Title: Delegation, Events and Methods
Question: How do you delegate actions and operations in Delphi ?
How do you use a stand-alone procedure as an event handler ?
The basic types of reuse mechanisms are
(see Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides,
"Design Patterns",
Addision-Wesley, 1995)
Inheritance :
reuse by subclassing, lets you define the
implementation of one class in terms of another's
Aggregation (or Composition):
reuse by assembling or composing objects to get
more complex functionality
Delegation :
reuse by connecting methods : a object that
receives a request, delegates operations to
another object
(special kind of composition, two or more objects
are involved to produce a behavior)
The difference between inheritance and delegation
is the same as between to "be" and to "have",
for instance a rectangular windows-class "is" a
subclass of a general window, or a window can
"have" access to a class that knows how to
draw a rectangular window.
Delegation is used for example in the "State"
and "Strategy" design patterns, which change
the behavior of an object by changing the
objects to which it delegates requests.
In delphi, inheritance is a feature of the
language, and its obvious how to compose
objects. How does delegation work in delphi ?
Delegation within a class is done by defining
objects for a state or a strategy (see "State"
and "Stategy" design pattern).
Delegation between different classes is done by
method pointers, variables that point to methods.
I want to show this by an example :
Let us suppose that you want to display the
progress of a calculation in a progress-form.
To do this, you can use messages or method pointers.
Using messages, you can send messages with
The progress-form can receive this message and
respond to it with WndProc or own procedures like
procedure WMProgress(var msg : TMessage); message WM_Progress;
This is the "windows-way". The "delphi-way"
is to use method pointers : Delphi uses them to
manage and to hide the processing of messages :
if a window-message like WM_Activate is received,
the corresponding event OnActivate is triggered.
An event encapsulates the response for a certain message,
and is implemented by a method pointer.
Instead of using SendMessage, we can define a
"ProgressMessage" event with a method pointer :
TProgressMsg = procedure(Msg : string;Progress : integer) of object;
constructor TProgressForm.Create(LCID : integer;CompressClass : TCompressClass);
inherited create(nil);
Now we can delegate the process of displaying
the progress to the progress-form :
procedure TCompressClass.SendProgressMsg(Msg: string;Progress: integer);
if Assigned(fProgressMsg) then
The calling class knows, *when* the action is
triggered, the class that rents the method knows
exactly *what* to do in this case.
procedure TProgressForm.ProgressMsg(Msg : string;Progress : integer);
var s : string;
k : integer;
StepLabel.Caption:=Format(sProgress+' %s',[IntToStr(Progress)])+'%';
Delegating or Event handling is done with
Method Pointers. They allow you to change and
to extend an object's behavior assigning new methods to the pointers.
With method pointers, actions can be delegated
to other classes.
(- Events page of the Object-Inspector)
Properties allow to change an object's
state the properties.
(- Properties page of the Object-Inspector)
Normal properties encapsulate elementary
blocks of states (access to object-data),
"event properties" encapsulate elementary
blocks of behavior (access to message-handling).
All method variables, including the event
properties, are defined in the unit System
(former in SysUtils) as follows :
TMethod = record
Code, Data: Pointer;
If you know that, you can do tricks like
accessing methods by the method-name with
(see Artikel 2644)
Method.Code := Class.MethodAddress(MethodName);
or using a Stand-alone procedure as an event handler
Normally an event handler for the OnClick event would
look like this :
procedure TForm1.ClassProc(Sender: TObject);
Because a Stand-alone procedure has no relation
to a certain class, we have to add an additional
Data parameter of type pointer (for methods, the
first parameter is always Self (passed in EAX),
and the first parameter explicitly declared is
in fact the second parameter (passed in EDX)):
procedure StandAloneProc(Data: Pointer; Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Event: TNotifyEvent;
TMethod(Event).Code := @StandAloneProc;
TMethod(Event).Data := nil; // or Button1
Button1.OnClick := Event;