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XML Tutorial
Data Types 714 codes
Data Types
1 (CBool(5) And CBool(8)) with (5 And 8)
2 [Object] ReferenceEquals
3 A custom function to return inches from passed in centimeter value
4 Add free text to number format
5 Adding value to BigInteger
6 Adds two specified Decimal values
7 An explicit conversion of a BigInteger value to a complex number
8 An explicit conversion of a Decimal value to a complex number
9 And Operation on Flag enum value
10 And two UInt64 values
11 And, Or, Xor and Not on Integer
12 Append Date string to existing string
13 Append decimal data type values to a StringBuilder object
14 Append Double data type values to a StringBuilder object
15 Append Integer data type values to a StringBuilder object
16 Append long data type values to a StringBuilder object
17 Append Single data type values to a StringBuilder object
18 Append string together
19 Append UInteger data type values to a StringBuilder object
20 Append ULong data type values to a StringBuilder object
21 Append UShort data type values to a StringBuilder object
22 Assign a Double to a complex number
23 Assign result to both an integer and a double
24 Assign SByte to Integer
25 Assign the return value of a method to a Complex variable
26 Assign the value returned by an operator to a Complex variable
27 BigInteger Abs Method get the absolute value of a BigInteger
28 BigInteger Add Method Adds two BigInteger values and returns the result
29 BigInteger calculation
30 BigInteger Compare Method Compares two BigInteger values
31 BigInteger Division Operator
32 BigInteger Equals Method
33 BigInteger Greater Than Operator
34 BigInteger Greater Than Or Equal
35 BigInteger LeftShift Operator Shifts a BigInteger value a specified number of bits to the left
36 BigInteger Less Than Operator
37 BigInteger Less Than Or Equal Operator
38 BigInteger Log Method Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number
39 BigInteger Max Method Returns the larger of two BigInteger values
40 BigInteger Min Method Returns the smaller of two BigInteger values
41 BigInteger ModPow Method Performs modulus division on a number raised to the power of another number
42 BigInteger Multiply
43 BigInteger Multiply Method Returns the product of two BigInteger values
44 BigInteger Negate Method Negates a specified BigInteger value
45 BigInteger OnesComplement Operator Returns the bitwise ones complement of a BigInteger value
46 BigInteger Parse
47 BigInteger Parse Method (String, NumberStyles)
48 BigInteger Parse Method (String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider)
49 BigInteger Parse Method Converts string to BigInteger
50 BigInteger Pow
51 BigInteger Pow Method Raises a BigInteger value to the power of a specified value
52 BigInteger Remainder Method Performs integer division on two BigInteger values and returns the remainder
53 BigInteger RightShift Operator Shifts a BigInteger value a specified number of bits to the right
54 BigInteger Subtract Method Subtracts one BigInteger value from another and returns the result
55 BigInteger to Byte conversion
56 BigInteger to Decimal conversion
57 BigInteger to Int64 conversion
58 BigInteger to SByte conversion
59 BigInteger to Single conversion
60 BigInteger to String format
61 BigInteger to UInt16 conversion
62 BigInteger to UInt32 conversion
63 BigInteger to UInt64 conversion
64 BigInteger ToByteArray Method Converts a BigInteger value to a byte array
65 BigInteger ToString (IFormatProvider)
66 BigInteger ToString Method (String, IFormatProvider)
67 BigInteger TryParse Method (String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, BigInteger)
68 BigInteger TryParse Method Tries to convert string to BigInteger
69 Bit and operation for Byte
70 Boolean Parse converts string to Boolean
71 Boolean TryParse
72 Boolean TryParse tries to convert string to Boolean
73 Boolean value to Integer
74 Byte Equals Method returns a value indicating whether this instance and a specified Byte object represent the same value
75 Byte format
76 Byte MaxValue
77 Byte Structure Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer
78 Byte ToString (String) converts Byte to string using the specified format
79 Byte ToString converts Byte to string representation
80 Byte ToString converts Byte to string using the specified format and culture-specific formatting information
81 Byte ToString Method converts Byte to string using culture-specific formatting information
82 Byte TryParse
83 Byte TryParse converts string in a style and culture-specific format to Byte
