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MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
Style Formatting 124 codes
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
Style Formatting
1 Add a Color to the Menus with Custom tab
2 Add a Color to the Menus with Home tab
3 Add a Drop Cap
4 Add Borders and Shading
5 Add color to Text
6 Add line numbers to a document or page
7 Add or Remove a Page Border
8 Add Page Color
9 Add space before a paragraph
10 Adjust Margins
11 Align Existing Text
12 Apply a Style
13 Apply Formatting Effects to Text
14 Apply or Create Theme Colors
15 Apply Theme Fonts
16 Apply(Copy) a Format Style Using the Format Painter
17 Apply(Copy) the format to more than one item
18 Applying a Quick Style
19 Change a Style Set
20 Change Bullet or Number Styles
21 Change Character Spacing
22 Change Default Paragraph Text
23 Change Default Text and Character Spacing
24 Change Document Formatting with AutoFormat
25 Change Editing Options
26 Change font with Font list on the Ribbon
27 Change font with Mini-Toolbar
28 Change Inconsistent Formatting
29 Change Line Spacing
30 Change Line Spacing with keyboard
31 Change Page Display Options
32 Change Print Display Options
33 Change Print Options
34 Change Styles Pane Options
35 Change the page size
36 Change the Text Position Around an Object or Picture
37 Choose and Apply a Custom Theme
38 Clear formatting
39 Clear style formatting
40 Compare Text Formatting
41 Control Pagination
42 Create a Bulleted List
43 Create a Custom Theme
44 Create a Multi-Level Bulleted or Numbered List
45 Create a New Style
46 Create a Numbered List
47 Create a numbered list by typing
48 Create a Style Set
49 Create Custom Margins Using Page Setup
50 Create Theme Fonts
51 Creating a hanging paragraph
52 Creating a new character style
53 Creating a new paragraph style using the New Style command
54 Creating a printed checklist
55 Customize a Drop Cap
56 Customize Hyphenation
57 Defining a new list style
58 Delete a custom color theme
59 Delete a custom theme effects
60 Delete a page break
61 Delete a section break
62 Deleting a style
63 Edit a custom color theme
64 For additional zoom options, click the View tab
65 Format Text Using the Font Dialog Box
66 Format the multi-level list
67 Highlight the current theme fonts
68 Improve printing speed
69 Indent a Paragraph
70 Insert a Blank Page
71 Insert a Page Break
72 Insert an nonbreaking hyphen
73 Insert an optional hyphen
74 Insert and Delete a Section Break
75 Inserting Hyphens
76 Italicize font
77 Make the default print settings for all new documents
78 Manage Styles
79 Manage Styles with dialog box
80 Managing Styles
81 Modify a Style
82 Page and section break types
83 Paragraph formatting commands
84 Paragraph Tabs
85 Preset gutter measurements
86 Preview a Document
87 Preview your work from the Print dialog box
88 Print a Two-Sided Document
89 Print All or Part of a Document
90 Print without the Print dialog box
91 Remove a page color
92 Remove a style from the Quick Styles gallery
93 Remove all instances of the style in the current document
94 Remove manual hyphens
95 Reset the document back to document Quick Styles
96 Reset the document back to document Quick Styles from a template
97 Rulers in Word
98 Saving the current paragraphs settings as a paragraph style
99 Search for themes at Microsoft Office Online
100 Select or Clear Text Formatting
101 Select Standard Margins
102 Set Custom Page Size Options
103 Set Indentation Using the Tab Key
104 Set the default style set
105 Set the Page Orientation and Size
106 Set the Paper Size
107 Set Up Automatic Formatting As You Type
108 Setting Paragraph Indents
109 Show and Hide the Rulers by using Ribbon
110 Show or Hide White Space Between Pages
111 Special characters for controlling hyphenation
112 Start a new line, but not a new paragraph
113 SubscriptSuperscript font
114 Tab Stops
115 Tab types
116 To set line spacing to an exact number of points
117 View and Apply a Theme
118 View and Apply Theme Effects
119 View the list of styles
120 Wrap Text Around an Object or Picture
121 Wrap Text Tightly Around an Object or Picture
122 You can change the view to display formatting marks, a period for space and an arrow for tabs
123 Zoom a Document in Print Preview
124 Zooming the View In and Out