Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim string1 As String
Dim characterArray As Char()
Dim i As Integer
Dim quotes As Char = ChrW(34)
string1 = "hello there"
characterArray = New Char(5) {}
Console.WriteLine( "string1: " & quotes & string1 )
Console.WriteLine( " test Length property ")
Console.WriteLine( "Length of string1: " & string1.Length )
Console.WriteLine( " loop through characters in string1 and display reversed ")
Console.WriteLine( "The string reversed is: ")
For i = string1.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
Console.WriteLine( string1.Chars(i) )
Console.WriteLine( " copy characters from string1 into characterArray ")
string1.CopyTo(0, characterArray, 0, 5)
Console.WriteLine( "The character array is: " )
For i = 0 To characterArray.GetUpperBound(0)
Console.WriteLine( characterArray(i) )
End Sub ' Main
End Class