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Command Mysql 217 codes
Command Mysql
1 Add a LIKE clause at the end of a SHOW statement to display information only for column names that match a given pattern
2 Analyze a table
3 Ask the server to report the number of connections its received and its uptime
4 Backing Up All Databases
5 Backs up all your databases to a file named databackup_041031 sql
6 Backup a table
7 Backup a table to a file
8 Backup and Restoration of stored procedures
9 Backup of InnoDB databases
10 Canceling a Partially Entered Query
11 Change default-character-set for backup
12 Change the @@STORAGE_ENGINE
13 Change the value of the SQL_MODE parameter to PIPES_AS_CONCAT
14 Check a table
15 Check characgter set name and collation name
16 Check information for stored procedures by the table information_schema routines
17 Check MySQL version
18 Check schema name
19 Check table comments from INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES
20 Check table schema for schema table
22 Check the table name with schema name
23 Check which version of MySQL is running
24 Checking MySQL server status
25 Checksum for a table
26 Comments in MySQL
27 Comments in SQL Statements
28 Common Options of the MySQL Client Tools
29 Common Options of the MySQL Server (mysqld) and the MySQL Client Tools(mysql, mysqladmin, mysqldump, mysqlimport, etc )
30 Connect to the MySQL database as root
31 Connect to the mysql database as the root user from the MySQL CLI
32 Connect to the sampdb database on the local host and on cobra snake net
33 Connect with the same options as the previous example, but using the corresponding short option forms
34 Connecting to and Disconnecting from the Server
35 Connects the root account to the inventory database
36 Copying Tables or Databases to Another Server
37 Create database with mysqladmin
38 Create view for base table and temporary table
39 Create view for column information
40 Create view for Column Privileges
41 Create view for columns
42 Create view for database authentication
43 Create view for user authentication
44 Create view for view information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA VIEWS
45 Create view on table Privileges
46 Creates a database named db1 with mysqladmin
47 Database directories are located directly under the data directory
49 Determine the computers time zone with SHOW_VARIABLES
50 Determine the isolation level of a connection
51 Determine which functions the running version of MySQL supports with the SQL command SHOW VARIABLES
52 Determining Existing SPs
53 Determining the Communication Forms Supported by the MySQL Server
54 Drop database with mysqladmin
55 Drop table with database name qualify
56 Dropping Tables and Databases
57 Examine table with EXPLAIN
58 Examining the Table Structure with DESCRIBE
59 Execute a file from within mysql
60 Exporting Table Contents or Definitions in SQL Format
61 Find out the check time
62 Find out which options will be taken from option files by mysql, use this command
63 Generating HTML Tables
64 Get the thread identity
65 Getting Server Metadata
66 Getting Table Information
67 Getting Table Structure Information
68 Have the root user show the change
69 How to exit mysql
70 If you dumped tables from a single database, youll need to tell mysql which database to import them into
71 If you use mysqlimport, command-line options provide the format specifiers
72 Import a SQL-format dump file back into MySQL
73 Importing Data into a Table
74 In many cases, a given option has both a long and a short form
75 In migrating with mysqldumpmysql
76 Inserting High Volumes of Data from a Text File with LOAD DATA
77 Issue a mysqldump command
78 Launching mysql with the option --silent
79 Listing Database or Table Names
80 Listing Existing Tables in a Database with SHOW TABLES
81 Load a datafile containing values quoted by double quote characters
82 Load a file that has data values separated by commas, and lines ending with carriage returns
83 Load data and replace
84 Load data and set division
85 LOAD DATA assumes the columns in the datafile have the same order as the columns in the table
86 LOAD DATA assumes the table is located in the current database unless you specify the database name explicitly
87 Load data from a text file to table
88 Load data to specific columns
89 Load data with FIELDS clause
90 Load data, replace and ignore
91 Lock a table
92 Logging Errors (error log) setting for # in etcmy cnf or my ini (Windows)
93 Logging Logins and Operations (general query log) setting for # in etcmy cnf or my ini (Windows)
94 Make a backup of the duckwear database using the following mysqldump command
95 Making a Backup of an Entire Database
96 Monitoring the MySQL Server
97 Mysql can read from a pipe, so you can combine the use of mysqldump and mysql into a single command
98 Mysql Commands
99 Mysql Options
100 MySQL Server and Included Administrative Tools
101 Mysqldump command backs up the Authors and Books table in the BooksDB database
102 Mysqldump command backs up the BooksDB and BooksDB2 databases
103 Mysqldump creates a backup of a database
104 Mysqldump creates datafiles in tab-delimited, linefeed-terminated format by default
105 Mysqldump interprets its first nonoption argument as a database name and dumps all the tables in that database
106 Name just the City and Country tables after the database name, so mysqldump dumps just those tables
107 Null check
108 Optimize a table
109 Pass two value to prepare
110 Pass value to sql with prepare
111 Prepare command
112 Processing SQL Files with mysql
113 Produce output in formats other than tab-delimited
114 Producing HTML Output
115 Producing XML Output
116 Provide a database name to select that database as the default database
117 Reading In Database Backups