84 Byte TryParse tries to convert string to Byte and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded
85 Byte value binary And operation
86 Byte value format
87 Call IsDefined with a variable of type PetType
88 Call IsDefined with combined value
89 Call IsDefined with invalid underlying integral value
90 Call IsDefined with string containing member name
91 Call IsDefined with uppercase member name
92 Call parse with default values of style and provider supporting tilde as negative sign
93 Call parse with only AllowHexSpecifier
94 Call parse with only AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite
95 Call parse with only NumberStyles None
96 Call TryParse with AllowHexSpecifier and a hex value
97 Call TryParse with AllowHexSpecifier and a negative hex value
98 Call TryParse with default values of style and provider
99 Call TryParse with NumberStyles Any and a provider for the fr-FR culture
100 Call TryParse with only AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite
101 Call TryParse with only NumberStyles None
102 Call TryParse with the default value of style and a provider supporting the tilde as negative sign
103 Calling the Compare method
104 Cast a Decimal to a complex number
105 Char CompareTo (Object)
106 Char ConvertFromUtf32 converts the specified Unicode code point into a UTF-16 encoded string
107 Char GetNumericValue converts numeric Unicode character to a double-precision floating point number
108 Char GetUnicodeCategory categorizes Unicode character into a group identified by one of the UnicodeCategory values
109 Char IsControl indicates whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a control character
110 Char IsControl tells whether the character is categorized as a control character
111 Char IsDigit
112 Char IsDigit Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a decimal digit
113 Char IsHighSurrogate Method tells whether the specified Char object is a high surrogate
114 Char IsLetter
115 Char IsLetter Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a Unicode letter
116 Char IsLetterOrDigit
117 Char IsLower
118 Char IsLower Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a lowercase letter
119 Char IsLowSurrogate() IsHighSurrogate() and IsSurrogatePair()
120 Char IsNumber Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a number
121 Char IsPunctuation
122 Char IsPunctuation Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a punctuation mark
123 Char IsSeparator Method (String, Int32) tells whether character at specified position is a separator character
124 Char IsSeparator Method tells whether specified Unicode character is categorized as a separator character
125 Char IsSurrogate tells whether the specified character has a surrogate code point
126 Char IsSymbol
127 Char IsSymbol Method tells whether the specified Unicode character is categorized as a symbol character
128 Char IsUpper
129 Char Structure
130 Char ToLower
131 Char ToString
132 Char ToString converts Unicode character to string
133 Char ToUpper
134 Char TryParse
135 Characters a surrogate pair
136 CharEnumerator Class supports iterating over a String
137 Check flag Enum combination
138 Check if the backend value is defined for an Enum
139 Combine Insert and IndexOf
140 Combine the flag enum values
141 Compare Double values with difference
142 Compare Integer value and output their relation
143 Compare String
144 Compare string with CompareOptions None
145 Compare strings with different culture settings
146 Compare strings with StringComparison enum
147 Compare the Complex values
148 Compare two boolean values
149 Compare two Byte values
150 Compare two Char values
151 Compare two Complex number values
152 Compare two DateTime values
153 Compare two Decimal values
154 Compare two Double values
155 Compare two Int16 numbers
156 Compare two Int32 values
157 Compare two Int64 values
158 Compare two Single values
159 Compare two string ignoring case
160 Compare two string values
161 Compare two Strings
162 Compare two strings case-sensitively
163 Compare two TimeSpan values
164 Compare two Version values
165 Compare With IgnoreCase and IgnoreSymbols
166 Compare With IgnoreSymbols
167 Compare with Int64 MaxValue
168 Compare With Ordinal
169 Compare With StringSort
170 Compare with UInt64 MaxValue
171 Compare with With IgnoreCase
172 Compares BigInteger to other data type
173 Compares substrings ignoring or honoring their case
174 Compares two strings using different CompareOptions settings
175 Compares two Strings using the specified comparison options and culture-specific information
