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File Directory 347 codes
File Directory
1 $_FILE Error Constants Constant
2 $_FILES Arguments
3 A class to Get and Output Directories List
4 A file can be renamed with the rename() function
5 A File or a Directory
6 A File Upload
7 A simple access counter
8 A simple downloader
9 A simple php file uploader
10 A Simple Text-File Hit Counter
11 A simple Upload Utility that allow multiple file upload. You can set your
12 Acceptable fopen() Modes
13 Acceptable Format Values for fscanf()
14 Another script to display news from files in a directory
15 Appending to a file
16 Basename php
17 Batch Uppercase-lowercase files and directories for a given path
18 Better Get File Extension
19 Bool virtual ( string filename ) performs a virtual request to the local Apache web server for a file
20 Bs_CsvUtil
21 Bs_IniHandler
22 Calculate the size for a directory
23 Calling fopen() with a Context Resource
24 Changing a file in place
25 Changing file modification times
26 Changing file owner and group
27 Changing file permissions
28 Changing File Permissions and Ownership
29 Check net speed by loading a file
30 Checking for an error from file_get_contents()
31 Checking for an error from file_put_contents()
32 Checking for an error from fopen(), fgets(), or fclose()
33 Checking for Existence with file_exists()
34 Checking That a File Exists
35 Checking the existence of a file
36 Checking the Mode of a File
37 Checking Whether a File Exists
38 Chmod() function changes the mode of filename to permissions
39 Class for INI Files
40 Class that allows the PHP developer to create and manage UNIX like
41 Clean Path by Regular Expressions
42 Cleaning up a file name with realpath()
43 Close a file after reading
44 Close a file you have opened with fopen( ), use fclose( )
45 Comma parse to upload table
46 Constant Reference Points for fseek()
47 Converting file permission values
48 Copying a file
49 Copying files
50 Copying Files with copy( )
51 Counting lines in a file
52 Counting paragraphs in a file
53 Counting records in a file
54 Creating a Function That Performs Multiple File Tests
55 Creating a temporary file in a particular place
56 Creating a temporary file with tempnam()
57 Creating a temporary file with tmpfile()
58 Creating and Destroying a Directory Handle
59 Creating and Using a File Class
60 Creating Directories with mkdir()
61 Delete a file
62 Delete a file with the unlink() function
63 Delete an empty directory called dir1
64 Delete lines from a file
65 Deleting a Directory by Using rmdir()
66 Deleting a file
67 Deleting files
68 Deleting Files with unlink( )
69 Determining File Size with filesize()
70 Determining the Size of a File
71 Dir 2 Box
72 Directory browser
73 Directory cleanup
74 Directory Indexr
75 Directory Recursion
76 Directory viewer, customize how you display the file structure, easy to
77 Directory Viewer, Directory Content Viewer, Directory Structure to HTML
78 Dirname
79 Dirname php
80 Discover the modification date of a file with the function filemtime()
81 Disk total space
82 Disk_free_space php
83 Disk_total_space php
84 Display contents of txt file to browser
85 Display XML file
86 Echoing the line and file predefined constants
87 Error Log Finder
88 Error-prone file locking
89 Fclose() function closes the file
90 Feof php
91 Fetching a URL with file_get_contents()
92 Fgetc() function returns one character from the file or returns false on reaching the end of file
93 Fgetcsv php
94 Fgets php
95 Fgets() function returns a string read from a file
96 Fgetss php
97 Fgetss() strips all HTML and PHP tags from the file
98 File
99 File accessed time
100 File accessed, modified, created time
101 File and dir listing into tables, with download support
102 File base name
103 File changed time
104 File existance
105 File last accessed time
106 File last changed time
107 File last updated time
108 File management
109 File modified time
110 File open with exception checking
111 File php
112 File read by char
113 File size with label
114 File Upload Global Variables
115 File_exists() function returns true if it does, and false otherwise
116 File_get_contents php
117 File_put_contents( ) writes to a file with the equivalent of fopen( ), fwrite( ), and fclose( ) all in one function, just l
118 Fileatime php
119 Filectime php
120 Filegroup
121 Filegroup php