118 Recreate the database in interactive mode
119 Removes the db1 database from your system with mysqladmin
120 Rename a table
121 Rename a table is by using the RENAME TABLE statement
122 RENAME TABLE allows you to rename multiple tables, which allows you to do things such as swap the names of two tables in a s
123 RENAME TABLE can perform multiple table renaming operations in a single statement
124 Rename two tables
125 Renaming a Table
126 REPAIR TABLE command
127 Repair a table
128 Restore a table
129 Restoring a Database
130 Restoring a Single Database
131 Restoring Several Databases
132 Retrieve the name of the current database by using the DATEBASE() function
133 Returning now to the syntax, you can see that a basic SHOW STATUS statement is very straightforward
134 Returns a list of all databases
135 Returns a list of all tables in dbname
136 Returns current status information about the MySQL server
137 Returns information about all indexes of the table
138 Returns status information and a process list
139 Returns the isolation level for the current session and the maximum permitted size of the binary log file
140 Run mysqldump to get the CREATE TABLE statement that contains the column definition
141 Run the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement on that table
142 Schema of information_schema Tables
144 SET @@character_set_connection
145 SET @@session character_set_client
146 SET @@session character_set_results
148 Show columns command
149 Show create procedure
150 SHOW CREATE TABLE table name
152 SHOW DATABASE statement
153 SHOW DATABASES and SHOW TABLES can each take a LIKE pattern clause
154 Show status for a procedure
155 SHOW STATUS statement returns all those status variables whose name contains the string select
156 SHOW TABLES with LIKE clause
157 Show the names of the tables that are stored in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database
158 Show warnings
159 Sign into the MySQL server as root
160 Specify a database when you start the mysql utility
161 Specify a double quote within a double-quoted string by escaping it
162 Specify a value in the LIKE clause that includes the string query
163 Specify the user for mysql
164 Specifying Connection Parameters by Using Option Files
165 Specifying Queries on the Command Line
166 Telling mysql to Read Queries from a File
167 Testing Whether a Database Exists
168 Testing Whether a Table Exists
169 The _ character means match any character in pattern strings
170 The clear Command
171 The LOAD DATA INFILE Statement
172 The options part of the mysql command line might be empty
173 The prompt command supports a number of options that allow you to display the mysql prompt in various ways
174 The SHOW INDEX statement
175 The syntax of LOAD DATA is as follows
176 This SHOW statement returns more than these columns
177 To connect to a server running on some other machine, its necessary to specify the hostname using an -h option
178 To determine the options supported by any MySQL program, invoke the program with the --help option
179 To determine the tables a particular database contains, use SHOW TABLES
180 To determine the version of a program, use the --version option
181 To dump a table as a datafile, you must specify a --tab option that indicates the directory where you want the MySQL server
182 To dump multiple tables, name them all following the database name argument
183 To dump the contents of the world database to an output file named world sql
184 To find out the current type of a table, use the SHOW TABLE STATUS statement or SHOW CREATE TABLE
185 To flush the logs when creating a backup file
186 To invoke mysql interactively from the command line, specify any necessary connection parameters after the command name
187 To operate the mysql client utility in the context of the root user
188 To reload an SQL-format dump file produced by mysqldump, process it with mysql
189 To rotate log tables to keep a set of daily tables covering the last week
190 To run multiple queries with the -e option, separate them with semicolons
191 To set a dynamic system variable at runtime, you can use the SET statement
192 To test whether a connection can even be made, execute the command STATUS
193 Try out the various communication protocols
194 Understand the EXPLAIN statement
195 Use a pipe to copy the Country table from the world database on the local host to the world database on the remote host othe
196 Use LOAD DATA to load a file into a database other than the current one, you can qualify the table name with the database na
197 Use of mysqlhotcopy
198 Use the OPTIMIZE command on the duck_cust table
199 Using Database-Related SHOW Statements
200 Using DESCRIBE Statements
202 Using mysqlimport
203 Using SHOW and DESCRIBE to Review Table Structures
204 Using Show Create Table command to check table
205 Using Table-Related SHOW Statements
206 Using the mysql Client to Export Data
207 Using the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement
208 Using the SHOW VARIABLES Statement to Retrieve Server System Variable Settings
209 Using the SUM function, make a report that shows the total sales numbers in each quarter
210 Verify whether the MySQL databases have been properly installed and configured
211 View the current setting for the global transaction isolation level by using the @@global tx_isolation system variable
212 What is the most recent version of the MySQL database server that we use now
213 When you run the mysqlimport command, you must specify these formatting characters
214 Which server version is being run
215 With the --all-databases option, mysqldump dumps all tables in all databases
216 With the --databases option, mysqldump interprets any nonoption argument as a database name and dumps all the tables in each
217 XML Exporting with mysql