176 Comparing strings
177 Complex Abs Method Gets the absolute value (or magnitude) of a complex number
178 Complex Acos Method Returns the angle that is the arc cosine of the specified complex number
179 Complex Add Method Adds two complex numbers and returns the result
180 Complex Addition Operator
181 Complex Asin Method Returns the angle that is the arc sine of the specified complex number
182 Complex Atan Method Returns the angle that is the arc tangent of the specified complex number
183 Complex Conjugate Method Computes the conjugate of a complex number and returns the result
184 Complex Divide Method Divides one complex number by another and returns the result
185 Complex Equals Method (Complex)
186 Complex Exp Method Returns e raised to the power specified by a complex number
187 Complex FromPolarCoordinates Creates a complex number from a points polar coordinates
188 Complex Imaginary Property Gets the imaginary component of the current Complex object
189 Complex ImaginaryOne Returns a Complex with a real number equal to zero and an imaginary number equal to one
190 Complex Log
191 Complex Multiply Method Returns the product of two complex numbers
192 Complex Negate Method Returns the additive inverse of a specified complex number
193 Complex number array
194 Complex Number calculation
195 Complex number format
196 Complex Pow
197 Complex Reciprocal Method Returns the multiplicative inverse of a complex number
198 Complex Sqrt
199 Complex Structure Represents a complex number
200 Complex Subtract Method Subtracts one complex number from another and returns the result
201 Complex ToString Method
202 Complex ToString Method (IFormatProvider)
203 Complex Zero Field Returns a Complex with a real number equal to zero and an imaginary number equal to zero
204 Concatenate string and int
205 Concatenate String with Integer into one String
206 Concatenate Strings
207 Concatenate the strings
208 Concatenate the strings and display the results
209 Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each member
210 Conversion from Double to Decimal can overflow
211 Conversion of a Double to a BigInteger
212 Conversion of a Single object to a BigInteger value
213 Convert BigInteger to Byte Array back and forth
214 Convert BigInteger to Double
215 Convert BigInteger to Integer
216 Convert BigInteger to String
217 Convert boolean to int value
218 Convert Boolean value To Int16
219 Convert byte array to BigInteger
220 Convert Byte to SByte
221 Convert Byte to String with default format
222 Convert Date to String
223 Convert Decimal to Integer
224 Convert Double MinValue to string
225 Convert Double to Byte
226 Convert Double to Byte with CByte
227 Convert Double to Integer
228 Convert Element in Enum to Integer
229 Convert Enum element to int and call ToString
230 Convert Enum to Int
231 Convert Enum value back and forth
232 Convert Enum value to string with ToString method
233 Convert Hex byte value to Hex string
234 Convert Integer to Byte
235 Convert Integer to Byte with CByte
236 Convert Integer to Byte with Convert
237 Convert Integer to its Binary, Octal, Hex forms
238 Convert Integer to String
239 Convert int value to Boolean value
240 Convert Long to Integer
241 Convert Long value to BigInteger
242 Convert long value to string 16 based
243 Convert negative value to byte array and then use it to create BigInteger
244 Convert SByte to Integer
245 Convert Short to byte array
246 Convert string to boolean
247 Convert String to Decimal
248 Convert string to lowercase
249 Convert String to lowercase using the casing rules of the invariant culture
250 Convert String to uppercase using the casing rules of the invariant culture
251 Convert string value to UInt64
252 Convert the Int16 value to a byte array
253 Convert the input from Console to Integer
254 Convert the lone UTF-16 character to a code point
255 Convert the surrogate pair in the string at index position zero to a code point
256 Convert to boolean then convert boolean to Byte
257 Convert to int back and forth
258 Convert to lowercase according to Culture settings
259 Convert to Upper case and Lower Case
260 Convert ToInt32 Demo
261 Convert ToInt32 Exception
262 Convert value read from console to Single value
263 Converts a base data type to another base data type
264 Converts a Decimal to a 16-bit signed integer
265 Converts a Decimal to a 32-bit signed integer
266 Converts a Decimal to a 64-bit signed integer
267 Converts a Decimal to a double-precision floating-point number
268 Converts a Decimal to an 8-bit unsigned integer