122 Filemtime php
123 Fileowner php
124 Fileperms php
125 Filesize php
126 Filesize() function returns the size, in bytes
127 Flushing output
128 Fopen( ) and fread( )
129 Fopen() function opens a file, returns an integer, as a file handle
130 Fopen() requires the file path and the mode in which the file is to be opened
131 Fopen() returns false if the file cannot be opened for any reason
132 Form Examples Text Boxes to Drop Downs
133 Format a File Size
134 Fread php
135 Fread( ) is good for when you only care about a small part of the file
136 Fread() function reads up to length bytes from the file, returning the files contents
137 Fscanf php
138 Fsockopen php
139 Fsockopen() function establishes a socket connection, TCP or UDP
140 Function get Document Root
141 Function to get the filetype from a filename
142 Fwrite php
143 Fwrite() function writes string to the file
144 Generating a filename with tempnam()
145 Generating comma-separated data
146 Get directory list
147 Get disk free space for UnixLinux
148 Get File Extention
149 Get file permission
150 Get free disk space for C
151 Get the change time of a document with the filectime() function
152 Get the file owner
153 Get the file size
154 Getlastmod php
155 Getlastmod() function returns the most recent modification date and time of the page
156 Getlastmod() returns to you a Unix timestamp with the last modified date
157 Getting and Printing a Web Page with fopen()
158 Getting and Putting Files with FTP
159 Getting Date Information About a File
160 Getting file timestamps
161 Getting path components
162 Getting path components and file extensions
163 Getting Times and Dates of Files
164 Glob() Constants
165 How to add text to the file
166 HTML form with a file input tag
167 If a file does not yet exist, you can create one with the touch() function
168 If file lock is not available, flock( ) will return immediately with false rather than wait for a lock to become available.
169 If you are writing a binary file on a Windows system, you should add a b flag
170 Integer Arguments to the flock() Function
171 Is a directory
172 Is it a file
173 Is the file a directory
174 Is the file executable
175 Is the file readable
176 Is the file writable
177 Is_dir() function verifies that the file is a directory
178 Is_executable
179 Is_executable() tells you whether you can run a file
180 Is_file() function returns true if file exists and is a readablewritable file
181 Is_readable
182 Is_readable() function checks the readability of both a file and a directory
183 Is_readable() tells you whether you can read a file
184 Is_writable() tells you whether you can write to a file
185 Is_writeable
186 JPG Thumbnails
187 List files in a directory, no subdirectories
188 Listing All Files in the Current Directory
189 Listing directory
190 Listing the Contents of a Directory with readdir()
191 Load remote file
192 Locking Files with flock( )
193 Make a copy of a file
194 Making a CSV-formatted string
195 Making a directory
196 Making a symbolic link
197 Mirror a directory structure
198 Moving a file
199 Moving a file across filesystems
200 Moving Around a File with fseek()
201 Moving Files with rename( )
202 MP3 Library
203 Multiple File Upload
204 Multiple file uploader
205 OK guys, this script is a simple file based counter
206 Open a connection with the PHP site (http
207 Opening a file
208 Opening a file on Windows
209 Opening a Process File Pointer with popen()
210 Opening a remote file
211 Opening a Unidirectional Pipe Using popen()
212 Opening and Reading a File Line by Line
213 Opening Files
214 Opening files in the include_path
215 Output the last time your script was updated
216 Outputting the Status Lines Returned by Web Servers
217 Parsing CSV Strings
218 Pathinfo
219 Pathinfo php
220 PHP 5 Arguments for Opening a File
221 PHP Code to Upload files to server
222 PHP File Logic Functions
223 Print all files under a directory
224 Printing comma-separated data
225 Prints a bar of links to each HTML page it finds in the current directory
226 Procedural directory iteration
227 Processing a list of books
228 Processing each word in a file
229 Progression bar for PHP http multiple file uploads, using Infomentums Applet File
230 Putting comma-separated data into a string
231 Random Image Display
232 Read csv file
233 Read file content with only one command
