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Java Tutorial
Data Type 801 codes
Java Tutorial
Data Type
1 A bubble sort for Strings
2 A custom number formatter that formats numbers as hexadecimal strings
3 A formatter that formats dates to show the elapsed time relative to some base date
4 A hexadecimal literal of type long
5 A number formatter for logarithmic values This formatter does not support parsing
6 A string can be compared with a StringBuffer
7 A utility class for converting a long into a human readable string
8 Abbreviate string
9 Abbreviates a String using ellipses
10 Abbreviates a String using ellipses in both sides
11 Accessing String Characters
12 Add 10 months to the calendar
13 Add 8 days to the current date and print out the date and time
14 Add another 12 hours and print out the date and time
15 Add hours to current date using Calendar add method
16 Add hours, minutes or seconds to a date
17 Add leading zeros to a number
18 Add minutes to current date using Calendar add method
19 Add months to current date using Calendar add method
20 Add or substract days to current date using Java Calendar
21 Add seconds to current date using Calendar add method
22 Add two integers, checking for overflow
23 Add two long integers, checking for overflow
24 Add week to current date using Calendar add method
25 Add year to current date using Calendar add method
26 Adding Members to an Enumeration Class
27 An automatic type conversion
28 An integer synchronized counter class
29 And operation on BigInteger
30 AntNot operation on BigInteger
31 Anywhere, ignore case( regular expressions )
32 Applied to strings, the precision specifier specifies the maximum field length
33 Applying the modulus operator, %, to floating-point values
34 Arrays of Strings
35 ASCII character handling functions
36 Assign int value to char variable
37 Assign String variable to null
38 Attempts to use string variable before it has been initialized
39 Autoboxing and Auto-Unboxing
40 Autoboxingunboxing
41 Autoboxingunboxing a Boolean and Character
42 AutoboxingUnboxing Boolean and Character Values
43 Autoboxingunboxing int
44 Autoboxingunboxing occurs inside expressions
45 Autoboxingunboxing takes place with method parameters and return values
46 Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
47 Auto-unboxing
48 Auto-unboxing allows you to mix different types of numeric objects in an expression
49 Beyond the last character of the substring
50 BigInteger isProbablePrime
51 Binary and Decimal value table
52 Bit manipulation methods in Integer
53 Boolean Data Type
54 Boolean Literals
55 Boolean Variables
56 Boxing and Unboxing
57 Byte Array To Hex String
58 Byte Range
59 Calculate the age
60 Calculate the power on a BigInteger
61 Calendar adjust date automatically
62 Calendar DAY_OF_WEEK
63 Capital and uncapital strings
64 Capitalize the first character of the given string
65 Case insensitive check if a String ends with a specified suffix
66 Case insensitive check if a String starts with a specified prefix
67 Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
68 Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
69 Cast back to short
70 Cast result of plus opertion to byte
71 Casting Incompatible Types
72 Casting Objects
73 Centers a String in a larger String of size size Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with
74 Centers a String in a larger String of size size Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with
75 Centers a String in a larger String of size size using the space character ( )
76 Change date formatting symbols
77 Change multiple components at the same time
78 Change the decimal separator is set to
79 Char variables behave like integers
80 Character
81 Character Escape Sequences
82 Check for a Leap Year
83 Check if a String ends with a specified suffix
84 Check if a string is a valid number
85 Check if a string is present at the current position in another string
86 Check if a String starts with a specified prefix
87 Check Number properties and convert from Number
88 Check whether the given String is a valid identifier according to the Java Language specifications
89 Checking for a Leap Year
90 Checking the End of a String
91 Checking the Start of a String
92 Checks if a String is empty () or null
93 Checks if a String is not empty () and not null
94 Checks if a String is whitespace, empty () or null
95 Checks if String contains a search character, handling null
96 Checks if String contains a search String irrespective of case, handling null
97 Checks if String contains a search String, handling null
98 Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters
99 Checks if the string contains only ASCII printable characters
100 Checks if the String contains only certain characters
101 Checks if two calendar objects represent the same local time
102 Checks if two date objects are on the same day ignoring time
103 Checks if two date objects represent the same instant in time
104 Checks that the String does not contain certain characters
105 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit
106 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic
107 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic lower case
108 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic upper case