269 Converts a double-precision floating-point number to a Decimal
270 Converts a single-precision floating-point number to a Decimal
271 Converts an 8-bit unsigned integer to a Decimal
272 Converts Integer to string representation
273 Converts Integer to string using the specified culture-specific format information
274 Converts Integer to string using the specified format
275 Converts Integer to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
276 Converts string in a specified style and culture-specific format to 32-bit signed integer
277 Converts string in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent
278 Converts string in style and culture-specific format to double
279 Converts string to 32-bit signed integer equivalent
280 Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation
281 Converts the value of a 32-bit signed integer to its equivalent string representation in a specified base
282 Copies the characters to a Unicode character array
283 Create a Console Line by Repeating a Char
284 Create a hexadecimal value out of range of the Integer type
285 Create a negative hexadecimal value out of range of the Byte type
286 Create a negative hexadecimal value out of range of the Long type
287 Create a negative hexadecimal value out of range of the UInt16 type
288 Create a string from a character array
289 Create a string that consists of a character repeated 20 times
290 Create BigInteger from
291 Create BigInteger from long value
292 Create BigInteger structure using a 32-bit signed integer value
293 Create BigInteger structure using a 64-bit signed integer value
294 Create BigInteger structure using a double-precision floating-point value
295 Create BigInteger structure using a single-precision floating-point value
296 Create BigInteger structure using an unsigned 32-bit integer value
297 Create BigInteger structure using the values in a byte array
298 Create BigInteger using a Decimal value
299 Create BigInteger with an unsigned 64-bit integer value
300 Create Complex structure using real and imaginary values
301 Create Decimal from specified 32-bit unsigned integer
302 Create Decimal from specified 64-bit unsigned integer
303 Create new Complex number from Double MinValue and Double MaxValue
304 Create StreamWriter for Unicode encoding
305 Create Tuple with New operator
306 Creates a new 1-tuple, or singleton
307 CultureInfo Class provides information about a specific culture
308 CultureInfo CurrentCulture Property gets the CultureInfo that represents the culture used by the current thread
309 CultureInfo(en-us) and Double format
310 CultureInfo(en-us) and Integer format
311 CultureInfo(en-us) Double format
312 CultureInfo(en-us) Double value format
313 CultureInfos English Name and
314 Culture-sensitive test for equality
315 Custom double value format
316 Custom format with ToString
317 Custome double value format
318 Custome number format
319 Customer Formatter
320 Data type
321 Date format
322 Date value format
323 DateTime TryParse
324 Decimal Ceiling Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number
325 Decimal Compare Method Compares two specified Decimal values
326 Decimal CompareTo Compares this instance to a specified Object
327 Decimal Constructor
328 Decimal Constructor (Double)
329 Decimal Constructor (Single)
330 Decimal format
331 Decimal FromOACurrency Method Converts an OLE Automation Currency value to the equivalent Decimal value
332 Decimal GetBits Method Converts Decimal to binary representation
333 Decimal Parse Method Converts string to Decimal using the specified style and culture-specific format
334 Decimal Round Method Rounds a Decimal value to a specified number of decimal places
335 Decimal ToByte Method Converts the value of the specified Decimal to the equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer
336 Decimal ToDouble Method Converts Decimal to double
337 Decimal ToInt16 Method Converts Decimal to 16-bit signed integer
338 Decimal ToInt32 Method Converts Decimal to 32-bit signed integer
339 Decimal ToInt64 Method Converts Decimal to 64-bit signed integer
340 Decimal ToOACurrency Method Converts Decimal to OLE Automation Currency value
341 Decimal ToString
342 Decimal ToString Method
343 Decimal ToString Method Converts Decimal to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
344 Decimal TryParse
345 Decimal TryParse Method (String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Decimal)
346 Decimal TryParse Method Converts string to Decimal
347 Define and use Array Integer
