/* config for the script */
$download_path = "/path/to/your/files"; /* path to your files, NB: no slash at the end */
$sort = "asort"; /* array sorting - alphabetical sorting for the array */
/* start the script... no more editing from here on... */
/* get a list of the files + dirs and turn the list into an array */
function file_list($dir) {
global $sort;
global $file_file_count;
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$fd = @opendir($dir);
while (($part = @readdir($fd)) == true) {
if ($part != "." && $part != "..") {
$file_array[] = $part;
if ($fd == true) {
if (is_array($file_array)) {
$file_file_count = count($file_array);
return $file_array;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
/* function to convert to Mb, Kb and bytes */
function file_size($size) {
$megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
if ($size > $megabyte) { /* literal.float */
$re_sized = sprintf("%01.2f", $size / $megabyte) . " Mb";
} elseif ($size > 1024) {
$re_sized = sprintf("%01.2f", $size / 1024) . " Kb";
} else {
$re_sized = $size . " bytes";
return $re_sized;
/* get a list of the files/dirs, put them into a table. */
function generate_file_list($path) {
global $download_path;
global $PHP_SELF;
$final_path = str_replace("//","/",str_replace("..","",urldecode($path)));
$file_array = file_list("$download_path/$final_path/");
echo "$final_path/\n";
echo "
if ($file_array == false) { /* check if the dir is an array before we process it to foreach(); */
echo "directory empty\n";
} else {
echo "\n";
echo "file size \n";
foreach ($file_array as $file_name) {
$is_file = "$download_path/$final_path/$file_name";
$final_dir_name = urlencode($final_path); /* urlencode(); to prevent any broken links - decode on do_download(); */
$final_file_name = urlencode($file_name);
$file_size = filesize("$download_path/$final_path/$file_name");
$final_file_size = file_size($file_size);
if (is_file($is_file)) {
print "$file_name $final_file_size \n";
} elseif (is_dir($is_file)) {
print "$file_name/ \n"; /* we don't need a size for a directory */
echo "
/* allow the user to download the file... */
function do_download($path,$file) {
global $download_path;
$get_path = str_replace("//","/",str_replace("..","",stripslashes(urldecode($path)))); /* fopen adds \ to ' - so we strip 'em. */
$get_file = str_replace("//","/",str_replace("..","",stripslashes(urldecode($file))));
header("Content-Disposition: atachment; filename=$get_file");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize("$download_path/$get_path/$get_file"));
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
$fp = fopen("$download_path/$get_path/$get_file","r");
print fread($fp,filesize("$download_path/$get_path/$get_file"));
if (!isset($go)) {
$go = "dirlist";
} if ($go == "dirlist") {
generate_file_list(""); /* null, so we get a list for the root directory */
} elseif ($go == "list" && isset($path)) {
if (isset($path)) { /* if the path is null - it returns a list for the root directory */
generate_file_list($path); /* get a list for the path specified */
} else {
} elseif ($go == "download") {
if (isset($path) && isset($file)) {
do_download($path,$file); /* download the file... */
} else {
echo "no file selected to download :)\n";