109 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit control
110 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric
111 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric and character
112 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit printable
113 Checks whether the String contains only digit characters
114 Chop i characters off the end of a string
115 Class with methods for type conversion
116 Clear a bit in a BigInteger
117 Compare date time using after method of Java Calendar
118 Compare date time using before method of Java Calendar
119 Compare integers using if statements, relational operators and equality operators
120 Compare Two Java boolean Arrays Example
121 Compare Two Java byte Arrays Example
122 Compare Two Java char Arrays
123 Compare Two Java double Arrays
124 Compare Two Java float Arrays
125 Compare Two Java int Arrays
126 Compare Two Java long Arrays Example
127 Compare Two Java short Arrays
128 Compare two objects of Character
129 Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ
130 Compares all Strings in an array and returns the initial sequence of characters that is common to all of them
131 Compares two floats for order
132 Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ
133 Compares two Strings, and returns the portion where they differ
134 CompareTo() and equals() for enum data type
135 Comparing Calendars
136 Comparing Enumeration Values
137 Comparing Strings for Equality
138 Comparing Two Strings
139 Compress 2 adjacent (single or double) quotes into a single (s or d) quote when found in the middle of a String
140 Computation with Shorter Integer Types
141 Compute days between 2 dates
142 Compute distance light travels using long variables
143 Construct a Calendar object by using the setTime method
144 Construct one String from another
145 Construct string from subset of char array
146 Convert a byte array to a Hex string
147 Convert a byte array to a String with a hexidecimal format
148 Convert a byte array to base64 string
149 Convert a hexidecimal string generated by toHexString() back into a byte array
150 Convert a String Date Such as 20030110 into a java util Date Object
151 Convert a string into a byte array in hex format
152 Convert a String to Date
153 Convert a String to int
154 Convert an int value to String
155 Convert an integer into binary, hexadecimal, and octal
156 Convert an UNSIGNED byte to a JAVA type
157 Convert base64 string to a byte array
158 Convert BigInteger into another radix number
159 Convert binary number to decimal number
160 Convert boolean to integer
161 Convert Boolean to String
162 Convert boolean value to Boolean
163 Convert byte array to Hex String
164 Convert byte array to Integer and Long
165 Convert Byte to numeric primitive data types example
166 Convert byte to String
167 Convert byte[ ] array to String
168 Convert bytes to a base16 string
169 Convert character to digit with Character digit
170 Convert Characters to Lower Case
171 Convert Characters to Upper Case
172 Convert Date into milliseconds example
173 Convert day of year to day of month
174 Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal number
175 Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal number example
176 Convert decimal integer to octal number
177 Convert decimal integer to octal number example
178 Convert Decimal to Binary
179 Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
180 Convert Decimal to Octal
181 Convert double value to string and check the position of dot
182 Convert from a java util Date Object to a java sql Date Object
183 Convert from ASCII code to String
184 Convert from Byte array to hexadecimal string
185 Convert from decimal to binary
186 Convert from decimal to hexadecimal
187 Convert from decimal to hexadecimal with leading zeroes and uppercase
188 Convert from double to String
189 Convert from float to String
190 Convert from integer to ASCII code (byte)
191 Convert from integer to String
192 Convert from long to String
193 Convert from String to double
194 Convert from String to float
195 Convert from String to integer
196 Convert from String to long
197 Convert hexadecimal number to decimal number
198 Convert int to Octal String
199 Convert integer to boolean
200 Convert Java boolean Primitive to Boolean object
201 Convert java Double to numeric primitive data types
202 Convert Java Float to Numeric Primitive Data Types
203 Convert Java String Object to Boolean Object
204 Convert Java String to Double
205 Convert Java String to Float Object
206 Convert Java String to Long example
207 Convert Java String to Short
208 Convert lines into the canonical format, that is, terminate lines with the CRLF sequence
209 Convert long primitive to Long object Example
210 Convert Long to numeric primitive data types example
211 Convert Object to BigDecimal
212 Convert octal number to decimal number
213 Convert octal number to decimal number example
214 Convert primitive back and forth
215 Convert Short to numeric primitive data types
216 Convert string of time to time object
217 Convert string to an integer or number
218 Convert String to Boolean
219 Convert String to byte
220 Convert String to byte array
221 Convert string to char array