348 Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance beginning at a specified position
349 Demonstrates IsSymbol
350 Demonstrating StartsWith and EndsWith methods
351 Display Byte Value as Binary, Octal and Hex Numbers
352 Display Byte value with 3 digits and leading zeros
353 Display byte value with four hexadecimal digits
354 Display byte value with hexadecimal
355 Display contents of charArray
356 Display Integer Value in Binary Octal and Hex forms
357 Display negative value using the de-DE culture
358 Display negative value using the en-GB culture
359 Display negative value using the invariant culture
360 Display positive value using the de-DE culture
361 Display positive value using the en-GB culture
362 Display positive value using the invariant culture
363 Display the first part of a string
364 Display the length of the string
365 Display value as hexadecimal
366 Display value using default formatting
367 Display value with 1 decimal digit
368 Display value with 3 digits and leading zeros
369 Display value with eight hexadecimal digits
370 Divides one BigInteger value by another and returns the result
371 Divides two specified Decimal values
372 Double
373 Double data Calculation and Format
374 Double Epsilon Field Represents the smallest positive Double value that is greater than zero This field is constant
375 Double Equals Method
376 Double format
377 Double number format
378 Double Parse Method
379 Double Structure Represents a double-precision floating-point number
380 Double ToString Method
381 Double ToString Method and Number format
382 Double ToString Method Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation
383 Double ToString(#####)
384 Double ToString(P,CultureInfo CreateSpecificCulture(hr-HR))
385 Double ToString(P1, CultureInfo InvariantCulture)
386 Double TryParse
387 Double TryParse Method (String, Double) Converts string to double-precision floating-point number
388 Double value calculation
389 Double value format
390 Double value Format Strings
391 Double value Numeric Format Strings
392 Double variable
393 Encode the original string using the ASCII encoder
394 Encoding Class represents a character encoding
395 Enum Class provides the base class for enumerations
396 Enum CompareTo compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values
397 Enum data Demo
398 Enum Equals Method returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object
399 Enum Format Method converts enumerated type to string representation according to the specified format
400 Enum GetName Method retrieves the name of the constant in the specified enumeration that has the specified value
401 Enum GetNames Method retrieves an array of the names of the constants in a specified enumeration
402 Enum GetValues Method retrieves an array of the values of the constants in a specified enumeration
403 Enum HasFlag Method tells whether one or more bit fields are set in the current instance
404 Enum IsDefined Method tells whether a constant with a specified value exists in a specified enumeration
405 Enum Parse Method converts string to an enumerated object
406 Enum Parse Method converts string to enumerated object
407 Enum parse String value to Enum
408 Enum Temperatures
409 Enum ToString Method converts enum to string using the specified format
410 Enum ToString Method converts the value to string representation
411 Enum TryParse(TEnum) converts string to enumerated object
412 Enum value format
413 Enum value ToString
414 Enumeration Format Strings
415 Equals comparison for Enum value
416 Explicit Conversions
417 Explicit Decimal to BigInteger conversion
418 Extract the second word
419 Find string with different StringComparison
420 Finds the greatest common divisor of two BigInteger values
421 Flag Enum values
422 FlagsAttribute Indicates that an enumeration can be treated as a bit field; that is, a set of flags
423 Format a DateTime
424 Format BigInteger
425 Format Byte to Binary, Octal and Hex string
426 Format Date by different Culture
427 Format Date value
428 Format Date with D
429 Format Date with different Culture
430 Format Double value with G
431 Format Double value with N
432 Format Double value with P
433 Format Enum
434 Format Enum value to String
435 Format escape
436 Format Float as currecy with C
437 Format Float as Decimal with D
438 Format Float as Fixed point with F
439 Format Float as Scientific with E
440 Format with custom character
441 Four ways to declare Characters
442 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Boolean value
443 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Byte value
