the german holidays
57 Calculate the german holidays
58 Calculate the logarithm for a variable base
59 Calculate the logarithm for a variable base
60 Calculate the value of a polynomial at a given point
61 Calculate the value of a polynomial at a given point
62 Calculating CRCs Effectively
63 Calculating Credit Cards
64 Calculating the Zodiac Sign from the Birth Date using Delphi
65 Calculations with points
66 Cast a floating point number [e g real] to an integer
67 Check for valid amount
68 Check if a number is prime
69 Check if a number is prime
70 Check if an ISBN is valid
71 Check if the cursor is on a line
72 Check the validity of dates
73 CNPJ and CPF Validation
74 Code and decode strings and files
75 Component to calculate a Regression Multiple of a set data
76 Compute a modul 10 check number
77 Compute a Modul 10 check number
78 Compute binomial coefficient (fast)
79 Compute binomial coefficient [fast]
80 Convert a binary number into a decimal number
81 Convert a decimal number to roman numerals
82 Convert a decimal number to roman numerals
83 Convert a hexadecimal number into a binary number
84 Convert a hexadecimal number into a binary number
85 Convert a hexadecimal number into a Integer
86 Convert a hexadecimal number into a integer
87 Convert a Persian Date to Gregorian Calender Date
88 Convert a string to a mathematical expression and get its result.Updated!
89 Convert an Integer to an octal number
90 Convert an integer to an octal number
91 Convert an interger in its textual equivalence
92 Convert an octal number to integer
93 Convert an octal number to integer
94 Convert binary to decimals
95 Convert binary to hexadecimal
96 Convert binary to octal
97 Convert decimals to binary
98 Convert decimals to hexadecimals
99 Convert Hex codes to Integer
100 Convert hex codes to integer
101 Convert hex to dec
102 Convert hexadecimal to binary
103 Convert hexadecimals to decimals
104 Convert minutes in a days - hours - minutes format
105 Convert mm to inch and back
106 Convert numbers from one base to another
107 Convert numbers from one base to another
108 Convert Numbers To Hebrew
109 Convert Numbers to Hexadecimals
110 Convert numbers to words
111 Convert octal to binary
112 Convert octal to decimal
113 Convert OEM to ANSI
114 Convert RGB To HSV
115 Convert variant to Stream and then back
116 Converting a floating point value to an integer value
117 Converting a numeric value to roman notation (for beginners)
118 Converting a SID to a string
119 Converting C++ code to ObjectPascal
120 Converting Integers to Base n
121 Converting Numbers to words !
122 Converting roman notation to a numeric value
123 Converting Text for different Code Pages
124 Converting To and From Hexadecimal Numbers
125 Cracking XOR Encryption
126 Crc32 algoritması
127 Create all Country Holydays between 1582 2199
128 Create an array of components
129 Create an Array of TButtons at runtime
130 Create random number
131 Create round windows
132 Create speakable random passwords
133 Creating Arrays of Objects at Design time
134 Credit card verification
135 Currency rounding
136 Data Encryption How It Works
137 DaysBetweenInt
138 Decimal to binary and vice versa
139 Decimal to binary cevirimi
140 Decode a tdate typ
141 Decode a TDate typ
142 Decode TNEF MIME attachments
143 Default Array Properties
144 Define binary exe type
145 Delete one item from a dynamic array
146 Delphi trick for implementing VBs Control Arrays
147 Determine if 3 points are collinear in 2d
148 Determine if 3 points are collinear in 3d
149 Determine if a 2d point exists within a 2d triangle
150 Determine if a number is prime, quickly (2)
151 Determine if a number is prime, quickly [2]
152 Determine if two 2d segments are parallel
153 Determine if two 2d segments are perpendicular
154 Determine if two 2d segments intersect
155 Determine if two 3d segments are parallel
156 Determine if two 3d segments are perpendicular
157 Determine if two segments are intersecting
158 Determine if two segments are intersecting
159 Determine the 3rd point of an equilateral triangle from the other 2 points