222 Convert String to character array
223 Convert String to java int Example
224 Convert String to short primitive
225 Convert string to uppercase
226 Convert the bytes to a hex string representation of the bytes
227 Convert the Current Time to a java sql Date Object
228 Converting a Primitive Type Value to a String
229 Converting a String to a byte Number
230 Converting a String to a double type Number
231 Converting a String to a float type Number
232 Converting a String to a int(integer) Number
233 Converting a String to a short Number
234 Converting byte to String
235 Converting Char array to String
236 Converting double to String
237 Converting float to String
238 Converting hexadecimal strings
239 Converting Integer to Hex String
240 Converting int to binary string
241 Converting int to String
242 Converting long to String
243 Converting short to String
244 Converts a boolean to a String returning yes or no
245 Converts a hex string to a byte array
246 Converts a String to a Boolean
247 Converts an Integer to a boolean specifying the conversion values
248 Converts an int to a boolean specifying the conversion values
249 Converts bytes to a hex string
250 Copy char array to string
251 Copy characters from string into char Array
252 Count letters in a String
253 Count the number of instances of substring within a string
254 Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String
255 Create a BigDecimal vis string
256 Create a boolean variable from string
257 Create a Date object using the Calendar class
258 Create a Double object using one of the below given constructors
259 Create a java sql Time Object from java util Date
260 Create a java util Date Object from a Year, Month, Day Format
261 Create a Long object
262 Create an Boolean object from boolean value
263 Create an Integer object
264 Create Big Decimal Values via a long
265 Create Big Decimal Values via a string
266 Create BigInteger from byte array
267 Create BigInteger via long type variable
268 Create BigInteger via string
269 Create instance of java sql Date from Calendar getTimeInMillis()
270 Create java Date from specific time example
271 Create String with char array
272 Create Yesterdays Date from a Date in the String Format of MMDDYYYY
273 Creating a Calendar object from a locale
274 Creating a Date Object for a Particular Date
275 Creating a string from a subset of the array elements
276 Creating Character Arrays From String Objects
277 Creating Gregorian Calendars
278 Creating String Objects From Character Arrays
279 Creating String Objects From Character Arrays using String copyValueOf()
280 Data type conversion
281 Date and time with day and month fully spelled-out
282 Date and time with month
283 Date Era change
284 Date Format with SimpleDateFormat
285 Date Parsing and Formatting with DateFormat
286 DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat FULL,DateFormat MEDIUM)
287 Days Till End Of Year
288 Decimal Format
289 DecimalFormat(###E0) (exponent must be multiple of 3)
290 DecimalFormat(##E0) (exponent must be multiple of 2)
291 DecimalFormat(00 00E0)
292 DecimalFormat(0000000000E0)
293 DecimalFormat(000E00)
294 DecimalFormat(00E00)
295 Declaring a variable of type float
296 Declaring Checked Exceptions
297 Declaring more than one float variable in a single statement
298 Decode byte array
299 Decode string to integer
300 Decodes Base64 data into octects
301 Decodes Hex data into octects
302 Default values for primitives and references
303 Defining integer literals as octal values
304 Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by Character isWhitespace(char)
305 Delimiters are comma, space, or period
306 Demo for escape
307 Demonstrate a type wrapper
308 Demonstrate date formats with different DateFormat constants
309 Demonstrate indexOf() and lastIndexOf()
310 Demonstrate isInfinite() and isNaN()
311 Demonstrate ordinal(), compareTo(), and equals()
312 Demonstrate several Is methods
313 Demonstrate time formats
314 Demonstrate toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()
315 Demonstrates getChars( )
316 Demonstrates the charAt and getChars
317 Determine if an hour is between an interval
318 Determine the day of the week
319 Determine the Day of the Week from Todays Date
320 Determines if the specified string is permissible as a Java identifier
321 Determines if this is a quoted argumented - either single or double quoted
322 Determining a Characters Unicode Block
323 Determining If a String Is a Legal Java Identifier
324 Determining If a Year Is a Leap Year
325 Determining the Day-of-Week for a Particular Date
326 Display a currency value
327 Display a percentage
328 Display date with a short day and month name
329 Display date with day name in a short format
330 Display Day of Week using Java Calendar
331 Display full date time
332 Display Month of year using Java Calendar
333 Display numbers in scientific notation
334 Display numbers with commas
335 Display numbers with leading zeroes
336 Display printable Characters
337 Displaying Date by weekday name
338 Divide one BigDecimal from another BigDecimal
339 Divide one BigInteger from another BigInteger
340 Do math operation for BigDecimal
341 Do math operation for BigInteger
342 Double quote and single quote
343 Double value