444 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Char value
445 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Decimal value
446 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Double value
447 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Int16 value
448 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Int32 value
449 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Int64 value
450 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Single value
451 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for String value
452 Get Enum underline type
453 Get Enum value names
454 Get Enum values
455 Get Long MinValue
456 Get sub string
457 Hex integer format
458 Implements IFormatProvider
459 Implements IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter
460 Implements the generic IComparable
461 Implicit conversion of a 16-bit signed integer to a complex number
462 Implicit conversion of a 16-bit unsigned integer to a complex number
463 Implicit conversion of a 32-bit signed integer to a complex number
464 Implicit conversion of a 32-bit unsigned integer to a complex number
465 Implicit conversion of a 64-bit signed integer to a complex number
466 Implicit conversion of a 64-bit unsigned integer to a complex number
467 Implicit conversion of a double-precision floating-point number to a complex number
468 Implicit conversion of a signed byte to a complex number
469 Implicit conversion of a single-precision floating-point number to a complex number
470 Implicit conversion of an unsigned byte to a complex number
471 Implicit Conversions
472 IndexOf to locate a substring in a string
473 IndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array
474 Initializes a new instance of Decimal to the value of the specified 64-bit signed integer
475 Insert Boolean to StringBuilder
476 Insert char to StringBuilder
477 Insert xByte to StringBuilder
478 Insert xInt16 to StringBuilder
479 Instantiate a complex number from its polar coordinates
480 Int Long conversion
481 Int16 TryParse
482 Int16 TryParse(String, NumberStyles, IFormatProvider, Int16%) method with a number of different string values
483 Int32 CompareTo Method
484 Int32 Equals Method
485 Int32 MaxValue Field Represents the largest possible value of an Int32 This field is constant
486 Int32 Parse Method (String, NumberStyles) Converts string to 32-bit signed integer equivalent
487 Int32 Parse Method Converts string to 32-bit signed integer equivalent
488 Int32 Structure Represents a 32-bit signed integer
489 Int32 TryParse
490 Int64 TryParse
491 Integer
492 Integer calculation
493 Integer format
494 Integer Initialize and assignment
495 Integer Value Demo
496 Integer variables
497 Is each of the following characters a high surrogate
498 Is each of the following characters a low surrogate
499 Is Long value signed
500 Is Punctuation and Is WhiteSpace
501 Is Surrogate Pair
502 Large Integer format
503 LastIndexOf to find a character in a string
504 LastIndexOf to find a substring in a string
505 LastIndexOfAny to find first occurrence of character in array
506 Long and Single Number
507 Negative double value format
508 Number format
509 Number format and Culture info
510 NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint
511 NumberStyles AllowDecimalPoint Or NumberStyles AllowThousands
512 NumberStyles AllowLeadingSign
513 NumberStyles AllowLeadingWhite Or NumberStyles AllowTrailingWhite
514 NumberStyles AllowParentheses Or NumberStyles AllowTrailingSign Or NumberStyles Float Or NumberStyles AllowThousands
515 Or operation on Flag enum value
516 Ordinal test for equality
517 Output the enum underline values
518 Parse a currency value with leading and trailing white space, and white space after the U S currency symbol
519 Parse a floating-point value with a currency symbol and a thousands separator
520 Parse a floating-point value with a thousands separator
521 Parse a negative integer number
522 Parse a negative integer value
523 Parse a string in exponential notation with only the AllowExponent flag
524 Parse a string in exponential notation with the AllowExponent and Number flags
525 Parse a string read from console to Double
526 Parse currency value using en-GB culture
527 Parse Hex number in string to Integer and catch OverflowException
528 Parse Hex Number String to Byte
529 Parse Hex Number string to Integer
530 Parse Hex number to BigInteger
531 Parse Hex string to Byte
532 Parse Hex String to Integer
533 Parse negative value with thousands separator and decimal
