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XML Tutorial
Containers 115 codes
1 A basic Canvas element
2 A basic Canvas with some content
3 A basic Grid using auto sizing
4 A basic Grid using star sizing
5 A basic StackPanel that uses a Horizontal Orientation
6 A basic StackPanel with three elements
7 A more granular way to use the Padding property
8 A Simple Canvas Control and Three Image Controls
9 A Simple Grid Control
10 A StackPanel with a CollapsedUIElement
11 A StackPanel with three VisibleUIElement items
12 A Uri accessing a relative loose resource
13 A Uri accessing a relative loose resource in a subdirectory
14 Add button to Canvas
15 Add Thickness for Padding
16 Adding a Your own data class as Resources
17 Adding Rectangles to Canvas
18 An absolute Uri accessing a loose resource
19 An absolute Uri accessing a loose resource in a subdirectory
20 An invalid use of a resource at design time
21 Arranging content within a Grid
22 Automatic Width and Height
23 Bind to Grid Width and Height
24 Canvas dependant
25 Canvas loaded event
26 Canvas without Viewbox
27 Change StackPanel Orientation
28 ColumnDefinition Width=Auto
29 ColumnSpan example
30 Create Canvas controls that contain other controls and even nest them in other Canvas or Grid controls
31 Creating a ScrollViewer
32 Customizing a Controls Basic Appearance
33 Define rows columns for Grid
34 Empty RowDefinition and ColumnDefinition
35 Font Size Resources
36 Get position on a Canvas with Canvas GetLeft
37 Grid cell stretch mode
38 Grid example
39 Grid example 2 row and column definitions
40 Grid in ScrollViewer
41 Grid mouse button up event
42 Grid with Column Definition and Row definition
43 Horizontal StackPanel example
44 Implementing a Grid to Set the Layout of Silverlight Controls
45 Layout Controls with Grid in code
46 Layout with StackPanel
47 LinearGradientBrush as Resource
48 Logical Resources
49 Managing Embedded Resources
50 Managing XAML Resources
51 Margin
52 Margin vs Padding and Grid
53 Mixing row height styles
54 Multiple Items in a Grid Cell
55 Nested Canvas Objects
56 Nested Grids
57 Nested StackPanels
58 Place and size rectangles and ellipses in Grid cells
59 Positioning UI Elements with a Canvas
60 Positioning UI Elements with a Grid
61 Positioning UI Elements with a StackPanel
62 Programmatically adding a row and a column while setting the height and width
63 Programmatically removing a row and a column
64 Proportional Grid
65 Providing Scrollable Content
66 Put control into a Canvas
67 Put controls into StackPanel
68 Put more than one Object to one Grid Cell
69 Put text on Canvas
70 Reference resource in code
71 Referencing a resource at design time Notice the use of the StaticResource keyword
72 Resource hierarchy
73 Resource Lookup
74 Retrieving assembly manifest resources
75 Scroll with ScrollViewer
76 ScrollViewer and Big Ellipse
77 ScrollViewer holds Grid controls
78 Set Canvas background to White
79 Set Column and Row index when adding Controls to a Grid
80 Set control position for Canvas
81 Set control to specific row and column in code
82 Set Grid Row and Column for a Button
83 Set Grid Row Height and Column Width to Auto
84 Set height, Background and Orientation for StackPanel
85 Set Margin
86 Set Row and Column Index when Adding Buttons to Grid
87 Set z index for shapes in a Canvas
88 Show Grid Lines
89 Show Grid lines in code
90 Simple Canvas Layout
91 Simple StackPanel
92 Span two rows and two columns with an Image control
93 StackPanel Orientation=Vertical
94 Star sizing Grid
95 The basic syntax and usage of a GridSplitter
96 The basic syntax and usage of a resource
97 The basic syntax of a Grid
98 The Canvas ZIndex is based on a number starting with 0 being the farthest back
99 The darker area represents the Margin; the lighter area represents the Padding
100 To draw a rectangle, specify its Canvas Top, Canvas Left, Width, Height, and Fill color
101 Update Z Index
102 Use external resource
103 Use Grid to layout a Calendar
104 Use Image as the Grid background
105 Use Resources Add to add static resouce from code
106 Use ScrollViewer to show an image
107 Use StackPanel to arrange child objects in a single line that you can align horizontally or vertically
108 Use tag rather than attribute to set canvas background
109 Use the Grid element to create a standard user interface (UI) dialog box
110 UseControl loaded event
111 Using a StackPanel control
112 Using Grid ColumnSpan
113 Using Margins and Alignment
114 Using the ZIndex to move an element into the foreground
115 Without Panel ZIndex