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MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Word 100 codes
VisualBasic Script
1 Activate window by name
2 Active document paragraph
3 Add a word document
4 Adding a Column to a Table
5 Adding a Row to a Table
6 Adding Page Numbers to One or More Sections of a Document
7 Adds a new-page section to the active document, placing it before the second paragraph
9 Bookmarks can also be used as markers for bringing in charts created in Excel
10 Change the document view to normal view
11 Change the document view to print view
12 Change the document view to reading view
13 Change the document view to wdMasterView
14 Change the document view to wdWebView
15 Changes all bold formatting in the open document named Example doc to italic formatting
16 Changes the view for Sample doc to Print Layout view
17 Changing the formatting of entire paragraphs is to change the style
18 Changing the Page Numbering for a Section
19 Changing the Page Setup
20 Check the current document count
21 Check the word version
22 Checking to See if a Header or Footer Exists
23 Checks the number of rows and columns in the selection
24 Close a document
25 Closing All Windows but the First for a Document
26 Converting a Table or Rows to Text
27 Converts the current selection to a five-column table, separating the information at commas
28 Creating a Different First-Page Header
29 Creating Different Odd- and Even-Page Headers
30 Creating Page X of Y Page Numbers
31 Declare the HeaderFooter object variable myHeader and assign to it the primary header in the first section in the active document
32 Declare the variable tempTable and then select the first table in the document named Log doc and assign its Range object to tempTable
33 Define a Range
34 Defining a Named Range
35 Delete the column in which the range testRange ends if the range is more than one column wide
36 Deletes the first cell in the first row of the first table in the active document and shifts the other cells in the first row to the
37 Deleting a Column from a Table
38 Deleting a Row from a Table
39 Deleting Cells
40 Entering Text in a Cell
41 Finding Out if a Section of a Document Has Page Numbers
42 Finding Out Where the Selection Is in the Table
43 Format a Range
44 Formatting Page Numbers
45 Generating Word 2000 data from an Excel VBA program
46 Getting to the Header or Footer
47 Inserting a Cell
48 Inserts a new, blank, non-autofitting table containing 10 rows and 5 columns at the current position of the insertion point in the ac
49 Linking to the Header or Footer in the Previous Section
50 Load contact table from Access and create letter in Word
51 Loop through the Documents
52 Making Sure an Item Is Displayed in the Window
53 Making Sure the Selection Is within a Table
54 Move Selection left
55 Open an Existing Document
56 Open MS-word and format the text
57 Opening a New Window Containing an Open Document
58 Print a document with all the default print settings
59 Removing Page Numbers from One or More Sections of a Document
60 Replace all pairs of paragraph marks in the active document, you could search for ^p^p and replace it with ^p
61 Returning the Text within a Cell
62 Save a document
63 Save active document
64 Save Changes to a Document
65 Save document as
66 Select the PageNumber object and then apply formatting to it as you would any other selection
67 Selecting a Column
68 Selecting a Range of Cells
69 Selecting a Row
70 Selecting a Table in the active document
71 Selects the first table in the current selection
72 Set the Height property of the row or rows in question by specifying the height in points
73 Setting the Height of One or More Rows
74 Setting the Range and Pages arguments of the PrintOut method
75 Setting the Width of a Column
76 Strip Hyperlinks Bookmarks Fields
77 Strip off the last two characters when assigning the Text property to a string
78 Suppressing the Page Number for the First Page
79 The Range object selects paragraphs
80 The SetWidth method sets the width of one or more columns and specify how the other columns in the table should change as a result.tx
81 The Width property lets you change the width of a column without worrying about the effect on the other columns Specify the width you
82 The Word object thats created is invisible If youd like to see the object while its being manipulated, set its Visible property to Tr
83 To add the chapter number to the page numbers, use heading numbering in your document, set the IncludeChapterNumber property to True,
84 To close a specific document, you can close the active document or you can specify a document name
85 To create a new document that uses a specific template, use this
86 To maximize, minimize, or restore a window, set its WindowState property to wdWindowStateMaximize, wdWindowStateMinimize, or wdWindow
87 To save a document with a new name, use the SaveAs method
88 Turning Off Track Changes
89 TypeText method inserts text into a Word document
90 Uppercase the first three words at the start of a document
91 Use the ConvertToText method with a Table object, a Row object, or a Rows collection
92 Uses errors to learn whether Word is already open before pasting a chart at the end of a document If not, it opens Word and creates a
93 Using a variable named curSel to restore the selection it collapses, unless collapsing the selection leaves the selection at an end-o
94 Using the Duplicate Property to Store or Copy Formatting
95 WdDeleteCellsEntireRow deletes the whole row
96 WdDeleteCellsShiftLeft moves cells across to the left to fill the gap
97 WdDeleteCellsShiftUp moves cells up to fill the gap
98 WdEndOfRangeColumnNumber returns the number of the column in which the end of the selection or range falls
99 WdStartOfRangeColumnNumber returns the number of the column in which the beginning of the selection or range falls
100 Zooming the View to Display Multiple Pages