534 Parse string to BigInteger
535 Parse string to Byte
536 Parse string to Byte as System Globalization NumberStyles HexNumber
537 Parse String to Date with various Culture settings
538 Parse string to double value
539 Parse string to Integer
540 Parse string using $ as the currency symbol for en-GB and en-us cultures
541 Parse string using as the thousands separator and as the decimal separator
542 Parse string with white space and sign to BigInteger
543 Parse value in exponential notation
544 Parse value with trailing sign
545 Pass byte array to the BigInteger constructor
546 Perform a string sort using the current culture
547 Perform a string sort using the current culture with custom comparer
548 Perform a word sort using the current (en-US) culture
549 Perform a word sort using the invariant culture
550 Perform an ordinal sort
551 Positive double value format
552 Reference Double MaxValue
553 Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of characters
554 Removes all leading and trailing white-space characters from the current String object
555 Removes all trailing occurrences of a set of characters
556 Replace the string occurance
557 Represents an arbitrarily large signed integer
558 Restore the BigInteger value from a Byte array
559 Retrieves a substring
560 Retrieves a substring which starts at a specified character position and has a specified length
561 Sample for Enum ToString(String)
562 Sample for String Compare(String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
563 Sample for String Intern(String)
564 Sample for String LastIndexOfAny(Char[])
565 SByte MaxValue represents the largest possible value of SByte
566 SByte Parse converts string in a culture-specific format to its 8-bit signed integer
567 SByte Parse converts string in a style to 8-bit signed integer equivalent
568 SByte Parse converts string number to 8-bit signed integer
569 SByte Parse Method converts string is in a style and culture-specific format to 8-bit signed equivalent
570 SByte ToString converts its string using the specified culture-specific format information
571 SByte ToString converts to string representation using the specified format
572 SByte ToString Method converts to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
573 SByte TryParse
574 SByte TryParse tries to convert string in a style and culture-specific format to SByte
575 SByte TryParse tries to convert string to SByte equivalent
576 Search string with IndexOf
577 Single Epsilon Field represents the smallest positive Single value that is greater than zero
578 Single Equals returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object
579 Single Parse converts string in a style to its single-precision floating-point number
580 Single Parse Method converts string in a style and culture-specific format to single-precision floating-point number
581 Single Parse Method converts string to single-precision floating-point number
582 Single ToString converts single value to string representation using the specified format
583 Single ToString converts this instance to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
584 Single ToString converts value to string using the specified culture-specific format information
585 Single TryParse
586 Single TryParse converts string in a style and culture-specific format to single-precision floating-point number
587 Single TryParse Method converts string to single-precision floating-point number
588 Single value format
589 Single value parse
590 Sort a string with your own IComparer definition
591 Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements
592 Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements
593 Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements
594 Split by ControlChars Tab
595 Split string into string and empty string
596 Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements
597 Split with string arrays
598 Standard format specifiers
599 Standard Numeric Format Strings
600 Standard Numeric Format Strings for negative value
601 Standard Numeric Format Strings for positive value
602 String
603 String Chars Property gets the Char object at a specified position in the current String object
604 String class Concat method
605 String Class Represents text as a series of Unicode characters
606 String compare
607 String Compare Method compares substrings of two specified String
608 String CompareOrdinal
609 String Concat
610 String concatenation
611 String Constructor
612 String Contains Method returns a value indicating whether the specified String object occurs within this string