160 Determine the circum-center of a 2d triangle
161 Determine the Circumcenter of a triangle
162 Determine the Incenter of a triangle
163 Determine the incenter of 3 pionts
164 Determine the incenter of a 2d triangle
165 Determine the point at which two 2d segments intersect
166 Determine the vertex angle made by two 2d segments
167 Determine the vertex angle made by two 3d segments
168 Different ways to round number
169 Display a long integer in a beautiful way
170 Display a value in a different base like hex or binary
171 Displaying Indonesian [or Other Language] Day of Week
172 Do bit wise manipulation
173 Double Ended Selection Sort
174 Draw the mandelbrot fractal
175 Dynamic array
176 Dynamic arrays an approach
177 Ed2k hash
178 Encrypt text using key numbers
179 Encrypt ve decrypt algoritmaları
180 Encryption
181 Endian swap for numeric types
182 Enhancing the IntToHex
183 Enumerated set to Int64
184 Expression evaluator
185 Extended E mail Address Verification and Correction
186 Fast ID generation
187 Fast sine and cosine calculations
188 Fastly retrieve the high order word from 32bit var
189 Fastly retrieve the high-order word from 32bit var
190 Find factorial value
191 Find minmax value of array
192 Find the convex hull of 2d points
193 Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of integers
194 Find the greatest common factor [gcf] of integers
195 Find the number of days in actual month
196 Find true angle of a vector or complex number (Arctan)
197 Find true angle of a vector or complex number [arctan]
198 Full name of day(month) by number
199 Generating random numbers
200 Get age from date of birth
201 Get day of week using date
202 Get days count in month
203 Get difference between of 2 dates
204 Get last digit of integer number
205 Get the amount of days of a given month
206 Get the dates for Monday Friday of the current week
207 Get the difference between 2 dates
208 Get the difference between 2 dates
209 Get the last day of the current month
210 Get the last day of the current month
211 Get the next day of the month
212 Get the number of days of a month
213 Get the number of the day in the year
214 Get the number of the day in the year
215 Get the perpendicular point on segment from external point
216 Get the week number of a date
217 Get vulgar fraction from decimal
218 Get week number of the year
219 Getting the dates of the first and last day of the month of a given date
220 Gilding Pale Streams
221 Good Friday & Easter Sunday
222 Happy Easter )
223 Hex - decimal, decimal - hex cevrimi
224 Hex değeri integer değere çevirme
225 Hextobin,hextoint and more
226 High speed parser
227 How can I determine the week number of a given day in the year
228 How many days to the next Birthday of one of my friends
229 How much looks John like Jon (Updated)
230 How to calculate a fibonacci number
231 How to calculate a simple checksum
232 How to calculate an Italian Fiscal Code
233 How to Calculate Easter Day for a specified year
234 How to calculate gcd using Euklid algorithm
235 How to calculate Java hashCode
236 How to calculate simple arithmetical expressions
237 How to calculate the age of a person
238 How to calculate the easter sunday
239 How to calculate the factorial of a given number
240 How to calculate the german holidays
241 How to calculate the logarithm for a variable base
242 How to calculate the value of a polynomial at a given point
243 How to check if a number is prime
244 How to compute a Modul 10 check number
245 How to compute binomial coefficient (fast)
246 How to convert a Binary Number into a Decimal Number
247 How to convert a decimal number to roman numerals
248 How to convert a Flash SWF to EXE
249 How to convert a Grids Surfer to a Grids Arcview
250 How to convert a hexadecimal number into a binary number
251 How to convert a hexadecimal number into a Integer
252 How to convert a Persian Date to Gregorian Calender Date
253 How to convert a short path in a long one
254 How to convert a WideString to a String
255 How to convert an Integer to an octal number
256 How to convert an interger in its textual equivalence