344 Dump an array of bytes in hex form
345 Dumps data in hexadecimal format
346 Encodes hex octects into Base64
347 Ends with, ignore case( regular expressions )
348 Enum type field
349 Enum type with its own method
350 Enum with switch
351 Enumeration Fundamentals
352 Enums in a Class
353 Equals and = operator for enum data type
354 Equals Method
355 Equals() and equalsIgnoreCase()
356 Equals() vs ==
357 Equivalence
358 Escape Sequence Characters
359 Express a duration in term of HH
360 Extract Substring with indexOf
361 Extracting a substring as an array of characters using the method getChars()
362 Find the Difference Between Two Given Dates
363 Find the first index of any of a set of potential substrings
364 Find the latest index of any of a set of potential substrings
365 Finding the last occurrence of a in the String variable text
366 Finds the first index within a String, handling null
367 Finds the last index within a String from a start position, handling null
368 Finds the n-th index within a String, handling null
369 Fix Line Separator
370 Flip a bit in a BigInteger
371 Floating-Point Calculations
372 Floating-Point Data Types
373 FloatingPoint Types
374 For a float value x, this method returns +1 0F if x = 0 and -1 0F if x 0 Returns NaN if x is NaN
375 Force minimum number of digits to left and right of decimal point
376 Format a date into ddmmyyyy
377 Format a percentage for presentation to the user
378 Format a String (JDK1 5)
379 Format Calendar with String format()
380 Format current date and time with the SimpleDateFormat
381 Format Date with System out format
382 Format double with System out format
383 Format long with System out format
384 Format strings into table
385 Formatter that caches formatted date information
386 Formatting Dates and Times
387 Formatting String Symbols for SimpleDateFormat
388 Formatting Symbols for SimpleDateFormat
389 Formatting the Time Using a Custom Format
390 Four different date formats for four countries
391 Fraction is a Number implementation that stores fractions accurately
392 Get 7-bit ASCII character array from input String
393 Get a List of Short Month Names
394 Get a List of Short Weekday Names
395 Get a List of Weekday Names
396 Get all digits from a string
397 Get BigInteger from an object
398 Get byte array from BigInteger
399 Get byte array from hex string
400 Get current date, year and month
401 Get current time information
402 Get day of week
403 Get Days Of The Week for different locale
404 Get InputStream from a String
405 Get Percent Value
406 Get the difference between two strings
407 Get the last date of a month
408 Get the last day of a month
409 Get the minimum and maximum value of a primitive data types
410 Get the number of days in that month
411 Get the value of a bit
412 Get time in milliseconds using Java Calendar
413 Get Week of month and year using Java Calendar
414 Gets a hex string from byte array
415 Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions
416 Gets len characters from the middle of a String
417 Gets the leftmost len characters of a String
418 Gets the maximum of three int values
419 Gets the maximum of three long values
420 Gets the minimum of three int values
421 Gets the minimum of three long values
422 Gets the rightmost len characters of a String
423 Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the same String
424 Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings Only the first match is returned
425 Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
426 Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
427 Getting Date and Time Information
428 Given a hexstring this will return the byte array corresponding to string
429 Given an integer, return a string that is in an approximate, but human readable format
430 Helper class for format number and currency
431 Helper function that dump an array of bytes in hex pair form, without 0x and space chars
432 Helper function that returns a char from an hex
433 Hex encoder and decoder
434 Hex encoderdecoder implementation borrowed from BouncyCastle
435 Hex String To Byte Array
436 Hexadecimal integer literal
437 Hexadecimal Numbers and its corresponding Decimal and binary value
438 Highest one bit
439 How to declare floating-point variables
440 How to define an enumeration
441 If a date is after another date
442 If a date is before another date
443 Illustrating the precision specifier
444 Implements CharSequence
445 Increment and Decrement a Date Using the Calendar Class
446 Increment and Decrement Months Using the Calendar Class
447 Int array to byte array
448 Integer
449 Integer Calculations
450 Integer constants for the third version of set()
451 Integer Data Types in Java
452 Integer lowestOneBit(n), Integer numberOfLeadingZeros(n), Integer numberOfTrailingZeros(n)
453 Integer parseInt()
454 Integer reverseBytes( ) reverses the order of the bytes in num and returns the result
455 Integer signum() returns
456 Integer valueOf
457 Is character a digit, letter, white space, lower case or upper case character
458 Is White space
459 IsDigit()
460 IsLetter()
461 IsLetterOrDigit()
462 ISO 8601 date parsing utility
463 Java boolean value
464 Java byte
465 Java char
466 Java double
467 Java Double compare example
468 Java Double isInfinite
