Title: Simple Implementation of Huffman Compression Algorithm
Question: How to compress files using the Huffman Compression Compression Alghorithm?
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The Huffman Compression Algorithm
The Huffman Compression algorithm is an algorithm used to compress files. It does this by assigning smaller codes to
frequently used characters and longer codes for characters that are less frequently used.
Code: A code is a sequence of zeros and ones that can uniquely represent a character.
A file is a collection of characters. In a file certain characters are used more than others. The number of bits required to
represent each character depends upon the number of characters that have to be represented. Using one bit we can represent
two characters. i.e. 0 represents the first character and 1 represents the second character. Using two bits we can represent 22
i.e 4 characters.
00 - first character
01 - second character
10 - third character
11 - fourth character.
In general if we want to represent n characters we will need 2n bits for representing one character. The ASCII code uses 7
bits to represent a character. Therefore 27= 128 bits can be represented using ASCII code.
The ASCII code and the above codes used above to represent characters are known as fixed length codes. This is because
each character has the same bit length. i.e the number of bits required to represent each character is the same. In ASCII code
every character requires 7 bits. Using variable length codes for each character we can reduce the size of a file considerably.
By assigning smaller codes for more frequently used characters and larger codes for less frequently used characters, a
file can be compressed considerably.
For example consider a file consisting of the following data
Frequency: The number of times a character occurs in a file is usually called its frequency.
The frequency of
A is 10
B is 8
C is 6
D is 5
E is 2
If each character is represented by using three bits then number of bits require to store this file will be
3*10 + 3*8 + 3*6 + 3*5 +3*2 = 93 Bits.
Now suppose we represent the character
A by the code 11
B by the code 10
C by the code 00
D by the code 011
E by the code 010
then the size of the file becomes 2*10 + 2*8 + 2*6 + 3*5 + 3*2 = 69 bits. A certain amount of compression has been
achieved. In general much higher compression ratios can be achieved by using this method.
As you can see frequently used characters are assigned smaller codes while less frequently used characters are assigned larger
codes. One of the difficulties of using a variable-length code is knowing when you have reached the end of a character in
reading a sequence of zeros and ones. This problem can be solved if we design the code in such a way that no complete code
for any character is the beginning of the code for another character. In the above case A is represented by 11. No other code
begins with 11. Similarly B is assigned the code 00. No other code begins with 00. Such codes are known as prefix codes.
In general, we can attain significant savings if we use variable-length prefix codes that take advantage of the relative
frequencies of the symbols in the messages to be encoded. One particular scheme for doing this is called the Huffman
encoding method, after its discoverer, David Huffman.
A Huffman code can be represented as a binary tree whose leaves are the characters that are encoded. At each non-leaf
node of the tree there is a set containing all the characters in the leaves that lie below the node. In addition, each leaf is
assigned a weight (which is the frequency of the character), and each non-leaf node contains a weight that is the sum of all the
weights of the leaves lying below it.
For Example-1 the Huffman tree is as shown below
Each non leaf node of the tree has two child nodes , the left child node and the right child node. The non leaf node is known
as the parent node of these two child nodes. Similarly the parent of a parent node is the grandparent of the child nodes. The
parent, grand parent, great grandparent etc. are collectively called the ancestors of a child node. The child nodes are called
the descendants of the ancestors. In the tree above node 3 is the parent of nodes 6 and 7. Node 1 is the parent of 3. It is also
the grandparent of nodes 6 and 7. Generally nodes 3 and 1 are the ancestors of nodes 6 and 7. Nodes 6 and 7 are the
descendants of nodes 3 and 1.
Note that if n characters are present in a file then the number of nodes in the huffman tree is 2n-1. If there are n
nodes in a tree then there can be at most (n+1)/2 levels, and at least log2(n+1) levels. The number of levels in a
huffman tree indicates the maximum length of code required to represent a character.
The codelength of a character indicates the level in which the character lies. If the code length of a character is n then it
lies in the (n+1)th level of the tree.For example the code length of character D is 011. the code length is 3. Therefore this
character must lie in the 4th level of the tree.
The code for each character is obtained by starting from the root node and traveling down to the leaf that represents the
character. When moving to a left child node a '0' is appended to the code and when moving to a right child node a '1' is
appended to the code.