257 How to convert an octal number to integer
258 How to convert ASCII to ANSI
259 How to convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal
260 How to convert C Types to Object Pascal Types
261 How to convert from DateTime to RFC822 date
262 How to convert Hex codes to Integer
263 How to convert letters of an Editbox to uppercase
264 How to convert numbers from one base to another
265 How to convert OEM to ANSI
266 How to Convert RGB To HSV
267 How to convert server time to local time
268 How to convert TIF to PDF
269 How to convert values in any type to string
270 How to convert variant to Stream and then back
271 How to create an Array of TButtons at runtime
272 How to create speakable random passwords
273 How to Declare and Initialize Constant Arrays in Delphi
274 How to decode a TDate type
275 How to delete one item from a dynamic array
276 How to determine if a number is prime, quickly (2)
277 How to Determine if two segments are intersecting
278 How to do bit wise manipulation
279 How to encrypt a password
280 How to encrypt decrypt passwords
281 How to encrypt text using key numbers
282 How to fast way to exchange the contents of two variables
283 How to fastly retrieve the high order word from 32bit var
284 How to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of integers
285 How to find the number of days in actual month
286 How to find true angle of a vector or complex number (Arctan)
287 How to generate a random password
288 How to Generate random passwords (advanced)
289 How to get the dates for Monday C Friday of the current week
290 How to get the difference between 2 dates
291 How to get the last day of the current month
292 How to get the number of days of a month
293 How to Get the number of the day in the year
294 How to implement a microsecond resolution Delay
295 How to implement an Array Property
296 How to implement Prims algorithm
297 How to implement the Floyd Warshall algorithm
298 How to invert a matrix
299 How to is a Time AM or PM
300 How to know if a date is the last day of a month (for beginners)
301 How to Make a dynamic array at runtime
302 How to make some Days bold in the TMonthCalendar
303 How to multiply big integer values
304 How to realize a dynamic array
305 How to realize a filtered substring search
306 How to recalculate line heights of ownerdrawn listboxes
307 How to removedelete a given element from an array list
308 How to round numbers to a predetermined number of decimals
309 How to Save and load a 2 dimensional dynamic array
310 How to search and replace text in a RichEdit
311 How to search for an item in an array very quickly (Binary Search)
312 How to search for text in a RichEdit and select it
313 How to show numbers with thousand separators
314 How to sort a StringGrid
315 How to sort a Stringlist with the CustomSort Method
316 How to Sort a TStringGrid by Columns
317 How to sort an Array with the Shell Sort Algorithm
318 How to store an Object into an integer
319 How to use associative arrays
320 How to use DynArrayFromVariant
321 How to use New Random Encrypte Method
322 How to use open arrays
323 How to use somme Array functions like in PHP
324 How to use special lists instead of an array of TComponentTClassTObject
325 How to use steganography
326 How to use TTime with over 24 hours
327 How to varify a email address
328 How to work with credit card numbers
329 HTML 2 Text converter
330 Iki tarih arası farkı almak
331 Impementing UnQuickSort in Delphi How to Use the TListSortCompare function
332 Implement a microsecond resolution Delay
333 Implement Prims algorithm
334 Implement the Floyd Warshall algorithm
335 Inline Assembler in Delphi (III) Static Arrays
336 Inline Assembler in Delphi (VII) 128 bit integer arithmetic
337 Insertion Sort
338 Introductory Principles of Indexed Searching
339 Invert a matrix
340 IP address calculations 01
341 Is a time am or pm
342 Istenen degere göre sayi yuvarlama
343 List (array) of pointers
344 Make a dynamic array at runtime
345 Make some Days bold in the TMonthCalendar
346 Matematiksel fonksiyonlar [en hızlıları]