469 Java Double isNaN method
470 Java Float Comparison
471 Java float is 32 bit single precision type and used when fractional precision calculation is required
472 Java Float isInfinite Method
473 Java Float isNaN Method
474 Java Float Wrapper Class
475 Java int
476 Java lang Boolean
477 Java long Example
478 Java short
479 Java Sort long Array Example
480 Java Sort short Array
481 Java String endsWith
482 Java String startsWith
483 Join an array of strings into one delimited string
484 Join String
485 Join string from soapUI
486 Joins array elements
487 Joins array elements into a single String
488 Joins array elements into a single String without specifying the start index and end index
489 Joins the elements of Collection into a single String with string separator
490 Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements
491 Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String containing the provided elements
492 Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String containing the provided elements
493 Last index of
494 Last occurrence of a character
495 Left pad a String with a specified character
496 Left pad a String with a specified String
497 Left pad a String with spaces ( )
498 Length of a string
499 Leniency
500 Literals
501 Long Integer Literal
502 Makes the first letter caps and the rest lowercase
503 Manually boxes the value 100 into an Integer
504 Match Dates
505 Match Name Formats
506 Match Phone Number
507 Match Zip Codes
508 Max and Min values of datatype char
509 Min and Max values of data type double
510 Min and Max values of data type float
511 Min and Max values of datatype byte
512 Min and Max values of datatype int
513 Min and Max values of datatype long
514 Min and Max values of datatype short
515 Modifying Dates and Times
516 Multiply one BigDecimal to another BigDecimal
517 Multiply one BigInteger to another BigInteger
518 Multiply two integers, checking for overflow
519 Multiply two long integers, checking for overflow
520 Narrowing conversion with information loss
521 Negate a BigDecimal
522 Negate a BigInteger
523 New DecimalFormat(0 ######E0)
524 New DecimalFormat(000000E0)
525 New DecimalFormat(abc#)
526 New String(textArray, 9, 3)
527 Not found returns -1
528 Not operation for BigInteger
529 Number format with FieldPosition
530 Number formatting helps make your numbers more readable
531 Number Parsing
532 NumberFormat
533 NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance(Locale ENGLISH)
534 NumberFormat getInstance()
535 NumberFormat getPercentInstance(Locale ENGLISH)
536 Obtaining a Date Object From a String
537 Obtaining all ordinal values using ordinal()
538 Obtaining the Characters in a String as an Array of Bytes
539 Only replace first occurence
540 Operate with big decimal values
541 Operate with big integer values in code
542 Operating with Big Integer Values
543 Or operation for BigInteger
544 Output current time
545 Overlays part of a String with another String
546 Pad string
547 Padded String
548 Parse a date and time
549 Parse and format a number to decimal
550 Parse and format a number to octal
551 Parse and format to arbitrary radix = Character MAX_RADIX
552 Parse and format to hexadecimal
553 Parse basic types
554 Parse binary string
555 Parse Comma Delimited List
556 Parse decimal string to create BigInteger
557 Parse hexadecimal string to create BigInteger
558 Parse octal string to create BigInteger
559 Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat(dd-MMM-yy)
560 Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat(E, dd MMM yyyy HH
561 Parse string date value with default format
562 Parse with a custom format
563 Parse with a default format
564 Parses a string representing a date by trying a variety of different parsers
565 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into Binary
566 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into decimal
567 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into octal
568 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Binary
569 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into decimal
570 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Hexadecimal
571 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Octal
572 Parsing and Formatting a Number into Binary
573 Parsing the Time Using a Custom Format
574 Pass a string to the Integer class constructor and call the intValue()
575 Pass an integer by reference
576 Pass floats as string literals to a method
577 Pass value array to String format()
578 Perform date validations
579 Performing Bitwise Operations with BigInteger
580 Performing the modular exponential
581 Performs an xor on a set of booleans
582 Plus one to char variable
583 Primitive utilities
584 Primitive Wrappers in detail
585 Print out the current date and time
586 Print the limits of primitive types (e g byte, short, int ) in Java
587 Printing out weekday names
588 Put quotes around the given String if necessary
589 Quote a string so that it can be used as an identifier or a string literal in SQL statements
590 Read double value from console and check the format
591 Read Integers from console and calculate
592 Region Matches
593 Remove a character at a specified position using String substring