613 String Copy
614 String CopyTo Method
615 String ends with
616 String EndsWith (String, StringComparison)
617 String Equals (String)
618 String Equals Demo
619 String Equals Method
620 String Equals(Object), String Equals(String), String Equals(String, String)
621 String Format (IFormatProvider, String, Object[])
622 String Format (String, Object, Object)
623 String Format Method (IFormatProvider, String, Object[])
624 String Format Method (String, Object)
625 String GetEnumerator
626 String GetHashCode Method
627 String GetTypeCode Method returns the TypeCode for class String
628 String IndexOf and Insert
629 String IndexOf and Insert at a position
630 String Insert
631 String InStr
632 String IsNullOrEmpty
633 String interpreted as hexadecimal
634 String Join Method
635 String LastIndexOfAny Method (Char[])
636 String Length Property gets the number of characters in the current String object
637 String Object
638 String PadLeft
639 String PadLeft Method (Int32)
640 String PadLeft Method (Int32, Char)
641 String PadRight
642 String PadRight Method (Int32, Char)
643 String properties Length and Chars and method CopyTo of class String
644 String Remove
645 String Replace (Char, Char)
646 String Replace (String, String)
647 String Replace Demo
648 String Split
649 String Split (Char[], StringSplitOptions) (System)_VB htm
650 String Split (String[], StringSplitOptions)
651 String Split Method (Char[])
652 String Split Method (Char[], Int32)
653 String Split Method (Char[], Int32, StringSplitOptions)
654 String Substring method
655 String ToCharArray method
656 String ToLower and ToUpper
657 String ToString method
658 String ToUpper
659 String ToUpper (CultureInfo)
660 String Trim method
661 StringBuilder Class Represents a mutable string of characters
662 StringSplitOptions RemoveEmptyEntries
663 Sub string with only one parameter
664 Temperature class stores the value as Double and delegates most of the functionality to the Double implementation
665 The days of the week, and their corresponding values in the Days Enum
666 The length of the string
667 ToString(G, CultureInfo InvariantCulture)
668 ToString(G2, CultureInfo InvariantCulture)
669 ToString(G5, CultureInfo InvariantCulture)
670 ToString(N, CultureInfo InvariantCulture)
671 ToString(N1,CultureInfo CreateSpecificCulture(sv-SE))
672 Trim String space
673 Try to Parse DateTime by using different cultures
674 TryParseExact
675 Tuple Class provides static methods for creating tuple objects
676 Tuple Create(T1, T2) creates a new 2-tuple, or pair
677 Tuple Create(T1, T2, T3) Method creates a new 3-tuple, or triple
678 Tuple Create(T1, T2, T3, T4) Method creates a new 4-tuple, or quadruple
679 Tuple(T1, T2) Class represents a 2-tuple, or pair
680 Two ways to concatenate strings
681 Two ways to copy strings
682 UInt16 TryParse
683 UInt32 TryParse
684 UInt64 MaxValue
685 UInt64 TryParse
686 Use Char IsPunctuation and Char IsWhiteSpace to split words
687 Use CInt to convert Double to Integer
688 Use CInt to convert long to Integer
689 Use Convert class to convert Integer to Byte
690 Use CType to convert double to BigInteger
691 Use Double Parse to parse double string value
692 Use Enum to define Access Level
693 Use NumberFormatInfo to parse a BigInteger
694 Use String Equals methods
695 Use the Mid function to replace within the string
696 Use the Min method to return and display the smaller of two UInt64 variables
697 Use the Sign(Byte) method to determine the sign of a byte value and display it to the console
698 Use the Sign(Decimal) method to determine the sign of a Decimal value and display it to the console
699 Use the Sign(Double) method to determine the sign of a Double value and display it to the console
700 Use the Sign(Integer) method to determine the sign of an Integer value and display it to the console
701 Use the Sign(Long) method to determine the sign of a Long value and display it to the console
702 Use the Sign(SByte) method to determine the sign of a SByte value and display it to the console
703 Use the Sign(Single) method to determine the sign of a Single value and display it to the console
704 Use the simple Double TryParse overload, but specify an invalid value
705 Use TryParse to parse string value to Enum
706 Using Int32 MaxValue
707 Using String searching methods
708 Using type to convert integer to Enum
709 Using UInt64 MaxValue
710 Using Val to convert string to integer
711 Validate an Integer
712 Value convert
713 Value type and Reference type
714 Write the BigInteger value to a byte array