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Event 167 codes
1 A function returning String and use it in button event handler
2 Access applications localVar by prefixing it with outerDocument keyword
3 Access SecurityErrorEvent objects text property
4 ActionScript event handling logic inside the MXML tags click event
5 Add a click event listener to each of the colored boxes
6 Add a new button when the user presses an existing button
7 Add ActionScript code in the components definition for initialize event
8 Add and remove event handlers
9 Add Click event listener with ActionScript
10 Add event handler to ChangeWatcher
11 Add handlers and then remove handlers
12 Add itself to event handler
13 Add loading complete event for URLLoader
14 Add mouse click event handler for Panel
15 Add Mouse Down event to Panel
16 Add SecurityErrorEvent SECURITY_ERROR event handler
17 Adding Key down handler for Application
18 Bind a call to the handler function to the control that triggers the event
19 Bind getter function to phoneNumberChanged event
20 Button click
21 Canvas mouse down event
22 Canvas Mouse Position, mouse down event
23 Cast Event object for only property access
24 Cast Event object to MouseEvent
25 Cast event sender to UI control
26 Change Event
27 Check coordinate for mouse click
28 Check event current target class name
29 Check event target id
30 Click event attribute can take ActionScript code as its value
31 Click event example (MXML)
32 Combination of Shift key and q key
33 Conditional handler
34 Control all dispatch keyUp events to the keyHandler() event listener function
35 Convert local point to Global
36 Convert number to char from key code of KeyboardEvent
37 Create a Point object from the mouse pointers location and display data values associated
38 Create Complete event and initialize event
39 Create event object
40 Create new event from ActionScript
41 Create the global listener for handling the keyboard event
42 Create two event handler functions
43 Creates the groups in ActionScript by using an event handler
44 Creating function and use it as event handler
45 Custom Listener Function
46 Define an event handler for the drag
47 Define an event handler inline and binds a call to the handler function to the control
48 Define custom behavior for the click event of the LinkElement object
49 Define object type as Event
50 Define variable in click event handler
51 Detect a Mouse Click Outside a Pop Up to Close It
52 Disables interactivity for events on the first and third PlotSeries objects
53 Dispatch an event in an MXML tag
54 Dispatch keyUp events to the keyHandler() event listener function
55 Display current phase and information about the current target
56 Display the current phase and current targets ID
57 Double click event
58 Edit Event Prevents Edit
59 Event Bubbling
60 Event handler for KeyboardEvent KEY_UP
61 Event handler function
62 Event handler sequence
63 Event listener function
64 Event listener is contained in an ActionScript function in an fx
65 Event Object Handler
66 Event Object Properties
67 Event target id
68 Event type
69 Event type and text
70 Event With Function
71 Get current target from event
72 Get event target label
73 Get event type, event target and event target id
74 Get key code and char code from KeyboardEvent
75 Get Scrolled position from ScrollEvent
76 Get X and Y locations from Mouse Event
77 Gets the value of the current targets x, y, and width properties in the focusIn event handler
78 Handler children clicked event from parent clicked event
79 Handler result event and fault event for ItemResponder
80 Handling Events Inline
81 Hold down the Shift key while pressing the mouse button
82 If control key pressed during dragging
83 If shift key pressed during dragging over
84 Initially sets the mouseSensitivity property to 20
85 Intercept a click event
86 Item click event for RadioButtonGroup
87 Key up event
88 Label Mouse down event
89 Let current event target show the drop feedback
90 Listen for a Keyboard Event
91 Listen for the combination of the Shift key and key code 80
92 Listen to a Button Click
93 Log event information to TextArea
94 Manually dispatch an event in an MXML tag
95 Mark click event as its own tag
96 Module loading event
97 Mouse Event Object Properties
98 MouseEvent CLICK
99 MouseEvent MOUSE_DOWN
100 MouseEvent stageX and stageY properties
101 Nested inner function
102 Nested inner function is called when the button is clicked
103 NonCommittingChange Event Sample
104 NonCommittingChangeEvent Demo
105 Output mouse position in mouse move event
106 Output number to char from char code of KeyboardEvent
107 Output string representation for KeyboardEvent
108 Parent containers click handler disables the target control after the target handles the event
109 Pass a string and Event object to method
110 Pass a string and the Event object to the runMove() method
111 Pass current event target text to function
112 Pass Event object to submitForm() handler function and specifies it as type MouseEvent
113 Pass Event object to the submitForm() handler function and specifies it as type MouseEvent
114 Pass individual properties to an event listener
115 Pass string into event handler
116 Place your mouse pointer over the image to enlarge it
117 Priority parameter and event handler event
118 Register handler function to Button control
119 Register one listener function to two different buttons
120 Remove and add event listener
121 Remove handler
122 Return string based on key code
123 Reuse a single listener for multiple events
124 Rotate after Button creation completed
125 Rotate and Move
126 Rotate image around z-axis, with applyChangesPostLayout property set to false
127 Rotating the button 45 degrees
128 Select only the SpanElement that is under the mouse click
129 Set HTMLText With Initialize event
130 Set shiftKey of the MouseEvent object to true to simulate a Shift-click
131 Set the value of the errorString property to create an error tip
132 Show character and key code
133 Simple Event Handler
134 Single event property access
135 Specify Event object as a parameter in the event handler function
136 StartUp event Order
137 Stop event propagation
138 Submit button call
139 The click event attribute can take ActionScript code directly as its value
140 Timer event
141 To use the Event object, you specify it as a parameter in the event handler function
142 Trace mouse position
143 Track key code
144 Trap keys pressed when the focus is on an individual component
145 UI Control initialization event
146 Update bindable variable in a timer event
147 Use a separate call to addEventListener() method for each instance
148 Use addEventListener function to bind function to event
149 Use dispatchEvent() method to dispatch any event
150 Use Event Bubbling
151 Use Event object to access methods and properties of the target component, or the component that dispatched the event
152 Use Event object to get a reference to the clicked ColumnSeries
153 Use initialize event to register event handler
154 Use itemDoubleClick event handler to display HitData information
155 Use SetEventHandler to set event handler to a target
156 Use the addEventListener() method
157 Use the handler property to specify the function Argument String
158 Use the handlerFunction property to specify the function
159 Use the target property not currentTarget property
160 Use Timer event to track flash total memory
161 Using ActionScript in MXML event handlers
162 Using Add Event Listener
163 Using change event to recognize that a new item was entered into the prompt, and adds it to the data provider
164 Using error event when loading Module
165 Using event object to make event handlers more generic
166 Using removeEventListener() method to remove event handler
167 Write simple event handler code inline