594 Remove leading and trailing white space from string
595 Remove the last character from a String
596 Remove the leading and trailing quotes from str
597 Removecollapse multiple newline characters
598 Removecollapse multiple spaces
599 Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
600 Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
601 Removes newline, carriage return and tab characters from a string
602 Removes one newline from end of a String if its there, otherwise leave it alone
603 Removes separator from the end of str if its there, otherwise leave it alone
604 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this String with escape, handling null by returning null
605 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null
606 Removes specified chars from a string
607 Repeat a String repeat times to form a new String
608 Repeat String
609 Replace multiple whitespaces between words with single blank
610 Replace New Lines
611 Replace rn with the br tag
612 Replaceremove character in a String
613 Replaces all occourances of given character with new one and returns new String object
614 Replaces all occourances of given String with new one and returns new String object
615 Replaces only first occourances of given String with new one and returns new String object
616 Replacing Characters in a String
617 Replacing Substrings in a String
618 Represents a range of Number objects
619 Retrieve the current bits in a byte array in twos-complement form
620 Return a string padded with the given string for the given count
621 Return primitive type the passed in wrapper type corresponds to
622 Returns a Date set just to Noon, to the closest possible millisecond of the day
623 Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the day, just after midnight
624 Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the month, just after midnight
625 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the day, just before midnight
626 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the minute
627 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the month, just before midnight
628 Returns a new string with all the whitespace removed
629 Returns the hexadecimal value of the supplied byte array
630 Returns the number of days within the fragment
631 Returns the number of hours within the fragment
632 Returns the number of milliseconds within the fragment
633 Returns the number of minutes within the fragment
634 Returns the number of seconds within the fragment
635 Returns the quoted version of the string using the quotechar argument
636 Returns true if endDate is after startDate or if startDate equals endDate
637 Reverse an Integer
638 RFC date format
639 Right pad a String with a specified character
640 Right pad a String with a specified String
641 Right pad a String with spaces ( )
642 Round a double
643 Round number to fewer decimals
644 Round this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field
645 Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters
646 Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters
647 Searches a String for substrings delimited by a start and end tag, returning all matching substrings in an array
648 Searching for Substrings
649 Searching Strings for Characters
650 Sequencing Strings
651 Set a bit for BigInteger
652 Set with GregorianCalendar YEAR, MONTH and DATE
653 Setting a GregorianCalendar object to a particular date
654 Setting the Date and Time
655 Setting the Decimal Place of a Big Decimal Value
656 Shift right in a BigInteger
657 Shift the bits in a BigInteger
658 Shifted and scaled random integers
659 Show date and time using only Date methods
660 Shows default initial values
661 SimpleDateFormat
662 Simply format a date as YYYYMMDD
663 Size for Javas Primitive Types
664 Specifying Precision
665 Specifying the locale(TimeZone) explicitly for Gregorian Calendar
666 Split a String
667 Split by dot
668 Split string
669 Split up a string into multiple strings based on a delimiter
670 split( ) generates a NullPointerException
671 Splits a string around matches of the given delimiter character
672 Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified Returns a maximum of max substrings
673 Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the separator, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created
674 Starts with, ignore case( regular expressions )
675 Store unicode in a char variable
676 Storing Characters
677 String Characters
678 String class constructors
679 String class substring methods
680 String Concatenation
681 String format()
682 String HashCode
683 String length, charAt, equals
684 String Literals
685 String Replace
686 String split on multicharacter delimiter
687 String split() is based on regular expression
688 String ValueOf
689 Strip Line Breaks
690 Substitute sub-strings in side of a string
691 Substract 1 year from the calendar
692 Substract 30 days from the calendar
693 Substract days from current date using Calendar add method
694 Substract hours from current date using Calendar add method
695 Substract minutes from current date using Calendar add method
696 Substract months from current date using Calendar add method
697 Substract seconds from current time using Calendar add method
