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2D Graphics 401 codes
VB.Net Tutorial
2D Graphics
1 3D Ball
2 3D Curve
3 3D shape
4 A diagonal brush
5 Add arcs to GraphicsPath
6 Add Beziers to GraphicsPath
7 Add first point and size to another point
8 Add Rectangle to GraphicsPath
9 Add string and two ellipses to a GraphicsPath
10 Add string to GraphicsPath
11 Adjustable RowCap
12 All Dash styles
13 All LineCap styles
14 All LineJoin styles
15 Alpha blending color
16 Animator
17 Assign Matrix to Graphics Transform
18 Bezier Splines
19 Blend Properties
20 CellAscent, Descent, EmHeight, LineSpacing
21 Change Image Attributes
22 Change ImageList Size
23 Change PageUnit
24 Change Pen width by setting the PageUnit
25 Change the LinearGradientBrushs WrapMode
26 Clear ImageAttributes
27 Clip by GraphicPath
28 Clip Region
29 Clip Region Exclude
30 Clip Region Intersect
31 Clip Region Union
32 Clip Region Xor
33 Close a Path
34 Color
35 Color Alpha
36 Color Brushes
37 Color FromArgb
38 Color FromArgb(-1090518785)
39 Color FromHtml
40 Color FromName
41 Color FromWin32
42 ColorMatrix
43 ColorTranslator FromHtml(#0000ff)
44 CombineMode Exclude
45 CompositingQuality GammaCorrected
46 CompositingQuality HighQuality
47 CompositingQuality HighSpeed
48 CompoundArray = New Single() {0 0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 8, 0 9, 1 0}
49 CompoundArray = New Single() {0 0, 0 2, 0 4, 0 6, 0 8, 1 0}
50 CompoundArray = New Single() {0 0, 0 45, 0 55, 1 0}
51 Convert color from string (FF00FF)
52 Convert jpeg to png
53 Create a Graphics path
54 Create a LinearGradientBrush
55 Create a Metafile
56 Create an Bitmap and paint on it
57 Create and use FontStyle
58 Create Bitmap from Icon
59 Create Bmp file
60 Create Brush with Color
61 Create Color from R G B value and Alpha
62 Create Color from R G B values
63 Create Color from SystemColors
64 Create Font from Font
65 Create Font from ttf file
66 Create Font with font name, size and style
67 Create Gif file
68 Create Graphics from Handle
69 Create Graphics object from System Windows Forms PaintEventArgs
70 Create HatchBrush from HatchBrush style and two colors
71 Create ImageList in your code
72 Create Jpeg File
73 Create PathGradientBrush
74 Create Pen from Color
75 Create Pen from HatchBrush
76 Create Pen from LinearGradientBrush
77 Create Pen from SolidBrush
78 Create Pen from TextureBrush
79 Create Pen with Color and Width
80 Create Rectangle From Size And Point
81 Create Rectangle From X, Y, Width, Height
82 Create Region from Rectangle
83 Create SystemPen from SystemColor
84 Create TextureBrush from Bitmap
85 Create textured brush and display textured rectangle
86 Create Tiff file
87 DashStyle Custom, Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Solid
88 Default String Format Flags
89 Diamond PathGradientBrush
90 Displaying font metric information
91 Dispose GDI objects
92 Draw a meta wmf file
93 Draw a Polygon
94 Draw All Shapes
95 Draw an Icon
96 Draw an image
97 Draw Arrow
98 Draw Beziers 1
99 Draw Beziers 2
100 Draw Beziers 3
101 Draw circle
102 Draw Closed Curve
103 Draw Coordinate
104 Draw curve
105 Draw curve with tension = 0 5
106 Draw curve with tension = 1 0
107 Draw curve with Tension setting
108 Draw curve with tension=0
109 Draw ellipse filled with a blue-yellow gradient
110 Draw Font Metrics
111 Draw Hexagon
112 Draw Image and string
113 Draw image with ImageAttributes settings
114 Draw Line
115 Draw line using float coordinates
116 Draw line using integer coordinates
117 Draw line using Point structure
118 Draw line using Point structure 1
119 Draw line using PointF structure
120 Draw line using PointF structure 1
121 Draw line with Custom Line Cap
122 Draw on a wmf file
123 Draw path
124 Draw Pie
125 Draw Rectangle
126 Draw Rectangle in different size
127 Draw Rectangle with rectangle X, Y, Width and Height
128 Draw Sin curve
129 Draw star with Drawing2D FillMode Alternate
130 Draw star with Drawing2D FillMode Winding
131 Draw String Control Tab
132 Draw String Layout Rectangle
133 Draw string with Brush and Font settings