347 Matris dönüşümlerinde gauss algoritmasi
348 Md5 şifreleme
349 Measure an elapsed time with a high-resolution performance counter
350 Modulo for huge numbers
351 Multi Lingual BoolToStr() and SexToStr() Conversions
352 Multiply big integer values
353 Multiply big integer values
354 Numbers in spanish plain text
355 Octal sayıyı decimale dönderir
356 Odometer Calculations
357 One way to copy whole contents of an array into another array
358 Orientation in 2d of a point relative to two other points
359 Orientation in 3d of a point relative to a plane
360 Overloading Delphis ShowMessage to accept Integer, Boolean, Float, Currency
361 Perpendicular distance from point to segment in 2d
362 Perpendicular from point to segment in 2d
363 Prime Number Class (Fast Access to Prime Numbers)
364 Prime numbers
365 Quick Sort
366 QuickSort Source Code
367 Random numbers for Cris .B
368 Realize a filtered substring search
369 Removedelete a given element from an array list
370 Romen rakamına çevirme
371 Rotate a 2d point around another 2d point
372 Rotate a 3d point
373 Rotate a 3d point around another 3d point
374 Round a number correctly
375 Round numbers to a predetermined number of decimals
376 Round numbers to a predetermined number of decimals
377 Rounding numbers in different ways
378 Save and load a 2 dimensional dynamic array
379 Sayı yazı çeviren function kuruş dahil
380 Sayı yuvarlama çalışıyor
381 Sayıı yazıya çeviren fonksiyon ytl destekli
382 Sayılara virgül
383 Sayıları binary modunda göstermek
384 Sayıyı yazıya çevirir 999 katrilyona kadar
385 Search and Replace in a string
386 Search and replace text in a RichEdit
387 Search for an item in an array very quickly (Binary Search)
388 Search for text in a RichEdit and select it
389 Search text in your MEMO
390 Search the boot drive
391 SearchReplace selected items
392 Security Encryption
393 See as returning the difference of days and hours among two dates
394 Selection Sort
395 Sending integer with IB Events
396 Show numbers with thousand separators
397 Shuffling data using a parallel algorithm
398 Signed volume in 2d
399 Signed volume in 3d
400 Simple But Powerful Encryption
401 Simple Implementation of Huffman Compression Algorithm
402 Simple Implementation of LZW CompressionDecompression Algorithm
403 Simulation of clu iterators
404 Something about large arrays
405 Sort a Generic List using Anonymous Comparer Delphi Method
406 Sort a StringGrid
407 Sort a Stringlist with the CustomSort Method
408 Sort a TStringGrid by Columns
409 Sort an array with the shell sort algorithm
410 Sort an Array with the Shell Sort Algorithm
411 Sorting your items with control over the sort algorithm
412 Sparse array implementation using TStringlist
413 Strtotl stringleri 3erli bloklar halinde yazma 25,000,000 tl gibi
414 Tekrarlamayan sayı üretme
415 Test if 2 lines cross and find the intersection
416 Text Encryption Implementation
417 TMathParser
418 To calculate a checksum by modulus 10 which is used in barcodes
419 Towards a more accurate sort order
420 Traverse an array spirally outwards
421 TString Super Sort Class (descending,ignore case and others)
422 TStringGrid functions (Delete, Insert, Sort)
423 TStringList implementing Integers[] array property
424 TTime Int, TDate Int
425 TVatCalculator Value Added Tax Calculator Implementation in Delphi
426 Unsigned 64 bit Integer support
427 Use associative arrays
428 Use base64 encoding and decoding
429 Use DynArrayFromVariant
430 Use New Random Encrypte Method
431 Use somme Array functions like in PHP
432 Use special lists instead of an array of TComponentTClassTObject
433 Use steganography
434 Use the luxery of TList with Integers (instead of Arrays)
435 Use ttime with over 24 hours
436 Use TTime with over 24 hours
437 Using Big Integers (32, 64, 128, 256... bit)
438 Using Tbits the built in large boolean array class
439 Using the math unit
440 Validate an iban
441 Windows Search Engine
442 WL Encryption
443 Write sortingsearch methods that can be re used
444 Yeni lira destekli sayı yazıçevir
445 Ytl dönüştür
446 Ytl mi kuruşmu
447 Yüksek çözünürlüklü timer