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OOP 135 codes
1 [] Avoid duplicate items in string lists
2 [] Casting a [long] string to a pchar
3 [] Compare two strings with wildcards
4 [] Dde connection
5 [] Format örnekleri
6 [] Formlardaki nesnelerin kontrolü
7 [] Ismi verilen bir dizinin içindeki elemanın silinmesi
8 [] Loadfromstream
9 [] Thread örneği
10 [] Tstringlist,tstrings,tmemorystream
11 [] Türkce karekter kontrolü
12 [] Uygulamada bulunan tüm bileşenlere erişmek
13 5 elinizin altında olması gereken kodlar 5 [string işlemleri ve veri tipi dönüşümleri]
14 Access protected properties
15 Accessing protected class properties
16 Accessing protected methods and properties out of context
17 Add interface objects to a list
18 Adding new methods and properties without registering new components
19 Adding new Standard Actions
20 Allocating a large buffer [new]
21 Allowing delphi to remove your empty methods
22 Ansilowercase[] faster than lowercase[]
23 Application terminate or halt[]
24 Assertions are not working
25 Aşiri yükleme[overload]
26 Automated object property creation and destruction using RTTI and metaclasses
27 Be careful when you use with statement
28 BPL Analyze
29 Building a business object
30 Calling base class constructors and destructors
31 Calling IDispatch directly
32 Center a TControl
33 Change text in a onchange event without stack overflow
34 Change the priority class for a specified process
35 Change the value of Constants
36 Changing the look of the HintWindowClass
37 Check if an enumerated value is set in Int64 enumerate set value
38 Class Instance Counter
39 Cleaning up EnumWindows
40 Clone a Component
41 Clone a Control with all its Childcontrols
42 Clone the Controls Properties
43 Cloning Component Properties
44 Comparestring[] versus ansicomparestring[]
45 Component Serialization
46 Component writing, best practises
47 Create a base class with a non reference counted implementation of IUnknown
48 Create a button with more than one line of text
49 Create Your Own List Of Objects
51 Creating class properties
52 Delegation, Events and Methods
53 Dephide conditional defines parametrelerinin kullanımı
54 Detect press key serialization like used to display easter egg
55 Develope a new component
56 Developing a TPropertyEditor for multiline Hints
57 Devx - bul ve değiştir
58 Devx - kümeden[array] kayıt silme
59 Dinamik dizi kullanımı
60 Disable an event handler
61 Dispose hakkında bir örnek
62 Dos moduna açmak, console
63 Drag and Drop any TObject anywhere
64 Drag and Drop Selected Text in between Memo Components
65 Drag and Drop Thread
66 Dragging non windowed controls at run time
67 Dragtime
68 Duplicate component
69 Econverterror hatasının önüne geçmek
72 Exception or Event Logger
73 Explanation of Internal Error
74 Extending existing classes with class helpers
75 Extending TThread for multiple processor environments
76 Flattening down the interface II
77 ForEach for components hierarchy
78 Formdaki tüm editboxların içini temizlemeye ek
79 Genel hata yakalama
80 Get events of component
81 Get names of enumerated values
82 GetDocumentation for Type Library
83 Handle exceptions globally
84 Harf sil function
85 How do I assign a method to the event of a dynamically created object
86 How do I free a dynamically created object by clicking an object on it
87 How do we implement the Choice Pattern
88 How do you add Interfaces to a List
89 How to access protected properties
90 How to add a new event to a component
91 How to add dblclick event
92 How to add interface objects to a list
93 How to assign an event handler to all components
94 How to call a private method of other class
95 How to call a routine by its name
96 How to change a property of all components in one time
97 How to change existing forms ancestor types
98 How to Change the font for all controls at run time
99 How to clone a Component
100 How to Clone the Controls Properties
101 How to create a base class with a non reference counted implementation of IUnknown
102 How to create your own components in less than 2 minutes
103 How to detect press key serialization like used to display easter egg
104 How to develope a new component
105 How to get the published properties of an persistent object
106 How to get the reference of an unregistered class
107 How to getset the doubleclick time
108 How to handle exceptions globally
109 How to implement a singleton
110 How to implement a Smart Pointer Class C almost
111 How to implement automatic asynchronous data exchange in the company
112 How to implement OnBeforeResize, OnAfterResize
113 How to implement the Choice Pattern
114 How to load only one instance of a program
115 How to use Interfaces and TInterfaceList
116 In operatörü
117 Istisnalar
118 Kısa ve basit bir kodla replace all nasıl yapılır
119 Komut satırından uzun dosya ismini almak
120 Nesne tabanli programlama
121 Parametre kullanımı
122 Play with the application interface for more languages support
123 Pointerler
124 Privilege 0 execution through IRing0 interface
125 Programda parametre kullanımı
126 Programı simge haline getirmek
127 Stringofchar komutu belirtilen sayı kadar karakter basar
128 Stringteki veri tarih formatında mı
129 Text ve dosya şifreleme
130 Type casting and type checking with Interfaces
131 Use Interfaces and TInterfaceList
132 Using the IShellFolder interface
133 When use Interfaces, when use Inheritance
134 Windowsun global atom tablosuna belirli bir not yazarak deneme sürümü haline getirmek
135 Yazılan kelime içinde kaç tane sesli, sessiz harf ve rakam olduğunu belirten kod