134 Draw string with Brushes Maroon
135 Draw the Bezier curve and its outline
136 Draw thick rectangle outline in red
137 Draw to the form indirectly through a bitmap
138 Drawing various pies on a form
139 Fill a rectangle with PathGradientBrush
140 Fill an ellipse setting CenterColor and SurroundColors
141 Fill an ellipse using SetBlendTriangularShape
142 Fill an ellipse using SetSigmaBellShape
143 Fill Closed Curve
144 Fill pies
145 Fill Rectangle
146 Flattened Ellipse
147 Font 3D
148 Font Size
149 FontStyle Bold Or FontStyle Italic
150 FontStyle Bold Or FontStyle Italic Or FontStyle Underline Or FontStyle Strikeout
151 GDI+ Coordinate System
152 Generate points to draw a star shape
153 Get All HatchStyles
154 Get Color from static fields defined in Color
155 Get Font information
156 Get Height and size of an Icon
157 Get Hue, Saturation, Brightness from a color
158 Get Image PropertyItems
159 Get Jpeg Information
160 Get Line CapStyles
161 Get Rectangle properties
162 Getting GraphicsPath Properties
163 Global transformation
164 GraphicPath FillMode Alternate
165 GraphicPath FillMode Winding
166 GraphicPath TextRegion
167 Graphics
168 Graphics CompositingMode SourceOver
169 Graphics DpiX
170 Graphics DrawArc
171 Graphics DrawBeziers
172 Graphics DrawClosedCurve
173 Graphics DrawCurve
174 Graphics DrawEllipse
175 Graphics DrawEllipse Method
176 Graphics DrawIcon
177 Graphics DrawIconUnstretched
178 Graphics DrawImage
179 Graphics DrawLines
180 Graphics DrawPath
181 Graphics DrawPie
182 Graphics DrawPolygon
183 Graphics DrawString
184 Graphics ExcludeClip
185 Graphics FillClosedCurve
186 Graphics FillEllipse
187 Graphics FillPath
188 Graphics FillPie
189 Graphics FillPie 2
190 Graphics FillPolygon
191 Graphics FillRectangle
192 Graphics FillRectangles
193 Graphics IntersectClip
194 Graphics MeasureString
195 Graphics PageUnit = GraphicsUnit Inch
196 Graphics PageUnit = GraphicsUnit Millimeter
197 Graphics ReleaseHdc
198 Graphics ResetClip
199 Graphics SetClip
200 Graphics SmoothingMode
201 GraphicsPathIterator
202 Gray Scale Image
203 HatchBrush HatchStyle BackwardDiagonal
204 HatchStyle DarkDownwardDiagonal
205 HatchStyle DashedVertical
206 HatchStyle LightUpwardDiagonal
207 HatchStyle SmallCheckerBoard
208 Image Convert
209 Image Cut, Copy and Paste
210 Image Cut, Copy and Paste with ClipBoard
211 Image Filter Effect 1
212 Image filter effect 2
213 Image print
214 Image Properties
215 ImageAttributes SetBrushRemapTable
216 ImageAttributes SetColorKey
217 ImageAttributes SetGamma
218 ImageAttributes SetThreshold
219 ImageAttributes SetWrapMode
220 Interpolation Colors
221 Interpolation mode
222 Invert an Image
223 Invert an Image unsafe
224 Is inside a Rectangle
225 JPEG Compression
226 KnownColor ActiveBorder
227 Line Shape
228 Line Shape Flower 6
229 Line Shape Mode
230 LinearGradientBrush
231 LinearGradientBrush Blend
232 LinearGradientBrush ColorBlend
233 LinearGradientBrush GammaCorrection
234 LinearGradientBrush SetBlendTriangular
235 LinearGradientBrush SetSigmaBellShape
236 LinearGradientBrushLinearGradientMode Illustration
237 LinearGradientMode Horizontal
238 LinearGradientMode Vertical
239 LineCap NoAnchor, LineCap Round, LineCap RoundAnchor, LineCap Square, LineCap SquareAnchor, LineCap Triangle
240 LineCap styles
241 LineDashCap
242 LineJoin Bevel, LineJoin Miter, LineJoin Round
243 List all Hatch styles
244 List all Pen Alignment
245 Local transformation
246 Make a rectangle that shades from black to white
247 Make an image transparent
248 Make Bitmap transparent
249 Make Metafile (WMF)
250 Make the CustomLineCap
251 Matrix
252 Matrix Invert
253 Matrix Operation Invert
254 Matrix Operation Multiply
255 Measure Character Range
256 Measure string and draw rectangle around string
257 Measure string and draw string
258 Mirror an Image
259 Mirror Text
260 Mouse drag and draw
261 Move an image and paint
262 One pixel pen
263 Path transformation
264 PathGradientBrush and its SurroundColors
265 PathGradientBrush Blend
266 PathGradientBrush by GraphicsPath