To get the code for the character 'A' from the tree, we first start at the root node (i.e node 1). Since the character 'A' is the
descendant of the right child node (We decide which branch to follow by testing to see which branch either is the leaf node for
the character or is its ancestor) we move to the right and append a '1' to the code for character 'A'. Now we are on node 3.
The leaf node for character 'A' lies to the right of this node, so we again move to the right and append a '1' to its code.We
have now reached node 7 which is the leaf node for the character 'A'. Thus the code for character 'A' is 11. In similar fashion
the codes for other characters can also be obtained.
You can see that codes of characters having higher frequencies are shorter than those having lower frequencies.
Generating Huffman Trees
Given a set of characters and their relative frequencies, how do we construct the ``best'' code? (In other words, which tree
will encode messages with the fewest bits?) Huffman gave an algorithm for doing this and showed that the resulting code is
indeed the best variable-length code for messages where the relative frequency of the symbols matches the frequencies with
which the code was constructed.
To generate the Huffman Tree for a file
The file is scanned from beginning to the end and the number of times each character occurs is stored in an array. The size of
this array must be atleast 2n-1 where n is the number of characters used in the file. Generally we use an array of 511 elements.
Since one byte can represents 256 different characters, we will need 2*256-1 =511 elements. Each element of this array
represents a node of the tree.
The first element of this array gives us the frequency of the first character. Similarly the second element gives the frequency of
the second character..
After the file is scanned, the first 256 elements will contain the frequencies of each of the 256 characters.The remaining 255
elements will be empty. The next step is to find two nodes having the least frequency. Take one of the empty elements from
the array and make it the parent of these two nodes.The frequency of the parent node is the sum of the frequencies of
these two nodes. The left and right child nodes can be interchanged, it does not matter if node 8 is the left or right child node
of the parent node 5.
Now find the next two nodes having least frequencies, after removing the two child nodes and adding the parent node to the
search list. Continue this process until only one node is left in the search list. This node is the root node of the tree.
Compressing Files
Once the Huffman tree is generated, the file is scanned again and each character in the file is replaced by its corresponding
code from the tree.Once this is done, the character and the codes for each character along with the length of each code must
be saved in the file in the form of a table. This table is needed during the decompression process.The frequency of the
characters do not have to be saved because it is not needed for the decompression process. The size of this table depends on
the file being compressed and usually ranges from 500 to 1200 bytes.
Decompressing Files
Before decompressing the file, we have to first regenerate the huffman tree from the table that was saved along with the
compressed file.
To do this we use the following algorithm
We initialize an array having 511 elements to zero.
We take one element from the array and make it the root node.The root node is initially the current node.
We then read the ith (initially the first) bit of the code for the jth(initially the first) character in the table.
If the ith bit of the code read is a '1', we take another element from the array and make it the right child node of the
current node, if it is a '0' then the node is made the left child node of the current node. If the current node already has a
left or right child node we skip this step.
If the bit currently read is the last bit of the code then this node holds the character represented by the code.
This node is then made the current node.
i is incremented
Steps 3 to 5 are repeated until all the bits of the code for the jth character are read.
The current node is reset to the root node.
j is incremented and i reset to 0
steps 3 to 10 are repeated until the codes for all the characters are read.
Once this process is completed we will obtain the complete Huffman tree that was used to compress the file. This tree is used
search for the character that was represented by the code in the compressed file.
Now the actual decompression process begins.
The current node is set to the root node.
A sequence of zeros and ones are read from the compressed file. For every '0' read we move to the left child node of
the current node and for every '1' read we move to the right child node of the current node and set it as the new current
If the current node is a leaf node then we output the character that is represented by this node. The current node is
reset to the root node.
Steps 2 to 3 are repeated until all the bytes in the file are read.
Once this process is complete the output file contains the decompressed data.
Delphi Code
The implementation of the Huffman compression algorithm in Delphi is available from the download option.
This compression ratio achieved by this algorithm is usually in the range of 20 to 40 % . Once it was believed that no other
algorithm could achieve a better compression ratio.However recently compression algorithms (like the LZW compression
algorithm) have been developed which produce much better compression ratios. So this compression algorithm is now mostly
used in conjunction with other compression algorithms to achieve a better compression ratio.
The code can be downloaded using the download option.