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Form 108 codes
1 $_SERVER extracts valuable server- and script-related information
2 A day choice select menu
3 A form with checkboxes using the same name to store multiple values
4 A PHP Number-Guessing Script
5 A process_form() Function
6 A Sample Form Element Validation Function
7 A select menu with different choices and values
8 A Simple HTML Form
9 Access widgets form value
10 Accessing multiple submitted values
11 Adjusting behavior based on an environment variable
12 An HTML Form Including a SELECT Element
13 An HTML Form That Calls Itself
14 An HTML Form with a select Element
15 Attached File
16 Basic PHP form processing
17 Build query string based on form input
18 Calculation based on form data
19 Call MySelf PHP
20 Changing a value in $_POST
21 Checking for the existence of an uploaded file
22 Checking input from a checkbox or a multiple select
23 Checking input from a radio button or a single select
24 Combined Feedback Form
25 Create and Populate
26 Creating an HTML Form That Accepts Mail-Related Information
27 Creating Form Elements Based on the Current Time andor Date
28 Creating Form Elements with Multiple Options
29 Deal with Array Form Data
30 Deciding what to do based on request method
31 Disable TextBox
32 Displaying a select menu
33 Displaying error messages with the form
34 Elementary Form Validation
35 Evaluate a document
36 Feedback Form
37 Field Information
38 File Upload Script
39 File Uploader
40 File Uploading Error Constants in PHP
41 Form Data Validation With Error Count
42 Form Example for the Form Validator Script
43 Form Numeric value
44 Form radio buttons
45 Form select input
46 Form submitting
47 Form value validation
48 Forms and PHP
49 Generating a dynamic pull-down menu
50 Get Text Field value
51 GET vs POST
52 Getting Times and Dates of Files
53 Handling Special Characters
54 HTML elements for use in forms
55 HTML Form Elements
56 HTML form for submitting data
57 If else to check posted variables
58 Log use IP address
59 Making a multipage form
60 Multivalue-forms php
61 One choice for each day from 1 to 31
62 One choice for each year from last year to five years from now
63 One-script form processing
64 Open
65 Output file time
66 Parse_str php
67 Parse_str() function parses string into various variables, setting the variables in the current scope
68 Pass Data
69 Passing Complex Values in a Querystring
70 Passing Numeric Values in a Querystring
71 Passing String Values in a Querystring
72 PHP $_SERVER Arguments
73 Preventing Multiple Submissions on the Client Side
74 Preventing Multiple Submissions on the Server Side
75 Print a radio button or checkbox
76 Print a select menu
77 Print a submit button
78 Print a text box
79 Print a textarea
80 Process the results
81 Processing an uploaded file
82 Properly Checking for Submission Using Image Widgets
83 React to Form action
84 Reading Input from the Form
85 Responding to Checkboxes
86 Saving State with a Hidden Field
87 Saying Hello
88 Send email with CC and BCC
89 Set Cookie Data
90 Setting a default value in a select menu
91 Setting defaults in a multi-valued select menu
92 Simple File Upload Form
93 Some Common $_SERVER Elements
94 Superglobal variables
95 Superglobals vs Globals
96 Testing a required field
97 Time-Sensitive Form Example
98 Uploading a file
99 Urlencode demo
100 Using a hidden parameter to indicate form submission
101 Using Arrays with Form Data in PHP
102 Using Default Checkbox Values
103 Validating a drop-down menu with in_array()
104 Validating a radio button
105 Validating a single checkbox
106 Validating form data
107 Verifying a required element
108 Working with Multipage Forms