698 Substract week from current date
699 Substract year from current date
700 Substring replacement
701 Subtract 4 hours from the time and print out the date and time
702 Subtract from one BigDecimal another BigDecimal
703 Subtract one BigInteger from another BigInteger
704 Subtract two integers, checking for overflow
705 Subtract two long integers, checking for overflow
706 Sums a list of numbers entered by the user
707 Surprise! Java lets you overflow
708 Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case
709 Switch statement with enum
710 Table for escape sequence character
711 Ternary operator on double value
712 Tests two float arrays for equality
713 Thansform an array of ASCII bytes to a string the byte array should contains only values in [0, 127]
714 The java util Calendar Class
715 The java util Date Class
716 The modern way to construct an Integer object that has the value 100
717 The Narrowing Conversion
718 The number of #s to the left of the decimal point sets the multiple of the exponent
719 The number of bits used to represent an int value in twos complement binary form
720 The Primitive Types
721 The Widening Conversion
722 Time in 12-hour format
723 Time in 24-hour format
724 To catch illegal number conversion, try using the trycatch mechanism
725 To change a datetime component, use its set method
726 To check for equality between two strings ignoring the case
727 To convert a byte to its hexadecimal equivalent
728 To extract Ascii codes from a String
729 To go into the past
730 To increment or decrement a field of a calendar by 1 using the roll() method
731 To obtain a date part, such as the hour, the month, or the year, use the get method
732 To remove a character
733 To remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string (but not the interior)
734 To replace a character at a specified position
735 To replace one specific character with another throughout a string
736 To search forwards from a given position
737 To unbox an object
738 Tokenizing a String
739 ToLowerCase and toUpperCase
740 ToString()
741 Transforms words to singular, plural, humanized (human readable), underscore, camel case, or ordinal form
742 Trigonometric Demo
743 Trim any of the characters
744 Trim off trailing blanks but not leading blanks
745 Truncate a String to the given length with no warnings or error raised if it is bigger
746 Truncate this date(Calendar), leaving the field specified as the most significant field
747 Truncate this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field
748 Truncates the big decimal value
749 Try month in a leap year
750 Turns a string value into a java lang Number
751 Two enumeration constants can be compared for equality by using the == relational operator
752 Type conversion (JDK1 5 AutoboxingUnboxing)
753 Unaccent letters
754 Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character toLowerCase(char) No other letters are changed.t
755 Up to the end of the string
756 Use an enum constructor, instance variable, and method
757 Use BigInteger
758 Use Byte constructor to convert byte primitive type to Byte object
759 Use Double constructor to convert double primitive type to a Double object
760 Use Float constructor to convert float primitive type to a Float object
761 Use Float valueOf to convert string value to float
762 Use Integer constructor to convert int primitive type to Integer object
763 Use java text DecimalFormat to format integer
764 Use lastIndexOf to find a substring in a string
765 Use new DecimalFormat(0 #####E0) to format double
766 Use Short constructor to convert short primitive type to Short object
767 Use String indexOf to locate a character in a string
768 Use String indexOf to locate a substring in a string
769 Use String lastIndexOf to find a character in a string
770 Use System out printf to format float point number
771 Use the built-in enumeration methods
772 Use toString method of Byte class to convert Byte into String
773 Use toString method of Double class to convert Double into String
774 Use toString method of Float class to convert Float into String
775 Use toString method of Integer class to conver Integer into String
776 Use toString method of Long class to convert Long into String
777 Use toString method of Short class to convert Short into String
778 Uses an enum, rather than interface variables, to represent the answers
779 Using ++ and -- with floating-point variables
780 Using a switch statement on the values for day
781 Using an integer object to control a switch statement
782 Using byte data type
783 Using Escape Characters
784 Using short data type
785 Using split() with a space can be a problem
786 Using String class
787 Using the boolean type
788 Using the built-in enumeration methods
789 Using the Calendar Class to Display Current Time in Different Time Zones
790 Using the Collection-Based for Loop with a String
791 Using trim() to process commands
792 Using valueOf()
793 Utility methods for ASCII character checking
794 Validate if a String contains only numbers
795 ValueOf()
796 Various Date format
797 Wrapped Class
798 Wrapper classes for the primitive types
799 Wrapping a Primitive Type in a Wrapper Object
800 Write Floating-Point Literals with an exponent
801 Xor a BigInteger