234 Read in and perform operations on a file line by line
235 Read text file into an array in one function
236 Read text file into array and output
237 Read text file with format
238 Read the content from a directory
239 Read till the end of a file
240 Readdir
241 Readdir php
242 Readfile php
243 Readfile() function reads in a file and outputs it to standard output
244 Reading a compressed file
245 Reading a Directory Listing Using opendir()
246 Reading a file
247 Reading a file a line at a time
248 Reading a file into a string
249 Reading a File into an Array
250 Reading a File with fread()
251 Reading a Specific Character
252 Reading and Changing the Working Directory
253 Reading and Writing Binary Data in a File
254 Reading Characters with fgetc()
255 Reading compressed data from a URL
256 Reading Contents from a Directory
257 Reading CSV data from a file
258 Reading Formatted Text Using fscanf()
259 Reading from a File
260 Reading from standard input
261 Reading lines from a file
262 Reading output from popen()
263 Reading Specific Data from a File
264 Reading standard error
265 Readlink( ) function takes a link name as its only parameter and returns the target that the link points to
266 Realpath
267 Realpath php
268 Recursive Copy Function
269 Recursive Delete Function
270 Redirecting standard output
271 Removing a Directory with rmdir()
272 Rename() function for moving files
273 Retrieving a protected page
274 Retrieving a remote page with file_get_contents()
275 Retrieving a Web Page Using fsockopen()
276 Rewind and fseek
277 Safely reading a binary file
278 Save Upload File to a new directory
279 Saving a file with file_put_contents()
280 Scan a server
281 Scandir
282 Scandir php
283 Show MP3 list from a cd to a browser using PHP5
284 Simple CSV to HTML Table
285 Simple Page hit counter in PHP and a Multiple Page hit counter in PHP
286 Simple PHP File Find function
287 Simple way to count how many time the certain files has been
288 Sockets Are Files
289 Split big text files in multiple small ones
290 SSL Streams
291 Stat() function returns a comprehensive indexed array of file information
292 Stat() function returns Unix timestamps for the date and time data
293 Storing data on a remote server
294 Storing user information in a text file
295 Stream_context_create
296 Stream_filter_append
297 Stream_get_filters
298 Stripping all but a select few tags from an HTML file
299 Symlink php
300 Tell the web client to view the CSV file in a seprate program
301 Testing for write permission
302 The current working directory
303 The file locking mechanism in PHP makes processes queue up for their locks by default
304 The file_exists php script checks to see whether the file is there
305 The scandir( ) function takes a minimum of one parameter with an optional second
306 To read the owner of a file, use the fileowner( ) function
307 Try to open a text file
308 Upload Files (Simple Code)
309 Upload PDF file and rename it
310 Uploader ver 2
311 Use dirname() with predefined variable $SCRIPT_FILENAME to obtain the complete path of the script executing the command
312 Use file_get_contents with a URL
313 Use of the copy() function
314 Using __FILE__ and __LINE__
315 Using advisory file locking
316 Using fgets() and feof() Functions
317 Using file_exists, touch, and unlink together
318 Using file-related error information
319 Using fopen( )
320 Using glob()
321 Using popen() and pclose()
322 Using popen() to Pass Data to the column Application
323 Using popen() to Read the Output of the Unix who Command
324 Using popen() with nsupdate
325 Using the chmod() Function
326 Using the chown() and chgrp() Functions
327 Using the copy() Function
328 Using the File-System Logic Functions
329 Using the fopen() Function
330 Using the fputs() Function
331 Using the fseek() Function
332 Using the glob() Function
333 Using the move_uploaded_file() Function
334 Using the unlink() Function
335 Viewing the Source of a Document
336 Wedit
337 Working with Directories
338 Working with files - get a random file from a directory
339 Working with files - return an array of files within a directory
340 Working with Links
341 Write content to file
342 Write string to text file
343 Writing and Appending Content in a File
344 Writing and Appending to a File
345 Writing data to a file
346 You can remove an existing file with the unlink() function
347 ZIP File Maker