267 PathGradientBrush InterpolationColors
268 PathGradientBrush SurroundColors
269 Pen ScaleTransform
270 Pen SetLineCap
271 Pen Style
272 PenAlignment Illustration
273 PenAlignment Inset, PenAlignment Outset, PenAlignment Left
274 Pick a color from an Image
275 PixelOffsetMode
276 PNG Encoder
277 Point Ceiling
278 Point Round
279 Point Truncate
280 PointF and PointDouble
281 Print string in 3D
282 Program that animates a series of images
283 Quad PathGradientBrush
284 Recolor Image
285 Recolor image rotation
286 Recolor image Scaling
287 Recolor image shearing
288 Rectangle clipped to Ellipse
289 Rectangle Inflate
290 Rectangle Intersect
291 Rectangle Union
292 Rectangle Union and Intersect
293 Region
294 Region MakeEmpty, Region MakeInfinite, Region GetBounds
295 Replace an image in ImageList
296 Restore the saved transformation
297 Rotate an Image
298 Rotate and Transoform in Text painting
299 RotateTransform and draw Ellipse
300 RotateTransform With MatrixOrder Prepend
301 Ruler
302 Save Image with different size
303 Save to an image
304 Scale an image
305 Scale Diamond
306 Scale first and then Transform
307 Scale first, then Transform, then Rotate
308 Scale image with different Graphics Units
309 Scale(-1, -1) (2)
310 Scale(1,1)
311 Scale(1,3)
312 Scale(3, 1)
313 Scrolling Text by Timer
314 Set Blend Triangular Shape for LinearGradientBrush
315 Set EnumerateMetafileProc property
316 Set font name, size and style
317 Set Graphics TextRenderingHint
318 Set Line StrokeCaps
319 Set Pen CustomStartCap and Pen CustomEndCap
320 Set Pen DashCap and DashStyle
321 Set Pen DashStyle, StartCap, EndCap, DashOffset
322 Set Pen width and color
323 Set Pens CompoundArray
324 Set Pixel and get Pixel
325 Set Pixel for Bitmap
326 Set Resolution for Bitmap
327 Set Sigma Bell Shape
328 Set Tab stop
329 Size Ceiling
330 Size Round
331 Size Truncate
332 Skew an Image
333 Skew image
334 SmoothingMode AntiAlias
335 SmoothingMode Default
336 SmoothingMode HighQuality
337 SmoothingMode HighSpeed
338 SmoothingMode None
339 Snow Animation
340 StringAlignment Center
341 StringAlignment Far
342 StringAlignment Near
343 StringFormat LineAlignment = StringAlignment Center
344 StringFormat LineAlignment = StringAlignment Far
345 StringFormat LineAlignment = StringAlignment Near
346 StringFormat SetTabStops
347 StringFormatFlags LineLimit
348 StringFormatFlags NoClip
349 StringTrimming Character
350 StringTrimming EllipsisCharacter
351 StringTrimming EllipsisPath
352 StringTrimming EllipsisWord
353 StringTrimming None
354 StringTrimming Word
355 Subtract point and size
356 System Drawing ColorTranslator FromOle
357 Text Contrast
358 Text outline
359 Text Shadow
360 TextRenderingHint AntiAlias
361 TextRenderingHint AntiAliasGridFit
362 TextRenderingHint AntiAliasTextRenderingHint AntiAliasGridFit
363 TextRenderingHint ClearTypeGridFit
364 TextRenderingHint SingleBitPerPixel
365 TextRenderingHint SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
366 TextRenderingHint SystemDefault
367 TextureBrush
368 Tiff Encoder
369 Trangular brush
370 Transform and restore
371 Transform and Rotate the TextureBrush
372 Transform LinearGradientBrush
373 Transform PathGradientBrush
374 Transform Text
375 Transform TextureBrush
376 Translate Transform Coordinate
377 Transparent Brush
378 Transparent Color
379 Transparent string
380 Trapezoid
381 Triangular PathGradientBrush
382 Use Bitmap to buffer paint
383 Use CheckBox to control font
384 Use CheckBox to Set Font
385 Use Graphics DrawEllipse to draw a circle
386 Use GraphicsPath to create Text outline
387 Use HatchBrush with HatchStyle Horizontal to draw an arrow
388 Use LinearGradientBrush to draw string
389 Use mouse to draw a polygon
390 Use Or to add extra FontStyle Bold
391 Use Point
392 Use PointF
393 Use RadioButton to control font
394 Use RectangleF
395 Use the HatchBrush
396 Using different colors in Visual Basic
397 Using paths to draw stars on the form
398 Using the mouse to draw on a form
399 Vertical Direction
400 Zoom and Skew an Image
401 Zoom Image